Trends in Tourism is focus of forum


This year’s annual spring South Shore tourism forum is titled Trends in Tourism. On April 26 from 3-5pm Ralf Garrison and Emilyn Sheffield will present current statistics and trends to inform tourism and hospitality operations for the future.

Among the topics to be presented are differences in how the younger “wired” and ethnic visitors will connect with recreation in addition to a discussion on what types of accommodation units and amenities are most important to these growing market segments. Additionally, a “Millennial Team” of 20 college students from CSU Chico’s Recreation and Hospitality Program will be participating. They will present a report card to the community of their pre-arrival research, expectations and experiences.

There will be numerous opportunities for: hosting the students, secret shoppers and future intern potential. If you are interested in learning more about the student opportunities, contact Carol Chaplin at or B Gorman at

The event is at Harveys in Stateline.

Cost is $15 for Lake Tahoe South Shore Chamber of Commerce members and $25 for non-members. Price includes entrance to the mixer immediately following the forum.


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Comments (16)
  1. JoeStirumup says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    My recommendation when it comes to Traveling into the Tahoe area is simple.

    Don’t spend to much time in South Lake Tahoe.

    For one thing, Gestopo ‘esk police in the city and same with the sherrifs in El Dorado County. I’ll never forget the way they raided my street on the first snowstorm of 2010 – five cars towed that Saturday by 9 AM.

    Now you can say thems the rules,

    I say stay away!

    Not a friendly place. And I’ll say it for years to come.

    I also found the merchant and restaurant service to be far from favorable…

    SLT, you have a very bad reputation and I think it was earned.

  2. 30yrlocal says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    There are those of us that care about creating an atmosphere that is both favorable to our local residents and our visitors. Too bad you’re so disgruntled Joe, but I’ve been here a long time and have never experienced what you’re complaining about.

    We value our guests and want them to return. Not everyone can be happy but we can sure try our best. I am seeing many strides towards making this a much better place to be.

  3. biggerpicture says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    South shore has the highest peaks, the best hiking and mountain biking trails, the best beaches, the best fishing, five marinas, a fully accredited community college, one of the biggest ski resorts in California accessed from anywhere in town within minutes, reasonable cost of living compared to most other resort towns in the US, An extremely temperate climate for a high alpine setting, gaming and nightlife, a full service hospital, road snow removal that compares to none, and a generally wonderful place to live and visit!

    Oh yes, I almost forgot, the home to a stodgy old naysayer hellbent on being a negative Nellie with nary a positive word or idea! Way to go …

  4. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    You need to find your happy place, and it doesn’t appear to be here in SLT. Your continual criticisms and negativity about everything and everyone in this town makes me wonder why you remain here. Perhaps you’d be happier living elsewhere in a different town/city/community that can better meet your apparent high standards.

  5. John says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    4-mer, he claims to have already moved but has made this forum his lifes mission.

  6. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    If he’s actually no longer living in SLT then perhaps he needs to focus on his life where he’s living now.

  7. John says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    Bigger, there are not really five marinas. In 2009 the city closed trailer parking on Venice and took away the last good boat launch in South Lake.

    So in a way Joe does have points, the City has done everything in their power to make this a tough place to live.

  8. biggerpicture says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    John, Camp Rich, Tahoe keys, Timber Cove, Ski Run, Lakeside. Unless we’re doing new math that’s five.

  9. Tahoeadvocate says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    John, help me understand what a good boat launch is. I know that Lakeside is open even at the natural rim water depth when most others have closed.

  10. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    fun for cheap

    thats how the town blossomed in the hay days

    were going to be like Aspen, remember that slogan

    America’s all year playground that’s the one to use

  11. JoeStirumup says - Posted: March 25, 2012


    You’re delusional!

    You have got to be kidding me right?

    You are going to be like Aspen – in your dreams.

    Aspen is a comparatively financially healthy, economically stable community with class.

    South Lake Tahoe on the other hand is a financially bankrupt, economically collapsing run down crap trap.

  12. Passion4Tahoe says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    Yes, Chief Slowroller is right!

    America’s all-year playground. It used to be on the front page of the Tribune, on the City’s letterhead, and the local radio stations recited it at the top of each hour.

    This simple slogan told everyone – visitor and resident alike – that there is always something to do here.

    This town needs to go back to its roots and develop a common vision.

  13. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    You’re delusional!
    You have got to be kidding me right?

    Another example of Joe not being guilty of attcking someone elses post!

    Definition of HYPOCRITE:
    a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

  14. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    that there is always something to do here.
    Then why aren’t out there doing it?

  15. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    I find your constant referrals to SLT as a crap town tiresome and offensive. I have a lot of personal friends and acquaintances who also live and work in SLT who depend on tourism for their livelihood and your degradation of our community is an insult to all of us residents who choose to make SLT their home. You’ve done a good job of being a “Stirumup” however I think the time is overdue for you move on to something else, try to find some happiness in your own life, or possibly seek help.

  16. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: March 25, 2012

    joe is must not been a good day for writting tickets,pop too busy for a lap dance.
    Maybe joe the plumber can help him out?