STPUD ratepayer info to remain confidential


On a 4-1 vote, the South Tahoe Public Utility District board decided not to release ratepayer information to the Citizens Alliance for Responsible Government.

John Runnels, one of the most vocal members of the group, in January first approached the board about wanting addresses for water and sewer customers. The voted was pushed out to March 15 when all five board members would be present.

Runnels spoke at the meeting this week for the need to be able to deliver unbiased information to ratepayers, saying what comes from the district is tainted.

In particular Runnels and his group want to send info to ratepayers about Proposition 218 – the state law that mandates public utility districts notify customers when rates may be increasing. Such a notice will be in the mail to STPUD customers next week. Runnels has called  the district’s information proganda.

Also speaking at the meeting Thursday for the need to release the ratepayer info was John Cefalu. It was his son and board member Chris Cefalu who was the lone vote to release the data.

“The law requires that for an agency to release customer data they must make the finding that the public benefit must clearly outweigh the negative and the board could not make that finding,” Dennis Cocking, South Tahoe PUD spokesman told Lake Tahoe News.

In the past Runnels had publicly stated the district intentionally provided misinformation. He was asked to provide the documentation. He was unable to do so.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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This article was written by admin


Comments (24)
  1. dogwoman says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    “In particular Runnels and his group want to send propaganda to ratepayers about Proposition 218 –”

    Why, when you agree with it, you call it information, but when you disagree, it is called propoganda?

  2. HANG UPS FROM WAY BACK says - Posted: March 17, 2012


  3. Ken Curtzwiler says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    Propaganda is a word the author chose to shed a negative light on what it is Mr. Runnels is trying to do. According to Prop 218 STPUD must send out a notice of a rate increase along with a questioneer that the owner must send back with either a yes or no. If the homeowner does not send the notice back in it will count as a yes vote. 51% of the owners must vote no and send the notice back or STPUD will assume there is no opposition to another rate increase and our rates will increase without a ballot vote. Mr. Runnels just wants to ensure that every one of the owners understands this procedure. He could get the records from the county just as easily but in forcing the issue into the public arena he has shown just how uncooperative STPUD is. The ONLY way for a rate increase NOT to happen is for 51% of the homeowners to send in their NO vote, a non vote is a YES vote. Can you imagine if they had to go before the voters in an election and ask for a rate increase? They would have to tell everyone that rate increases are the only way to justify and increase wage and health benefits which are coming soon, again.

  4. Hangs Ups From Way Back says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    Sorry ,too much pushing snow all night,that’s NOT GOING TO HAPPEN SKI!

  5. Curious says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    Do people that own more than one home get to have multiple votes?

  6. earl zitts says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    And guess who has an ad on this page. To error is human to forgive devine. I’m hoping LTN stays reasonably journalistic and not propagandistic.

  7. Paul says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    Thanks Runnels… Glad to see someone looking out for the ratepayers. I am blown away at the level of COLA and pay raises they get. Most other agencies stop colas and raises during hard economic times, not stpud ….. Like clockwork they Are always getting raises…. At our expense..

  8. lou pierini says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    How about the free fire protection for people on wells that live in STPUD service area for water? Free water, can anyone explain that?

  9. Info says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    Thanks STPUD for not releasing my info. Thanks John for keeping on top of things. Thanks LTN for reporting on this.

  10. Rhonda McFarlane says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    I am all for community involvement in our local government and wish more people could attend the STPUD meetings like you do.

    I just am curious who else you represent besides yourself. Why don’t you take the lead and give us all the contact information for your Citizens Alliance for Responsible Government members? When do you meet? Who are your group’s officers? I haven’t noticed any public postings inviting the rest of us to join your group or meetings.

    Personally I safeguard my privacy and would not like my contact information passed on to you or anyone else that requests it.


  11. lou pierini says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    ya all, its to late for privacy, there is none, via 1984 he told us.

  12. Steven says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    Hey Kenny, aka skibum, you must be off the s list, your comments are posting again. Good for you.

  13. Steve says - Posted: March 17, 2012

    The Citizens Alliance for Responsible Government hasn’t met in years.

    Even though I think STPUD spends money like it grows on trees and given their large, fixed, somewhat inactive base of customers, there is no excuse for their fiscal imprudence and high rates, I nevertheless do not consent to my contact information being handed out to anyone who asks.

  14. Ronnie Williams says - Posted: April 1, 2012

    John cry baby/skiterd Kenny/Dale watch dog at the local 711.I don’t think the people at stpud have not had raise in a few years no cola not anything. you guys need to get on with your life’s your like a broken record we are all sick of you three.People all over the country read your winning letters and bad talk about stpud. try looking in the mirror that’s who you should be bad mouthing.grow up three stooges because that is what you look like. MOE/LARRY CURLY.Your the joke of lake tahoe.

  15. Dale Rise says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    Ronnie willians is a 30 year union employee of stpud. His sister is also a 30+ year employee in addition to his brother-in-law, Mr. Willians lives in Gardnerville NV. So, he does not pay stpud rates and spends his money in another state! There is no nepotisim at stpud! Oh by the way his sister is the head steward for the union local 39. I guess stpud employees do not consider large increases in their medical pkgs and cal-pers as raises, but the rate payers have to pay it

  16. lou pierini says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    Has free fire protection for people on wells in STPUDs service area been addressed yet?

  17. Teatotal says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    After attempting to read Mr. Williams post on this subject, I must agree with Dale Rise that Ronnie is obviously a long-time employee of stpud.

  18. Robert says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    I don’t know much about STPUD’s employees wages but I think Ronnie Willimas has one thing right
    MOE/LARRY & CURLY the joke’s of Tahoe

  19. Ken Curtzwiler says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    Once again Robert I have to say Thanks. I appreciate you and your candid opinions. Also thanks Mr. Williams for bringing this subject to the public eye when it was actually confidential. As far as the 7-11 comment it is true that a board member observed several employees going to 7-11 during working hours in the morning and I was asked to print it which I did not. I did not think it was worth reporting as it is a common occurrence around town. It was however, by the board member, brought to the attention of the General Manager in confidence and privately to avoid bad publicity and worsen public relations. I guess the General Manager saw fit to tell the employees so they could post what goofs we are. So I have to ask Mr. Williams which one am I? I would prefer Curly, Moe or Larry rather than skiterd but anyone of them would do.

  20. Ken Curtzwiler says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    I also can’t help but notice that Mr. Williams is posting his comments on company time.

  21. Harold Krammer says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    Lets stop insulting the Three Stooges and call them what they are,LOSERS. We didnt vote for you,GO AWAY.

  22. Robert says - Posted: April 2, 2012

    Sorry it’s LARRY! but wait Harold
    has it right LOSER!

  23. longtimelocal says - Posted: April 3, 2012

    Mr. Curtzwiler if you look at the date and time posted for Mr. Williams was he working at almost ten in the evening on Sunday night?