Don’t depend on a doctor being at sporting events


By Erin Beresini, Outside

Peter Hass had been running for about two hours when he collapsed at the finish line of San Francisco’s Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon last February. The race’s only medical team, which included chiropractors but no M.D.’s, had been called away to deal with another emergency, so a doctor who happened to be running the race performed CPR. Meanwhile, the race announcer issued calls for help over the loudspeaker. The nearest city paramedics arrived 22 minutes later. By the time they reached the 36-year-old Hass, it was too late.

Last year, 13 Americans died during running races, and another eight while competing in triathlons. While those numbers might seem troubling, the deaths are attributable mostly to the booming popularity of endurance sports—13 million Americans enter running races each year, and 2.3 million compete in triathlons. But the rising participation and the proportional death toll—especially in cases like Hass’s—highlight the need for quality medical care at these events. And usually that care comes from volunteer doctors.

At least it used to. More and more doctors are refusing to donate their services, and it’s for one frustrating reason: they can’t get medical-malpractice insurance. Most doctors’ insurers typically won’t issue one-day policy riders for sporting events, and race organizers haven’t stepped up to offer alternative coverage. After the 2008 Ironman World Championships, volunteer medical director Franklin Marcus famously resigned because race organizers had refused to offer coverage.

While some doctors are still willing to volunteer, many events have been dangerously understaffed. Kathy Matejka, event-services director for USA Triathlon (USAT), the official governing body of the sport in the U.S., acknowledged that doctors have been unable or unwilling to take on the risk of volunteer service absent the umbrella of malpractice coverage. The result “was compromised medical support in some instances.”

The truth is, individual physicians may not have much to fear. Outside was unable to find any American doctor who’d been named in an event-related lawsuit. This is because plaintiffs typically go after race organizers, who have deeper pockets.

But while the risk of lawsuits may be overblown, the threat of not having enough qualified doctors on hand is very real. One man attempting to fix the problem is George Chiampas, president of the World Road Race Medical Society and medical director for the Chicago Marathon since 2007. Chiampas, who notes that Good Samaritan laws cover doctors only if they’re bystanding fans and not official event volunteers, teamed with USA Track and Field and sports insurance company ESIX to create policies specifically for volunteer medical teams. Beginning in 2009, all five major U.S. marathons — Chicago, New York, Twin Cities, Boston, and Houston—bought the plan, at a cost of $50 to $60 per doctor. USAT began offering the program last year.

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Comments (5)
  1. Tahoeadvocate says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    The problem is the sue happy society we have become. A good samaritan who tries to help someone should not be sued. We’ve turned a “help your brother and sister” mentality into one which says “I’ll get rich by suing you”. Ergo, people now walk past others in need rather than risk losing everything through a lawsuit.

  2. SmedleyButler says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    For profit health care at it’s finest. We are the Only industrialized country in the world that thinks that making money trumps the well being of all our citizens. That’s the GOP way.

  3. JoAnn says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    We fight frivolous lawsuits, and our attorneys will not represent someone who wants to file a frivolous suit. We make protection affordable, and I am proud of how my company is fighting for tort reform. There are some “good guys” out there in the field of law, folks!

  4. Dogula says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Smedley, you have twisted the whole thing. The reason doctors don’t volunteer is because they can be SUED for attempting to do good at any time. Especially in California. You say making money trumps the well being of our citizens? Blame those citizens who look to hit the lottery and the lawyers who help them do it at the expense of our physicians.
    PS, aren’t most of the Democrats in Washington lawyers?

  5. John says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Smedley, Dogwoman is right this time. I very rarely think that. But also, 13 people died out of 13 million? Where is the SOLVABLE problem. Are we going to put a doctor every foot of every marathon?