Opinion: S. Lake Tahoe — nothing but a name on a map


To the community,

On the question of consolidating the fire department with Lake Valley, the most important consideration is who will be the sovereign? The city was created to give the citizens of the city sovereignty within the limits of the city. Thus, there would be self-government within a general law city. It is clear that if the Lake Valley Fire Department absorbs the city’s fire department with its board determining the policies of the district, the city’s sovereignty will be diminished. There will be a loss of self-government. Is that a wise thing to do if the city wishes to remain a city? Is it self-destruction? If an agreement is reached to consolidate and then we get more of the same, self-government will be a lost cause.

Bill Crawford

Presently, it is a question as to whether or not there is a city of South Lake Tahoe because in many ways it is not a city. Examples: The largest source of city revenue is grant money. After 40 some years the city does not have a city hall. There is no heart, no central location. No home. So where is the city of South Lake Tahoe? In my view the community is a place name on a map. As a city it never matured. And the visitors authority summed it up in its attempt at marketing with what they say is a brand, Tahoe South. Yes, we are on the map and that’s about all there is to it.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe



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Comments (16)
  1. Steve says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Unfortunately, the “sovereignty” of the stand-alone city has evolved into a costly redundancy of highly-paid overlapping positions, duplicity, and unnecessary additional layers of bureaucrats.

    The fire department is a prime example of this redundancy and a great place to start on the path to sustainability and better use of tax dollars.

  2. Not Born on the Bayou says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    It’s better than going bankrupt, and can save a lot of funds.

    They’ve successfully consolidated police and fire departments with county agencies in many locations across California in the past few years. The city can then focus on other pressing matters, while still receiving essentially the same level of service without the additional administrative overhead.

    Bring it on, and modify new safety employees’ pensions from 3% at 50 to 2.5% of base salary at 55, and stop pension spiking as well, if it’s still happening.

  3. Bob says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    SLT sure has failed as a city Crawford. I don’t see where you made a difference anyway. Taxpayers expect their money to be spent wisely by gov’t. Call us a city, town or county but don’t call us broke because of political overspending and ignorance. Citizen taxpayers have just about had it with incompetence – I hope.

  4. lou pierini says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    They have to get approval from LAFCO, I think thats the abv.

  5. John says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    So this is why Crawford was such a failure on the department. His first sentence “the most important consideration is who will be the sovereign?” Actually Crawford, the most important consideration is: how will this change effect public safety? But then again, it was always about your prurient need for power wasn’t it?

  6. John says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Dang it, I meant council, not department, I sure do wish we could edit…

  7. Alex Campbell says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    No doubt the machines puppets will start bashing Bill Crawford,again.

  8. John says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Alex, way to add to the conversation. You have given me a lot to think about. The City has fired all of their chiefs. They have jeopardized their mutual aid agreements with surrounding agencies, they have no fire marshal to approve building plans. But Bill is correct, we need to worry about soverienty.

  9. fromform says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    not born: i concur with you with regard to the examples throughout california of consolidation with county of police and fire. by the way, isn’t ‘pension spiking’ just another example of why there should be no public sector unions?

  10. Rhymes with Orange says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    No heart? Where is the city of South Lake Tahoe? Pretty sad questions coming from one of its former leaders.

    The heart and center of this city are in its people, NOT its politics.

    And on the maturity comment; probably accurate there:) But maturity is over rated and most overly mature people I know think (like you) that centers and hearts are buildings.

    SLT has a huge heart!

  11. Skier says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Crawford-sovereign? It will still be the communities fire department. Less duplicity and better service, need we say more?

  12. fromform says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    i again refer you to the seamless transition the city of half moon bay has made in combining its police force with that of san mateo county…

  13. Louis says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Just to address the theme of what did Crawford do when he was in office? He pointed out problems with things laid out for him to vote on and he often voted no.

    Apparently many people voted for him knowing he would often say no.

    So if you didn’t like what did happen and others (in the majority) voted yes, how is he at fault?

    I can think of very few times when he would vote yes, and its kinda hard to do something when you are outvoted before you even open your mouth.

  14. U Stripum Joe says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    Yes, leading by obstructionism! Seems to be working quite well in the US Congress!

    That is hilarious, simply hilarious.

    Let’s hear them conservatives defend that!

  15. sandsconnect says - Posted: March 23, 2012

    abolish the city it is a huge waist of my taxes

  16. Michael Clark says - Posted: March 24, 2012

    God knows that community does not come from any government. We know where it comes from, and it doesn’t involve politicians.