Raley’s takes tough line with union workers


By Dale Kasler, Sacramento Bee

Raley’s is ramping up the pressure on its workers to swallow contract savings, taking steps that could provoke the first strike in the supermarket chain’s 77-year history.

Fed up with months of fruitless labor negotiations, Raley’s refused late Friday to extend the contract with a Bay Area unit of the United Food and Commercial Workers.

The move doesn’t necessarily translate into a strike. Workers will continue to be paid under the terms of the old contract, a situation that could continue indefinitely.

In fact, negotiations will be held almost every day this week, and Raley’s expressed optimism Monday that labor peace is possible.

“I believe we can reach an agreement by the end of this week,” said Chief Executive Michael Teel in a memo to employees.

But Teel said “we are entering the most critical week for negotiations to date.” His decision not to extend the contract with San Jose’s UFCW Local 5 contract has escalated the tension between the West Sacramento grocer and its workers.

Local 5 remains willing to negotiate, but Raley’s move leaves it “no choice but to prepare for a labor dispute,” said local President Ron Lind in a written statement.

The absence of a contract affects 1,700 members of Local 5, mostly workers at Raley’s Nob Hill Foods subsidiary.

That could spread. UFCW 8-Golden State, covering Sacramento and the Central Valley, pledged to stand with the Bay Area unit and not accept a contract extension unless Raley’s backs off. Local 8’s Raley’s contract expires Friday night at midnight. (The contract at Raley’s Bel Air subsidiary runs out May 29.)

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Comments (12)
  1. criticalthinker55 says - Posted: March 28, 2012

    i remember my company closing shortly after a labor dispute.
    We all lost our jobs. I’m afraid Raley’s might do the same with some of their stores if a resolution isn’t worked out.

  2. SmedleyButler says - Posted: March 28, 2012

    You can’t compete with Walmart unless you can destroy all the decent middle-class jobs and health benefits etc. They will be replaced by $10/hr., minimal benefits if any, take it or leave it, race to the bottom 3rd World compensation… free market capitalism’s inevitable end-game.

  3. SmedleyButler says - Posted: March 28, 2012

    If Sam Walton’s heirs paid every single Walmart employee, every store worldwide, $25/ bennies to start, with room for merit advancement, they wouldn’t even put a minor dent in their gazillion dollar fortunes. How much is enough for the greedhead/sociopath 1%ers and their flock of supporters?

  4. Dogula says - Posted: March 28, 2012

    I worked at a Safeway store in the early ’90’s and the union was UFCW. I hated that union. They were so crooked. We had an election for president the year I was there and I was appalled at what went on.
    I liked my job and my co-workers, but the union garbage sent me running. Too bad.

  5. SmedleyButler says - Posted: March 28, 2012

    Too bad for whom?

  6. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: March 28, 2012

    Rayleys here in town offered its long time employees to retire before January 1 2012, that way they got to keep there retirement and benifit package

    the folks who did not read that letter and take that option, well there getting Porked

    the reason you took thoese crapy jobs and kept them was for the retirement and benifits

    putting up with Bob Lear and his management style thoese folks should have been paid triple

  7. JoAnn says - Posted: March 28, 2012

    Smedley: You talking about Raley’s or Walmart? Very few Raley’s employees make $25 per hour, even after 10-15 years on the job.

    Chief, I agree. A lot of people have taken crummy shifts and jobs at places like Raley’s with the promise of better things to come if they just wait it out.

  8. fedup says - Posted: March 29, 2012

    Good, everyone in the US needs to buckle down and quit asking for rasises and benefits. Now let’s focus on the Util companies, they are robing us blind especially STUPID, ya that’s right I spelled it like it should be. The arragance of all Util co raising rates and at the same time providing their laizy sacks of $%^ employees raises. They are worse then Gov.

  9. mike b says - Posted: March 29, 2012

    currently a meat cutter since ’08 . the union is full of it. i say no taxation with out representation. i’ve filed many greivances that have fallen on deaf ears an its been written in plan black an white in the “contract”. i wonder to any involved in this on the front linewhen was the last time there union rep actually carried a copy of the current contract. my rep hasn’t carried it since i’ve been employeed. I SAY CLEAN HOUSE IN THE UFCW. THE ONES SUPOSED TO PROTECT US ARE THE ONES SCREWING those not actually in this fight should just keep it to to those that think i shouldn’t cross the picket… you gonna feed my kids an the rest of my family????

  10. buster57 says - Posted: March 29, 2012

    hey i work at raleys. if you have been their over ten years you are making $21.00 a hour. a lot of people i work with think the company owes them. most of them came right out of high school and with the 85 rule could retire by 55 or earlier,collect their pension and work somewhere else even at a non-union raleys. and yes bob lear is a nice guy but a terrible manager. people need to realize that the good old days are over for now. i am not a union fan either i don’t see them doing anything for us

  11. Alex Campbell says - Posted: March 29, 2012

    Will the Ruptriotics win or lose another kill the union fight?

  12. Dogula says - Posted: March 29, 2012

    Gosh, Alex. . . I didn’t know politics were involved in this one. Do we all get to vote on it? (sarc)