Edgewood to begin S. Tahoe park; lodge project draft EIS out


By the end of July there will be another place to re-create in South Lake Tahoe.

The official groundbreaking of Bonanza Park is April 30 at 5:30pm at 1209 Bonanza St.

This will mark the start of turning what is now a vacant lot — but what was once a rundown hotel called the C&M Lodge — into a neighborhood park.

Bonanza Park will be open mid-summer in South Lake Tahoe.

The park is being built by Edgewood Companies. The Nevada-based company is doing this project in exchange for the right to transfer the use of the tourist accommodation units from South Lake Tahoe to Stateline. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency in its desire to control development in the Lake Tahoe Basin has made TAUs a commodity.

TRPA also limits free market by not allowing the owner of the TAU to use them where he wants. It’s up to the powers that be in the jurisdiction where the TAU resides to decide if they can be transferred.

Edgewood will use those TAUs as it goes forward with building the Edgewood Lodge near the lakefront of the Stateline golf course by the same name.

The draft environment impact statement for the lodge project is in circulation, with comments being taken until June 18.

The project will be before the TRPA Advisory Planning Commission on May 9 and on the Governing Board agenda on May 30.

For more information about the lodge and how to comment, contact Theresa Avance at the TRPA — (775) 589.5224.

As for the park, it will include a children’s play area, grass play area, picnic pods, basketball court, and a horseshoe toss. It will also include solar lighting, recycling containers, low flow irrigation and a native demonstration landscape planting material.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report







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Comments (10)
  1. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: April 24, 2012

    The TAUs are now in Nevada so there will be no TOT for the city. In exchange Edgewood is building a park on the old motel site. Who will pay for the maintenance of the park in perpetuity? Not Edgewood I’ll bet.

  2. Atomic says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    So much negativity in this town. So many people saying this park will be taken over by ‘crack-heads’ etc.

    What the hell happened here?

    I for one refuse to take the easy way out, to just go the low route, that’s just lazy and uninteresting.

    Edgewood stepping up and building a park? and all I hear is complaining. Sure there will be some trade offs, but the whining sounds like a 1st grade playground. Grow up, get ahold of yourselves, how have so many forgotten how to act?

    This town may not even deserve Edgewood’s efforts with reactions like these-

  3. Kathy Compton says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    To many negatives on this ,Thats all you all do is complain, Get life,

  4. Dean says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    Better than the motel that was there. Hopefully it will be kept nice for the kids and families that want to use it for recreation. Had I know the motel was finally going to be torn down, I might not have sold my house. I’d had it with all the dopers that Aronoff allowed to run and live in the motel getting loaded, selling drugs and ripping off people. Glad it’s gone. The kids over there really can use a park.

  5. Chip says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    During the workshops on the city’s general plan update that was open to the public, the idea of pocket or neighborhood or mini-parks was presented as one of the top priorities by and for the community. Social gathering spots for neighbors and families. This is a step in the right direction. Possible, there are several other run down, dilapidated or empty lots in your vicinity that would be qualified for this endeavor. The Parks and Rec Commission, made up of volunteers, would be very interested in everyone’s input and ideas. These parks will help contribute to the making of our community a more attractive place to live.

  6. Eric Taxer says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    Atomic – you are spot on!

    And so what that the TAUs from this run down motel were transferred. The City was probably getting nothing from them anyway because all these run-down motels that act as “apartments” don’t pay the TOT. Let’s see, it solves a crime issue, it reduces services that the City needs to pay for, and it creates a park to fulfill a void in the neighborhood. What’s the downside? And, the Edgewood project will help raise the bar in our community. Bonus!

  7. John says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    +2 for Atomic

  8. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    +3 for Atomic

  9. Tom Wendell says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    +’s for Atomic, Dean, Chip and Eric Taxer. They’ve all got it right IMHO.

  10. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: April 25, 2012

    The negativity of some of the posters to this on-line publication is astounding sometimes. I bet if you offered some of these people a brand new free to them car with the caveat that they must pay for the gas, insurance, and maintenance they’d probably b**th about that too.

    Thanks Edgewood and the City of SLT for crafting a deal that works out well for all involved parties.