Camping fees going up at USFS lands in Tahoe
Due to increased costs of doing business, fees at campgrounds operated by California Land Management on National Forest System lands in the Lake Tahoe Basin will rise by $2 this season.
Camping fees will increase at Fallen Leaf (now $30), Meeks Bay (now $25), William Kent (now $25), Kaspian (now $17) and Nevada Beach (now $30 for regular sites, $34 for premium sites) campgrounds.
The fees at Bayview Campground, beaches and day-use areas remain the same.
Seasonal beach passes are $70 and may be purchased at the Fallen Leaf Campground store, as well as William Kent and Nevada Beach campgrounds. Beach passes are good during the Fourth of July weekend. Dog owners are reminded that dogs and other pets are not allowed on designated swim beaches including Nevada, Pope, Baldwin, Meeks Bay, William Kent and Kaspian beaches.
As a reminder, until recreation facilities officially open, there is no parking, trash removal, or restroom facilities available.
Who cares, boat camping where it’s at!
For that price I’ll check in to a hotel-motel with a hot tub bar, grill, let the fifth wheels have it.
Who camps in a tent now days besides the homeless.
CLM does a poor job, with there presentation of the properties that they operate