Opinion: Ideas for the ice rink and a S. Tahoe event


To the community,

Two items that might be of interest:

First, after I left the City Council, I met with City Manager (Tony) O’Rourke two or three times. At one of the meetings, he told me about the plan to privatize the ice rink. He said the contractor wanted a 10-year contract. I said I favored a five-year contract for openers. Mr. O’Rourke said that a 10-year contract was needed because of the capital improvements that the contractor had in mind. I said, OK, but if privatizing doesn’t work, I suggested the ice rink be turned into a city hall. It is, I said, an ideal location with parking, etc. Mr. O’Rourke, as I recall, agreed it’s a good location.

Bill Crawford

Second, several weeks ago I suggested to the city an idea for a special event. I thought a film festival of the movies based on several of John Steinbeck’s novels would be a natural because Steinbeck for a time lived at Fallen Leaf Lake. Steinbeck was quoted as having said that Henry Fonda’s performance in “The Grapes of Wrath” got him, Steinbeck believing his own words. With what’s going on these days, we need to again hear those words. The city did listen to my idea, and there has been some feedback. But lately it’s pretty quiet.

Perhaps in July things will pick up in the city.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: In Steinbeck’s “The Red Pony” Tahoe is mentioned.



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Comments (12)
  1. Lynne Bajuk says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    Several “classic” movies were filmed at Tahoe over the years.. Charlie Chaplin filmed on north shore, “Rosemarie” was filmed at our end of the lake and there are many amusing stories regarding the filming. Could make a fun festival.

  2. Lisa says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    For anyone who wants to see why the ice rink is a valued asset to the community, I suggest stopping by the weekend on June 16th or 17th to watch the 3rd annual “Skate at the Lake” competition. Skaters will be coming from all over the region and the Bay area to compete in individual and synchronized team skating events. With the exception of the local skaters, every one of those skaters will be bringing in families who will be spending tourist dollars. There is no reason this rink can’t become a regional magnet for figure, hockey and other ice events.

  3. PubWorksTV says - Posted: June 1, 2012


    A valued asset would be one that produces positive cash flow, or appreciation for the investors, in this case the tax payers.

    The fact that it is a great ‘recreational toy’ for some of the people at the expense of all of the people does not make it a valued asset.

  4. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    Now that the ice rink has been privatized it is no longer an annual $100,000 drain on the City’s general fund and is creating revenue for the City via the lease payments made to the City by the operator. Plus the City will receive a percent of the operators’ revenues so the better they do the more money the City gets. The City still retains ownership of this asset, and any capital improvements by the operators must be approved by the City. When the time comes that the facility needs a new roof for example, the City will need to pay that cost but they’d have to do that if they were still operating the place themselves.

    Fortunately this City owned asset that is a great ‘recreational toy’ for some people isn’t costing the taxpayer any money now.

  5. dumbfounded says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    Pub – not all things must make a profit. Many of our institutions do not exist for profit but, rather, for the enjoyment of our citizens.

  6. PubWorksTV says - Posted: June 1, 2012


    You can think that way with your money, not with mine, I moved out and I intend to pay for none of that foolishness.

    I agree with limited government, constitutional government where all men are created equal, not enslavement by the government and academic elitists. A crony capitalism system where bureaucrats invest taxpayer money into pet projects.

    What gall. Not my money – I left SLT and California and will come back and pick up the pieces when the dust settles.

    Soon Obama will be fired and America will try to fix the damage and start anew.

    The rest of the country is waking up to the dire situation we have created – California however keeps hitting the snooze button.

    Big couple of weeks on the stock markets around the world, did you notice? Down another 270 plus points today and wiped out all of the years gains…

    GBA, we’re gonna need it.

    Be afraid, be very afraid!

  7. dryclean says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    Didn’t we vote for a publically run ice skating rink? I like that we will make $$ or at least pay less but is this all kosher?

  8. Mike Ervin says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    Bill lets leave it as an Ice Rink but I like the idea of having city council meetings there. Its nice and cold and would move the meetings and decisions along a whole lot faster. This maybe is the best thing Mr. Crawford you have ever suggested for the City council. Im curious how many of the members have ever been on the Ice there ? Seriously one meeting inside the Ice area not the snack shack area would be good for them and everyone else who has never been there to experience. Great idea Bill lets make this happen Im sure they can lay something on the ice so the members wont fall and break anything and their is seating.

  9. PubWorksTV says - Posted: June 1, 2012


    Yes it was voted for by the city residents, but that does not mean that it is a good idea… Californians in many ways do not seem to understand what they are doing to the economy. They vote for a lot of stupid things…

    That’s my point, the rest of the nation is waking up to the issues, Californians keep hittin the snooze button.

    As for me and many others, we voted against SLT and the general liberal mindset of California. We voted with our feet, we left, those of you who agree with liberalism can stay and pay for it. It won’t work it never has – EVER. It will fail. My money is on sooner than later.

    BUT – No bailouts – it’s your problem – you deal with it.

    BTW – I don’t think your making money on the rink. You might have revenue but I do not think it covers the costs (including opportunity costs if you know anything about economic systems) I think the rink is losing money. If someone wants to comeback with numbers to prove me wrong – let’s see it.

    But don’t come back with a government based statement that it is making money – I do not believe the government. Who would, the government accounting system, GASB is itself a deception?

  10. mojomixumup says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    You voted with your feet… what would it take to get rid of the rest of your loser attitude?

  11. PubWorksTV says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    After Scott Walker beats back the recall election next week I wonder where the Tea Party will focus it’s energy.

    Will more attention be paid to beating back the excessive government and the public employee unions influences in California?

  12. 30 years in says - Posted: June 2, 2012

    Who’s paying for the maintenance of the equipment and the physical plant? I highly doubt it’s the operator.