Bicyclist with headphones on slams into truck


A 12-year-old boy is lucky he only sustained a broken arm after he rode his bike into the side of a tractor-trailer.

The name of the South Lake Tahoe youngster is not being released.

South Tahoe police officers say the boy was wearing headphones and no helmet on May 31 at 2pm when the accident occurred.

Officers said the bicyclist attempted to cross Highway 50 against a red traffic signal at Lyons Avenue and collided with the side of the tractor trailer near the intersection.

Bicyclists younger than 18 are required by law to wear a helmet while riding. Parents of minors not wearing a helmet can be cited for allowing their kids to ride without a helmet.

The police are not seeking criminal prosecution of the juvenile’s parents for child endangerment in this instance.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (9)
  1. 30yrlocal says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    I am so glad this young man came away with only had a broken arm. I watch so many kids riding bikes in town in an unsafe manner, and with no helmets on. Especially in the Pioneer Trail area and I fear that someone is going to be severely injured.

    As parents we need to teach bike safety to our kids as well as being safe in all areas of life.

    Sounds like it’s time to resurrect the bike safety programs and start handing out warnings if kids are riding without helmets..they need to take this seriously.

  2. Mike Ervin says - Posted: June 1, 2012

    I thought this city had a helmet law for riding bikes ? Time for someone to do some research on the issue. Does SLTPD/EDCSO/or CHP no longer due Bike Safety Programs at Schools ? Maybe Im showing my age 57 but when i was a kid they did and i went to a small K-8 school out in San Joaquin County, 7 miles from the closest city. Oh what am I thinking its 2012 Im sure their is no funds for this type of thing. Anything good for kids or schools has been taken away.

  3. buster57 says - Posted: June 2, 2012

    i am a cyclist and do not believe that any cyclists should be wearing headphones. it’s hard enough riding a bike in traffic and even worse when you can’t hear them. i’ve been driving and having cyclists oblivous to cars with their earbuds in.

  4. 30yrlocal says - Posted: June 2, 2012

    There still is a helmet law. Yesterday, STMS counselors reminded the kids of the law and that tickets would be issued if they didn’t ride with a helmet on. I know its not cool, but it could save their life. There are agencies in town that will give them for free to those that cannot afford one.

    Different groups in town have presented the bike fairs on weekends at schools and I remember them starting to be very poorly attended. I have an idea I’m going to present to a local service club to see if we can get a traveling fun bike show which can go from school to school that includes a safety message along with tricks…am sure there are some out there.

  5. X LOCAL says - Posted: June 2, 2012

    Every bike rider should be required to wear a helmet.
    The City should also require bicycle license for every bike, it would raise money for the City and also be a good way to teach bike riders SAFTY before they enter our streets.
    Many bike riders feel that they have the right of way and they pay nothing to ride there bikes on costly maintained bike trails and roads.
    This was brought to the City Mgr. years ago but was refused because the City mgr. had 6 kids.

  6. K Eissinger says - Posted: June 2, 2012

    There’s a bunch of helmets at the Attic.

  7. earl zitts says - Posted: June 2, 2012

    Maybe I missed the sentence that stated it is against the law to wear headsets on both ears when operating a car or bicycle. CVC 27400.
    BTW, even though the truck driver has zero fault, I bet he or she has a few sleepless nights.

  8. John says - Posted: June 2, 2012

    X local, I am glad you dont get to vote here. There is no way I am getting my kid a license to ride a bike.

  9. Hang Ups From Way Back says - Posted: June 3, 2012

    Ear buds,riding with a beer ,open soda,no helmet, whatever, the person who eats it, their own fault, let them learn on their own.
    Freedom of choice better than laws people ignore anyway.