Nevada parks department has grant money available
The Nevada Division of State Parks has about $270,980 in federal funds for local park and recreation capital improvement and acquisition projects through the Land and Water Conservation Fund program.
All political subdivisions, including counties, incorporated cities, unincorporated towns, general improvement districts and tribal governments are potentially eligible for the 50-50 matching grants offered through the program.
Individual funding requests range between a minimum of $25,000 ($50,000 total project budget with a 50 percent match) and no maximum. However, applicants should be aware that the maximum amount is rarely awarded to any single recipient. Exceptions to the $25,000 minimum rule will be considered on a case-by-case basis for political subdivisions serving populations of less than 10,000. Local matches may exceed 50 percent, but the federal share cannot exceed 50 percent of the total project amount.
Application packages, including the application forms and grants manual, are available on State Parks’ website. The due date for grant applications is Aug. 31 by 5pm.