Preliminary work begins on river restoration near old Sunset Stables


The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit’s has begun constructing the staging area for the Upper Truckee River restoration project that will begin in 2013 at the former Sunset Stables site.

The work, which will continue for approximately two weeks, includes the installation of an approximately2 acre aggregate base pad, which is designed to prevent the spread of noxious weeds into the project area.

In addition, the path of the new channel will be irrigated this season. Irrigation will promote vegetation growth for sod and other riparian vegetation that will be harvested and used in the new channel. Stakes marking the new channel and irrigation equipment will be installed in the meadow adjacent to the airport on the south side of the river. Irrigation likely will occur one to two times per week during July, August and September.

For additional information, contact Theresa Cody at or Sue Norman at (530) 543-2662 or email


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Comments (14)
  1. Jimbo says - Posted: July 1, 2012

    I hope there not planning to do what they did downstream. That looks like crud. Is this river being moved.? Does anyone know? The river is beautiful as it is. I hope they don’t touch it.

  2. Local96 says - Posted: July 1, 2012

    Was the neighboring areas ever notified of the plans for this meadow? Most people seem to have no idea this project is happening. The community may begin having serious issues the moment equipment is seen moving around these pristine and sensitive areas. Many people use this area and it is a sanctuary for locals and wildlife alike.

  3. Local123 says - Posted: July 2, 2012

    We, as residents in the immediate area (our backyard) were not notified or given a chance to voice our opposition to this project. How many years will this take? How much of our tax dollars will be spent and most of all, why is this beautiful area being restored? It is completely natural. Sod? It’s a meadow that grows it’s own grass, plants and flowers. What about the wildlife out there? Please reconsider,get out here and speak to the people that live in the area before this beautiful, NATURAL area is destroyed.

  4. Local Concerned resident says - Posted: July 2, 2012

    Restore what? What can possibly be restored in this area? The fisheries are the best in the basin and there is more wildlife than anywhere around. How can it possibly be made better.? Is having equipment in that meadow going to help the wildlife? Has anyone that designed this project actually walked the area. It’s amazing!!! If you move this river people will be upset and it won’t look good for conservation or the program. It would be better off if sunset ranch still owned the land. They kept everyone out of the area. Was the land bought so we could run experiments on it? Is conservation modifying the land to our liking? Where are the documents that show reports on problems wih fish, habitat and health? Are they online? Where? This area is near pristine. Go walk the river down from elks club and then tell me you can make a better river than that. U cant… Many are concerned…. We need answers.. How about having a public meeting that the public and local affected citizens actually hear about.?

  5. Steven says - Posted: July 2, 2012

    It appears to me the county/city is already having problems with this project. This morning while walking the trails in the area, I noticed all the stakes showing where the new river would run were taken down and broken. This is not the way to voice your opinion. Hope they catch the people responsible and throw their butts in jail.

  6. Marla Singer says - Posted: July 4, 2012

    This project is an example of how the U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management is taking advantage of the fact that the public doesnt know enough to defend itself. This is a beautiful area made perfect by nature that houses fish and is part of a perfect system.I realize that the U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management is looking for ways to keep busy and keep their jobs, but the public is unaware of just how poor a project this is with little to no impact. It has even been argued that this project will have a negative impact. This project is a sad, ridiculous project that will do nothing other than mess up our beautiful land. I think it is time that the public is aware of how money is wasted by the U.S. Forest Service and that they cant be trusted to complete projects of worth without third party assessment. It is too bad that a agency such as this doesnt live up to the trust that the public puts in them.

  7. John says - Posted: July 4, 2012

    Marla, there are scientific arguements for and against this. But you are not qualified to make them. The project area has been heavily influenced by man by quarrying, straigtening the river and several low head dams. The bottom line is you either dont know why the project is being done, refuse to listen to why it is being done or have some other agenda. But dont pretend to be the keeper of the science, you are not.

  8. thing fish says - Posted: July 4, 2012

    (thinly veiled Fight Club reference). Don’t bother trying to reason with these people John. And they are pretending to be scientists, go check out their website.

    The Tahoe Pipe Club is a joke.
    Go read their ‘Science’ section of their webpage.
    They think ‘real time’ clarity data is more useful than a years worth of compiled data. They hint at a conspiracy by limnologists. And in their section on stream restoration… well read what they say and find support for it in the papers they cite. Only do it if you enjoy reading research papers, you will not be enlightened by their interpretation of the science.

    You can’t be a scientist (in any form) and be anonymous.

  9. Marla Singer says - Posted: July 5, 2012

    No offense “John” but you have no idea what I am qualified to discuss or argue, so your statement just shows your ignorance and your arrogance. The “bottom line” is that this project is a joke and don’t try to tell me what I know, you don’t know anything about me. This type of arrogance and entitlement is exactly what is wrong with this agency. I may not be the “Keeper of the Science”. But “John”, neither are you. I don’t care who you think you are. As for “Think Fish”, where is your name on your post if anonymity is such a laughable offense? It is hypocrites like you that keep anonymity a necessary evil with regard to standing up for the truth.

  10. Richard chesler says - Posted: July 5, 2012

    Marla stated her opinion, she’s entitled to it.

    You claim that this reach has been Heavily influenced by man?  It definately will be when your done with it.  Playin the role of god will create much disturbance .  This system has not been heavily modified and most likely in its balanced alignment.   If u can improve what’s there now then Maybe u are god cause The fish habitat is amazing, complex , diverse, wildlife incredible.  The river currently floods ,has a stable alignment and is not a water quality problem.  Do you have science to support that Restoration by man on this level improves the health of an ecosystem? Can u supply a single reference that a project has met its objectives? Please send the link if so.  And what in the research you refer to has been misinterpreted.  It sounds like u are the jokers as ur response says nothing scientific just blurts out emotional anonymous garbage.   

    There  has not yet been, to my knowledge, a study which empirically demonstrates that stream restoration – particularly realignment – improves water quality to a meaningful degree. I would argue forcefully that it would significantly degrade water quality during and after the construction window, with unclear long term benefits.

    There are much higher priority areas on the river that could use some help (I.e. mosier or the marsh.)

  11. Local123 says - Posted: July 5, 2012

    A public meeting should be held ASAP as the staging area is already being set up. All affected residents should, at the very least be able to understand why the powers that be feel this area is in need of “restoration”.
    Does anyone know who I can call to try and set up a meeting? I would be happy to make the call if I know who it is.

  12. Local123 says - Posted: July 5, 2012

    Well – that was stupid. I’ll call Theresa and Sue as was written on the article.

  13. Marla Singer says - Posted: July 5, 2012

    Thank you Richard, we as public citizens are entitled to our opinion, and it sounds like this agency would avoid future embarrassment and apologies if they heeded it. Ten years from now this project will just be another government funded money pit with minimal impact; that the Forest Service will deny any responsibility for. The problem is this time, its not just money they are wasting, they are permanently destroying the land. If their intention is to truly do what is best for Tahoe, then they need to use this money to address the issues that will create the most change and have the most impact. This city has seen so much money spent over the decades with little to no results.  

  14. local123 says - Posted: July 19, 2012

    I have received no response to my request for a public meeting with Sue or Theresa for a public meeting with area residents. Some of our neighbors said to me “they are going to do whatever they want either way” so why have a meeting. The no response just confirms that statement. Very sad that the people have no opinion.