Neighborhood bear killed on Homewood beach



HOMEWOOD- – A Placer County sheriff’s deputy says a bear was found shot and killed on a beach in the Homewood area Sunday night.

The deputy told News 4 the investigation is now in the hands of the California Department of Fish and Game.

According to Placer County authorities, a person can obtain a permit to shoot and kill a bear. A permit can only be issued if there is a reason; if a bear is a problem bear or has done damage to property. If there was no permit, Placer County authorities say this would be considered illegal.

According to bear advocates, this bear has been in the area for years. They says the bear’s name was Sunny and it was a mascot for the BEAR League, a bear advocacy group in the Lake Tahoe area.


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Comments (42)
  1. Art says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    The Bear league has a pretty good idea who did this. Once his name is released he may consider moving from Tahoe. We don’t like stupid people shooting the bears. Maybe he will end up in jail with Big Bubba Bear as a cell mate.

  2. Tahoe Mom says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    If you don’t like living in bear country, then move out! Can we get permits issued to get rid of all of the stupid people that live here and think that an act like this is acceptable? I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about all of the bears that are killed because of human error!

  3. KURT RIX says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    May the good lord help the idiot that did this.

  4. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    Hey what about the Bear that was run over by the car,

    right in Hy Way 50 Nv. side

    should we get rid of all the Cars?

    was this the Bear who’s cub was shot in the ass ?

    is this the Bear who would walk into your house if the door was open?

  5. Kathy says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    What ever is not the answer in killing the Bears, What is going to be done about the Bears being killed is the question. What is going to be done about it ? over and over again we hear Bears being killed ,What is the solution?

  6. John says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    I am a redneck i wholeheartedly admit, but to me the reaction on here is just bizarre. Do you people stand in front of the meat counter at Raleys in your righteous condemnation of the meat man? Its just a bear. I eat one every year, darn tasty critters actually.

  7. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    That’s the second time this week I’ve heard of the Bear League making what sound like threatening comments. What’s up with that?

  8. John says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    I do want to make clear though,killing a bear out of season should be very very costly. The truck, the gun and the dog all go to the game warden.

  9. Rick says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    John, if you are a hunter with conservation ethics, then you recognize shooting a bear due to human caused conflicts is a tragedy, or so the hunting community keeps trying to convince folks they are truly pained by the unnecessary killing of animals when the problem is people not the animal. The scientific literature is clear on this point, bear problems are largely caused by limited food resources from poor food years and humans unwilling to dispose of their waste in a responsible manner. So yeah, I have a problem when animals are killed because of stupid human behavior.

  10. John says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    Rick I think what hunters, or rednecks in general are trying to tell people is: dont feed the darn bears and dont make them neighborhood pets. Now Rick you hit on something that is very uncomfortable for the city slickers who have moved here. The carrying capacity of land is determined by the amount of forage produced in a poor year. So if there are so many bears that they are starving in a dry year then THERE ARE TOO MANY BEARS. Killing a single bear that is walking into homes is no loss when there are too doggone many of ’em in the first place. There are too many bears because you city kids cant get up in time to take your garbage out. Well letting the sun greet you in bed has caused one heck of a problem.

    Now, killing a bear out of season and discharging a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling or road are violations of California Fish and Game laws. That is the problem here.

  11. Kathy says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    Yeah, lets just kill a bear and put the meat in the store ,how dumb can you be ?John , you sound like a city folk for sure , go back ,That is not the solution ,

  12. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    It’s too bad that we now know bears on a personal basis, and give them names, NOT NORMAL! Bears are not suppose to live with people, we need to run them off when they come into neighborhoods, never leave trash or food items out to lure them. Too many people are enthralled with bears, and run for the camera and call out others to come see the bear, instead of running them off, not cool, as much as it’s exciting to see a bear, it’s not good for the bear to feel comfy in a human neighborhood, and will probably get the bear killed somewhere down the road.

  13. Rick says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    John, you made my point. Bear conflicts are people problems not bear problems. When people properly dispose of waste and storing of food products, bee keepers using electric fences, etc. even in poor years, bear problems are low. Poor years, lazy people equals problem bears. As a wildlife ecologist, I know of few hunters who take joy in wildlife being killed due to human stupidity. I guess you are an exception.

  14. John says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    Now how do you get I am the exception to that Rick? You also fail to acknowledge the fundamental problem which is that the bear population in Tahoe far exceeds the carrying capacity of the natural environment and so human bear interactions are both predictable and necessary unless bears decide starving is a good way to die. By the way, I am an ‘ologist too. Wanna compare credentials? I am going to type this slowly so keep up Rick. Bears must have the food from humans in order to support the current population. That means being upset about a bear getting killed is strange. The bears have to eat, they have to come into the community to get the food they need and that is the source of the fatal interaction. The problem isnt that bears just want to come into communities because its easy. There are too many bears.

  15. Rick says - Posted: July 31, 2012

    John, you live in the past. Animal populations fluctuate, that is normal and accepted. The notion that animal populations should be managed for stasis is an old outdated idea. Regardless of good or poor food years, conflicts are driven not by too many bears, but by people doing stupid things. Carry capacity is a theoretical construct which refers to growth rate being zero(births and immigration equaling deaths and emigration). But hey guess what, for many population of animals, food resources and reproductive capacity varies greatly from year to year as does carrying capacity. Last year there could well have been more bears and there were few conflicts. There is quite a bit of scientific research that have found conflicts increasing with a declining bear population, but hey your credentials are so great you knew that already, just slipped your mind, as you run out for your Noble Prize. Oh and just to help you, several blue ribbon panels of the top scientist in North America over the last few decades have concluded that control programs or sport hunting of large predators do little to provide any long-term benefit in making more game or reducing conflicts – but again, I am sure you regularly read the peer reviewed journals (In all seriousness, I doubt you are aware of most of the literature I am referring to). Enjoy Rick

  16. Deborah A. Palmer says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    I have had bears traveling in my yard for years, going from meadow to meadow. They have not bothered me or my home at all over the past 25 years. Last weekend a man with two small kids followed a small female bear into my yard and basically harassed this poor bear, stalking it, chasing it and being a complete idiot. I would not blame the bear for turning on him and his kids, but the bear did what typical bears here do, it just walked back into the woods… Leave the bears ALONE. It’s been hot and bears are going to the beach for water and to cool off, just like we all do this time of year. To shoot a bear for being on the beach is a sin….

  17. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    Deb, harassing them is EXACTLY what we should do! We need to make them feel very uncomfortable so they do not become accustomed to being around people. In doing so we are essentially saving their life.

  18. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    In almost 40 years, our family have never fed the bears, we have never named a bear, we were careful with our garbage….installed a bear box when they became available. We did not install a fence because the bears need to get to the river and were used to walking past our property. Any “BEAR” trouble in the neighborhood came from people leaving their garbage out (increased number of vacation rentals) and people actually, actively feeding the bears. I agree, the “Bear Problem” is a people problem. They are not pets.

  19. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    I forgot to mention. It would never occur to us to shoot a fire arm in the basin, let alone a bear. This was clearly an illegal act. I’m sorry that it happened.

  20. Lisa says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    I am late to this discussion, but Chief, if you don’t know the difference between an accident and poaching, you are probably part of the problem.

  21. Winger1 says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    This is sad…  The problem as I see it is that people want to educate everyone but the fact of the matter is you cant educate a moron or a redneck no matter how much outreach you do.   Nice comments Rick….   It’s good to see a scientist of sorts commenting on this….  If you have any links to those references, please post…

  22. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    The bear in my neighborhood has been around for years. It knocks over a few fences but is not agressive towards people. It grazes on berry bushes and a few apple trees. People in the neighborhood take care with garbage and with few exceptions we don’t have any trouble.

  23. ljames says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    Egads – dont know what I could say that would tone down the rhetoric and a lot of stupid comments – but I do know one thing, actually recopginzing and individual animal is not an issue in itself – it reflects paying enough attention. I recognize 3-4 individual bears in my neighborhood and their particular habits – and what I also recognoze is that the bears never as much as sniff my bear proof cans but instead repeatedly hit neighbors open cans – and sorry folks, on my block at least all these garbage cans are owned by locals that have threatened me when I have asked them to get a bear proof can and said they are “not spending any extra money for stupid bears” and anyway “how do I know it was a bear?” – Well I know because I have seen them grab the trash and pull it to my yard (probably because my yard is less exposed to street lights than theirs.)
    As to bear numbers and ear encounters, although it makes sense we may see and have more bears around when populations are high, a bear is looking for some 30,-000 calories a day in late summer and early fall. They are going to look for food in the least energy demanding way – and if your garbage can or BBQ in the garage with a roast on it is easier than walking 2 miles in the woods looking for berries and carrion, then that is what they will do. With out those food sources, we would see bears, maybe even reecognoze individual ones, but we woudlnt have to harrass them, we would just get used to the fact they have to walk through neighborhoods to get at even some wild food sources, such as meadows. The reality is, when it comes to simple cause and effects related to food – that is how to get it and how to stop someone frlm getting it – the bears are probably smarter than most people. Someone shooting a bear anonymously in a urban area is just what it should be treated as – poaching and reckless endangerment of anyone within the vicinity.

  24. jenny says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    Each time a bear is killed, I’d like to see clear information on the exact FINES for leaving garbage out ($$$ talks) and the fine/jail time for killing a bear without a permit…and in this case the jail time for discharging a firearm on a public beach close to houses. Fines (yes, $$$) are a strong deterrent and will get a people’s attention. Evidently, they aren’t listening. The media can really help here. Also, for anyone requesting a second permit (one man has killed three bears without changing what draws them in), they should be required to show changes have been made to discourage bears first. Definition of Insanity.

  25. Rick says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    Winger1, here is an article that is fairly readable and interesting.
    Garshelis, D. L. and K.V. Noyce. 2008. Seeing the world through the nose of a bear – diversity of foods fosters behavioral and demographic stability. Eds, T. E. Fulbright and D. G. Hewitt, pages 139 to 163 in Wildlife Science: Linking Ecological Theory and Management Applications. CRC Press. NY

    Take care, Rick

  26. jenny says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    Ljames, well said.
    I’ve heard there is zero tolerance for open trash cans, so please find the phone # to call and get dialing! Your neighbors will listen to fines. No more citations in SLT, just fines. Should be that way everywhere.

  27. Janice Eastburn says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    According to The Bear League, the accused killer left food out specifically to lure this bear and had been bragging to others that he would kill the bear for being on his land (which is surrounded by Nat’l Forest and a beach). He did not have a depridarion permit. can see absolutely no jjustification for this killing. It was not for “sport” or for food. It was a calculated, cold-blooded act of murder of a beautiful creature. I only hope an example is made of Sunny’s killer so that others think twice about doing the same. And, yes, I wholeheartedly agree with the many comments made about careless people leaving their trash out. This has to stop.

  28. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    How many of you folks know someone here in town who has had there house broken into by a Bear?

    I could name 5

  29. Kathy says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    So What , How many had food out ,What a stupid question.Pick a solution ,wake up .

  30. mph says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    JOHN, I do not eat or drink any animal products. I do not stand at the meat aisle at Raley’s. You do not know me, don’t want to know you. I do not agree with violence of any kind. This was murder of an innocent bear. In the back at the beach. This was MURDER!

  31. mph says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    Careaboutthecommunity. Whats not normal is humans encroaching on the bear habitat. New homes, bigger homes, fences, roads. We are living in the Bears environment.

  32. Tahoe Mom says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    Exactly mph! If you don’t want to take the chance of having any sort of encounter with a bear ~ GO AWAY! We have invaded their land and need to take the responsibility that comes with that!

  33. Golden says - Posted: August 1, 2012

    @Chief, We’ve had three human attacks on bears the last few weeks, how many bear attacks on humans in our area can you name? (ever?)

    How many humans moved to their (the bears) homes?

    If we’re going to live here,we need to realize why we choose to live in the mountains and how to get along here without killing everything that bothers us. We should be better than that as a race,there are other solutions.

    Personally,I’m more concerned about scared/entitled people with guns than I am the bears

  34. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 2, 2012

    the Redish Brown Bear that lived in the back yard of the vacation home across the street from me, he was ok

    the Blondish Brown Bear that lived up the block in the back yard of the vacation home he was ok

    the Scruffy Black Bear that scared the crap out of everyone at the Birthday Party down the block from me at Malcom’s house he’s not ok

    I live right here in town on Modesto ave.

    in the 60’s 70’s 80’s and 90’s there was no Bear problems

    maybe it is becuase there were more people living here back then

  35. Tahoe Mom says - Posted: August 2, 2012

    Or maybe it’s because of more stupid people being here who don’t take the necessary steps to prevent problems! I was born and raised here and remember seeing bears up here my whole life. Now at almost 40, I am appalled at anyone and everyone who thinks killing bears is the solution. As I’ve said before…if you don’t want to have the potential to have to deal with bears…GO AWAY!!!

  36. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: August 2, 2012

    Right on Tahoe Mom!
    Yes, I agree. It’s not the fault of the bears, it’s the people that cause the problem. I scare bears away all the time and have been doing so for years. It was suggested by someone here at LTN that I call the authorities on my neighbors for their negligence in their trash storage. I’m taking care of that problem in my own way. Talking with my neighbors and putting out the trash for the part time folks when they leave town.
    Sorry , Old Long Skiis won’t call in any of any kind unless it’s absolutely neccessary. If I can handle it on my own , I will.
    Secure your trash and put it out the morning of your pick up day! Spread the word and help your neighbors and save the bears!
    Take Care, Old Long Skiis

  37. lou pierini says - Posted: August 2, 2012

    Secureing your trash and not throwing your spoiled foods outdoors will discourage any wildlife to visit your area.

  38. fromform says - Posted: August 2, 2012

    i am happy to report that after a time in the not too distant past when folks on our street put aromatic garbage out the night before trash day, and the vacation rentals were not managed with regard to this issue, we now have broken the cycle and are not much on the bear food radar. once everyone gets on the same page, the bears go somewhere else because there simply isn’t any easy food available…

  39. mph says - Posted: August 3, 2012

    Tahoe mom. Right on. When is the insanity going to end? Killing is not the answer. Education and prevention are. I am praying the person who took Sunny’s life serves a very long prison sentence and looses much of his money stores. It is illegal to shoot a firearm within 150 ft of a road, illegal in the basin, illegal to kill the wildlife. There is a film of this idiot with his gun, threatening the bear, baiting the bear for days and spouting off everywhere apparently. Why is he not in jail already. He needs to rot in prison. I truly hope the system does not fail this precious little girl. How dare him!

  40. mph says - Posted: August 3, 2012

    Long skiis… please encourage your neighbors to purchase the bear cans, $100.00 at Scotty’s at the Y. They do work. You may not be around forever and they must be taught, not “babysat”. I admire your devotion but please encourage them to purchase the cans or a metal bear box. Well worth it. Thankyou for your efforts!

  41. KnowBears says - Posted: August 4, 2012

    I’m a long-time supporter of the Bear League, but disappointed that they would name a bear and consider it a mascot. That’s what they teach others NOT to do. They teach people not to make pets of the bears, but it sounds like they sort of did that here. I still support them because they do a lot of good work educating the community about how to discourage bears.

    We had a lovely cinnamon bear in the yard the other day, just being a bear, looking for bear food, ignoring the houses and people. It was a joy to be able to just watch that beautiful creature. Too often, the bears find food at other houses and then they approach ours, which is when we have to chase them off. I don’t enjoy yelling at bears, but I do it for their own good.

    Whoever shot the bear on the beach should have the book thrown at them. I just hope it’s a big enough book to make a real impression.