Negative presidential race has Americans hitting mute button


By Lesley Clark and David Lightman, McClatchy Newspapers

DUBUQUE, Iowa —Americans already hate politics, and the latest ugly spat between the presidential candidates is likely to sour them further.

“We’re sick of it,” said Donna Stehn, 57, a retired speech pathologist from Peosta, Iowa, who mutes her television when political ads come on. “All this stuff that they’re saying, it sounds like a junior high school campaign.”

With incendiary rhetoric — from the charge that Mitt Romney’s plans for Wall Street would put “y’all back in chains” to the assertion that President Barack Obama’s campaign “has disgraced the presidency” — the campaign is knocking on the door of being the ugliest in a generation, and the party conventions haven’t even been held yet.

It’s unfolding as both sides say the race will be about substance and big issues. Given the stakes, that’s unlikely to happen.

The latest round of fighting “reinforces the view of a lot of people” that politicians too often are squabbling and not doing what they were elected to do, said Dennis Goldford, a politics professor at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa.

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Comments (16)
  1. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 17, 2012

    OK, let’s say Obama didn’t disgrace the presidency, what has he done?

    oh here in today’s news I see one of Obama’s big pet causes, remember he got behind the Arab Spring in Egypt.

    Well in today’s news it’s revealed that the new guys running Egypt are now crucifying members of the resistance, (in the front yard so all the neighbors see…)

    You have to question Obama’s judgement at the very least… don’t ya?

    Hillary was a big supporter of that too.

  2. BiggerPicture says - Posted: August 17, 2012

    “You have to question Obama’s judgement at the very least… don’t ya?”

    Biz, shouldn’t we be questioning ANY presidents judgement at the very MOST? Even if we agree with them!

  3. TahoeKaren says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    I, too, use the mute button when any political ads come on the TV. And we still have almost 3 months to go before the election. Meh…….

  4. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 18, 2012


    I question how the American people could have voted for Obama in the first place?

    The media has done a retched job uncovering details of Obama past, a person who’s only accomplishments seem to be having written his memoirs.

    What else has the man accomplished?

    He was voted into office by a woefully ignorant population that has been brainwashed by leftist propaganda machine masquerading as news and educators.

  5. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    “I question how the American people could have voted for Obama in the first place?”

    You pose a statement as a question then go on to belittle America’s electorate as if you are of superior intelligence.

    Nuff said!

  6. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 18, 2012


    I didn’t belittle Americans intelligence,
    I belittled the people that voted for Obama and inferred that they were ignorant.

    BIG DIFFERENCE, get a dictionary.

    Am I wrong? NO.

    Tell me one good thing that Obama has accomplished, just one?

    ONE, there are none, don’t waste your time thinking about it.

    He is the worst president in modern American history, he and the democrats are presiding over the biggest decline our nation has experienced, perhaps in all of our history.

    HE DID WHAT HE TOLD US HE WOULD DO. Are you happy?

    Are your children’s futures looking bright?

  7. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    Biz, keep those cards and letters coming, you do wonders for furthering the democratic agenda!

  8. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    Picture, The leftists effort to destroy free enterprise, do you mean that agenda?

    It’s working pretty good in South Lake Tahoe and El Dorado county, you are for all intent and purposes BANKRUPT – but don’t worry they will raise your taxes and keep on running the place further into the ground.

    More and more ‘producers’ will leave and you and other liberals will be left behind to pay the bills.

    That seems appropriate to me. Liberalism caused it liberals get to pay for it.

    I’ll be back, after the crash.

  9. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    Willard “Dog on Roof” Romney. Yea, that’s the ticket. And I guess by “producers” that have left you mean complete business failures that just couldn’t compete, such as yourself.

  10. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    Interesting point about Romney putting his dog on the roof.

    On the other hand, Obama ate his dog.

    As Tahoe crumbles and dies economically remember this teatotal (aka teapunk) a government flunkie insulting the people that do the hard work and take the big risks.

    South Lake you got what you deserve and it will get worse as time goes on. No bail outs for SLT. No bail out for California.

    Throw out the crud like teapunk and maybe you will have a chance

    You reap what you sow.

  11. Laura says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    Listen to you guys. You’re bickering as children, as bad as the candidates. Grow up!

  12. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    Biz, you keep talking about all the liberalism in El Dorado county (and SLT), yet the registered voters consist of a huge conservative base, and vote conservative regularly when voting someone into the state assembly and the US congress. So how is that the fault lies with us liberals? STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR OWN SHORTCOMINGS! Be an adult and take responsibility for YOUR OWN problems!

  13. thing fish says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    ‘On the other hand, Obama ate his dog.’
    I bet the dog they ate was killed more humanely than the last piece of meat you ate.

    Everything that biggerpicture said: true

  14. Business is Hurting says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    South Lake Tahoe is a cesspool of liberal failure.

    As one of the people I know there use to put it, a bunch of fours that think they are eights. A wanna be town of losers and ‘give-me, give-me’ types.

    Winners move out, losers stayed behind and brought down the future of the place…

    I’ll be back after it all falls apart. Pick up the pieces, cheap.

  15. Dick Fox says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    Hey Laura, Do you think the good people of So. Lake Tahoe should just sit back silently and be denigrated repeatedly by some loser teabagger? Pick a side, inform yourself enough about the subject to have an opinion. Save your pompous scolding.

  16. dumbfounded says - Posted: August 18, 2012

    One of the problems is that when “choosing sides” many people seem to forget that Americans are all on the same side, in theory. Divided, we fall.