Loop road proving contentious among S. Lake Tahoe council


By Kathryn Reed

While neither the Tahoe Transportation District, nor the loop road was on the Aug. 21 South Lake Tahoe City Council agenda, plenty of words were spoken about the two.

It was agreed the previously scheduled Aug. 28 workshop on the loop road would be indefinitely delayed. This is to give TTD time to figure out its alternatives. However, Councilmen Bruce Grego and Hal Cole wanted to go forward with the meeting.

Proposed loop road by Tahoe Transportation District.

The TTD board is set to meet Sept. 14, 9:30am at its Stateline office.

While the district is working on alternatives, it is not releasing info about those discussions. This was mentioned by councilmembers and has been shared with Lake Tahoe News by others seeking to get details about what TTD is working on.

Carl Hasty, TTD executive director, told Lake Tahoe News, “What we are doing is more like compiling the alternatives that we know of into a briefing piece that can be used as part of the public process we want to get under way with the facilitated workshops. I think there are plenty of people out there with ideas and it is time to get the next phase of public input under way. As part of that we want to provide a concise background so that all can start from the same informed basis.”

At the September meeting he expects to seek approval of “acquisition of facilitation services, economic analysis services, and other technical studies for the range of alternatives in the area.”

The loop road, which has been discussed since the 1980s, in the latest configuration is designed to reroute Highway 50 behind Harrah’s and MontBleu, while abolishing businesses and residences in South Lake Tahoe. The outcome, as seen by advocates, is the creation of a more pedestrian friendly casino core. While the road would still go through this area, it would become a city street on both sides of the state line.

Correspondence between the city and TTD have been going back and forth. Here is the South Lake Tahoe letter and the TTD letter.

In other action Aug. 21:

• Tahoe resident Hanna Bernard spoke about the need to keep forested areas open to mountain bikers and snowmobilers by commenting on the U.S. Forest Plan – saying no to more wilderness areas.

• Bob Lear and Ann Colzzi are frustrated no one with the city approached residents in the Harrison Avenue area about plans to make streets one-way.

• An emergency no-smoking ordinance affecting city owned and operated property was passed. It takes effect immediately. The first reading of the permanent ordinance was approved as well.





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Comments (12)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    By perusing the above proposed project plans, my take is,

    At best: Reinventing the mouse trap.

    At worst: A thinly veiled attempt to ethnically cleanse the Stateline corridor.

  2. DAVID DEWITT says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    Make sure it is financed by the same people who hold the paper on the parking lot.

  3. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    This plan is so ridiculous, what an absolute waste of time and money to even pursue it, but I guess someone is making a salary off trying to push this crazy agenda through.

    Everyone needs to continue to stand up against this bullying project, which lacks any real benefit, and hurts South Lake Tahoe, CA.

  4. Bob says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    It seems the public’s opinion on this project is a big fat NO. However the Council and TTD are not listening and going through the motions to continue with this project due to some other motive or party. Follow the money. Who will gain besides the construction companies on this project? Is it a coincidence two members on Council whose terms are ending are the ones pursueing this matter further? Why is money being spent when there are other projects of more importance? Does the hole in the ground play a role with some behind the scene investors wanting HWY 50 narrowed before finalizing a deal? There is definately more going on here than TTD or Council is letting on to the public.

  5. lou pierini says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    This TTD project is the full employment act for hasty and company. Get rid of of the TTD. They can all go to work for Vail, like others from the TRPA. The TRPA sold out long ago, they even hired lew feldman for legal work.

  6. Stan says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but the signal on 50 at Stateline is on green for half the time it used to be. Only about 3 cars get through at a time. Is this for traffic control during the Summer season? I’m not sure. But the backup from the casinos into California is a mess. Hopefully it is for the Summer season only. But we already have a loop road, and that is what I have been taking instead of the mess on 50. I think this loop road idea should be thought of very carefully.

  7. sunriser2 says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    The Stateline stoplight has been broken for decades. The turn lights are stuck on with no cars in them. I agree the most recent glitch you spoke of has added even more wasted time to my commute.

    If the TTD were really concerned about air quality they would fix the stoplights. Not spend millions on new studies and software to sink the lights. Simply fix the broken ones. The TTD agency is a disgrace.

    More green welfare for the engineers, consultants, planners and lawyers.

  8. Tahoeadvocate says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    Bob- I don’t agree that the public opinion is a NO. The only people talking are those with properties affected and some of them are trying to negotiate exhorbitant prices to sell. This plan has been vetted from an environmental standpoint about 9 years ago and going behind the casinos is the best for the that purpose. Some property owners are negotiating with the TTD and are satisfied they are being treated fairly. If all people in South Lake Tahoe were polled I think you’d find the overwhelming majority is in favor of it if someone else pays for it.

  9. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    If the speed limit from the airport to Kahle is 25 mph with no lights, and it takes the same amount of time to traverse this city to often???????? Remember, 50 is supposed to be a thoroughfare with absolute right of way. Also, all the pollution from stopping, starting, ect…….

  10. k9woods says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    Two or three roundabouts and a pedestrian bridge across 50 on the table?

  11. Mike McKeen says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    Petition of 106 SLT business owners and 1000 residents, plus vocal opposition at the city council workshop can not be ignored. There are no negotiations for property. The community has spoken against the current alternative! Time for our city council to take action and eliminate the current alternative and start new – with a SLT vision and road alternatives! Our group first and utmost wants a vibrant SLT. City council members are elected by and serve SLT residents. (not Tahoe South – Park Cattle, Edgewood, etc.). Park Cattle and Edgewood are both on the current Project Development Team with TTD .

  12. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 22, 2012

    back in 1988 the reason we voted on redevelopment was to fix the air quality
    thru the state line coridor

    the air quality did not meet EPA standards for the density of population

    the density has changed

    it would be nice to know how the air vs. the density equation applies today

    I belive the real reason they are pushing this project is to SHRINK the TOWN