Opinion: SnowGlobe should be silenced


To the community,

Seems the devil’s at it once more. SnowGlobe is again a-go. It’s hard to fathom who is in control in bringing back this nuisance to town.

My logic instructor, Dr. Patch, thought you can’t have a universe of discourse without first defining the terms. So, what is a nuisance? Webster’s New College Dictionary (1995) defines nuisance as “vexatious, a bother that interferes with legal rights by causing damage.” When reviewing SnowGlobe’s first production in town, Webster’s definition of a nuisance fits SnowGlobe’s performance. It was vexation, an annoyance, an irritation. For some folks it created physical discomfort. Noise so loud that there was no escaping the boom, boom pounding. It was an invasion of privacy disturbing citizens’ right to be left alone in their homes.

Bill Crawford

And, of course, the promoters breached the agreement by ignoring the time when the noise was to end. But alas the nuisance will return to cause walls to shake and to induce headaches. Give the devil his due.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: The City Council’s 3-2 vote at the Aug. 21 meeting on postponing the Aug. 28 public hearing on the loop road was out of order because the loop road was not on the agenda. I have spoken to the city attorney about the breach of the rules by the council. He was surprised to hear it.



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Comments (25)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Bill, it’s time for you and this town to stop being so homogenized! It’s time to end the NIMBY attitude! I personally feel that every single time I hear a loud Harley cruise through town it is a PERSONAL affront to me, but I don’t go around suggesting we outlaw them. SUCK IT UP! With gaming now existing in 48 states we have to re-invent ourselves as a destination resort, so we would be best served by reaching out to new revenue sources to create a healthier economy here in SLT. 99% of positives come with some negatives, and a few days of loud music out of the year falls into the small negative category in the Biggerpicture! And yes, I live in the Al Tahoe/ Bijou area!

  2. Bob says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    There’s a proper venue for late night entertainment BP. Guess what – a residential neighborhood is not the place. Stateline is the only possible location for 10,000 people to listen to loud outdoor music. Unfortunately SLT feels they need to make a buck on the back of hard working locals by disrupting their lives for 3 days. SLT doesn’t even have the decency to shut the event down earlier – say 8pm so residents can get their wits together before falling off to sleep. Whether at Stateline or the college these kids will venture to their late night hangouts in SLT or wherever bringing some business with them. And Bill, yes – the city attorney has the brains of a goose. How can we get rid of him?

  3. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    last night at El Dorado Beach I asked the police what they were going to do about the new smoking ordinance at Snow Globe?

    they replied Nothing

  4. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: August 24, 2012


    Thank you. I agree.

  5. Atomic says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Biggerpicture got it right, gotta crack some eggs to make an omelette.

  6. Local96 says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Sounds like compromise was made.. To bad 10 is past your bedtime bill. This is great for the community….

  7. John says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    I agree with Bob, Stateline is the logical venue for this. South Lake Tahoe of course cant do that because of the state line. It just amazes me that the city thinks they can succeed without Stateline also succeeding.

    I do have to take issue with one statement of Bob’s though: I think you are totally unfair to geese.

  8. Kathy says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    I agree,SUCK IT UP, Let it go,and let it be, It brings in people to enjoy,Get off the couch,and shut the tv off,Live to the fullest, quit the negative,

  9. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    If people want Snowglobe closed, than shut down Harvey’s too, I’m tired of listening to that horribly annoying music, make them take it inside, I’m sure they have room somewhere in those casinos, I live over a mile away, that music shouldn’t reach this far, just shows how out of control those Harvey’s outdoor concerts are, especially on the country nights, give me a break, I can’t stand the sound of it, but can’t get away from it! LOL

  10. ljames says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    I think the general trend here is obvious – yes it’s a nuisance (as are all public events in you’re “backyard” that you are not taking part in), but one day in mid-winter seems perhaps tolerable and this isnt any different than other noise issues throughout the city (hey can we say Lake in the Sky Airshow??) except its novel and new and something many of the locals wouldnt go to, so it’s easy to slam (and yes I was in annoying earshot as well). Folks should keep in mind that one of the reasons the noise travelled so far is we didnt have any snow on the ground! Hopefully, that isnt a recurring issue!

  11. Buck says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Careaboutthecommunity those concerts are only 3 hours long not 8 hours a day for 3 days straight. Also no base that goes through your house.

  12. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Buck, but they drag on for months!!!

    Oh and now we have to listen to that airshow! ;) It never ends! What is this place a resort town or something, cause I envisioned I was in idyllic Mayberry, but I guess with the advertising slogan:

    “Dare to have a wild Summer”

    What can one expect, and I think this place has always been a magnet for young people and parties, I’m just not young anymore, so can we change it now? just kidding, let the next generation have fun and enjoy the place too :)

  13. Diana Hamilton says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    The rights of babies, ill, elderly, & shift workers need to be protected. Anyone who has tried to quiet a screaming child can understand what 23 hours of that is like – there is no explaining to a baby that the bass thumping is fun for others. That baby is in pain and doesn’t care about someone else having fun at his/her expense. Someone sick or elderly may not have the option of leaving home for 3 days/nights. An exhausted worker may injure himself or others.

    Being a resort town doesn’t override civility.

    Festivals are fun & I’m in favor. It is possible to have a great festival yet moderate bass strength, volume, & time so that they don’t get shut down entirely.

  14. localgirl says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Bill, the snow globe concerts are not aimed at your 88 year old demographic. Be grateful you can still heart at your age.

  15. localgirl says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    should say “hear” at your age

  16. ljames says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    you know – on further thought – maybe we have to decide does Tahoe want to be a quite mountain resort with minimal economic opportunities or a party place? Maybe trying to be both is the problem? There are only so many ways to split a pie?

  17. Tom Wendell says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    How does being a quiet (or is that not quite quiet?) mountain resort minimize economic opportunities? Our spectacular lake and great surroundings provide myriad opportunities to recreate (mostly)quietly. Hiking, biking, paddeling, swimming, sailing, fishing, ball sports, wine tasting, art shows or just relaxing and enjoying the clean, cool mountain air bring visitors who need to eat, sleep and shop. I don’t see the logic in your arguement.

    If the powers that be would just follow the expensive advice they (we) paid consultants for and focus on the Basin Prosperity Plan, we wouldn’t have all this conflict over noisy, disruptive (even if profitable for some) special events.

    “Being a resort town doesn’t override civility.” Well said Diana.

  18. John says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Tom no doubt Tahoe is beautiful. But the infrastructure of Tahoe was built on our past as a resort destination. Each year that is less of the case. So your vision is a small Tahoe vision. Second homeowners come up, we clost most of the hotels and bulldoze the blighted buildings. I know it sounds great to have everyone have a spirtual experience around Tahoe and base our economy on that. But the reality is when people go on vacation they want to play, party, listen to music, see shows, attend events. You cannot name a single place that is thriving with your vision of what you want Tahoe to be. All resorts have entertainment and events to draw people. Jackson comes close, but even at that in the summer that place rocks.

  19. John says - Posted: August 24, 2012


  20. fromform says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    agreed, john. though i am a sucker for the nirvana tom advocates, i realize that it will never support a ‘family town’ and the infrastructure such a town requires. this is a resort destination. we need to revitalize the 50 corridor, and so far, the loop road proposal looks like the lynch pin. such revitalization will provide the format for events such as snow globe, which bring needed new money into the community, money that ultimately will provide the infrastructural upgrades required by all of us. in the mean time, let’s not close the door to events such as snow globe because of a thinly veiled culture clash.

  21. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Reno Rocks and they shut down the party at 10pm.

    Tom your a trust funder so life is easy for you

    this town has always been a party town you just need to figure out who you want at the party

  22. HangsUpsFromWayBack says - Posted: August 24, 2012

    Go with the flow let snow globes be a dynamo!

    If you can’t dance I feel sorry for you, but let the shimmering bodies with life in their veins BOOGIE!…..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


    Last chance to dance>>fly your freak flag….Sammy and friends will rock your world if you just open up “dig it”. Peace………summer gone so fast!

    There’s some really earthy people who shake the booty,make life so unreal,share their life style….This is good!

  23. Tom Wendell says - Posted: August 25, 2012

    John, fromform, chief,

    Agreed..the infrastructure is in need of a major overhaul. From crumbling roads and lack of sidewalks to dilapidated motels and ailing ‘shopping centers’, parts of this town look like a 3rd rate resort from the 50’s. No matter which direction(s) economic revitalization takes, the infrastructure needs to reflect and protect the stunning physical environment.

    I’m not saying that there is no place or need for special events..they are clearly an important piece of the economic pie. Reno and Carson are leveraging special events very successfully. I am however saying that we don’t need to hold events that are so loud and disruptive that they create the kind of polarization we are currently experiencing over snow globe. And this is NOT about culture clash for me fromform, it’s about the destructive nature of extreemly loud, low frequency sound waves from bass.’s not my kind of music, but neither were the Doors or Jimi Hendrix to my parents generation. If the folks who enjoy electronica can do so without shaking my house, pounding my chest and littering. pissing and puking in front of my home, then have at.

    For a better understanding of how geotourism (a real phenomenon..not nirvana or a small town vision) can revitalize a resort areas’ economy, check this out and follow some of the links:

    Chief—Trustfunder? Really? You’ve known me for how many years? I’ve worked since I was 12 and now that I’m in my 60’s and still working and have accumulated and inherited a little $ you make a stupid remark like that? No wonder you piss so many people off with your slap-in-the-face approach. Stick to riding slow because you aren’t intellectually equipped to discuss and debate important matters with the grown ups.

  24. TeaTotal says - Posted: August 25, 2012

    Excellent points Tom, Not that they won’t zoom over some people’s heads like airshow planes. ~

  25. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: September 1, 2012

    It’s after 10pm, why is the concert still going at Harvey’s, like I’m really going to be able to sleep with this noise, it’s so loud at my house :(