Opinion: Collusion involved in California gas price spike?


Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Oct. 9, 2012, Los Angeles Times.

California’s record-breaking rise in gasoline prices over the last week was so sudden, and so apparently unjustified by the supply-and-demand factors that usually control markets, that it’s natural to suspect some kind of conspiracy at play. Among the suspicious is Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who sent a letter to the chairman of the Federal Trade Commission on Monday calling for an investigation.

Meanwhile, regardless of the spike’s cause, Gov. Jerry Brown moved swiftly Sunday to implement a solution, asking state environmental regulators to allow early sales of California’s winter-blend gasoline formula, which is cheaper but potentially more environmentally unfriendly than the summer blend. That was probably the right thing to do to help stave off serious economic harm. But in light of the conspiracy allegations and other factors, it also sets a worrisome precedent.

Are Californians the victims of market manipulation? That has been asked many times after sudden hikes in gas prices, but probes have turned up little or no evidence that companies intentionally restricted supplies. Because there are relatively few refineries that produce California’s gasoline, which is cleaner but more expensive than blends sold nationwide, a slowdown here or there can have a dramatic impact on prices. The recent pain at the pump can be explained away as the result of an August fire that closed a big Chevron refinery in Richmond, a pipeline disruption and a power outage that temporarily shut down an Exxon Mobil refinery in Torrance.

And yet … the state’s most recent data on gasoline supplies, which are just 2.5 percent below last year’s level, may not justify the 50-cents-a-gallon surge in the average pump price over the last week. In her letter to the FTC, Feinstein raised questions about whether commodity traders might have colluded to sell at exorbitant prices after refiner Tesoro Corp. was allegedly caught short on supplies and had to buy extra fuel to meet its commitments. That could have caused overall market prices to soar. Yet proving such illegal collusion isn’t easy.

Brown’s action on the winter blend, which usually isn’t sold in California until Oct. 31, is expected to bring down prices by up to 20 cents a gallon in the next week. We can’t fault him for that, but he is gambling on the weather; the winter blend is more susceptible to evaporation in high heat, so another heat wave like September’s could have bad environmental consequences. Moreover, one can’t ignore the possibility that suppliers did conspire to raise prices; if so, Brown is rewarding bad behavior by allowing them to sell gas that’s cheaper to produce. If there’s a price spike next fall and the governor is under pressure to switch blends early again, it will give more credence to the conspiracy theorists.


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Comments (4)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 9, 2012

    This whole gas hike situation in California smacks of the early 2000’s when Enron precipitated rolling blackouts throughout California (ON PURPOSE) that ended up being one of the major factors that led to the recall of Governor Gray Davis (a situation he had ABSOLUTELY no control over, just as it would be IMPOSSIBLE for Obama to have any control over what is happening now!).

  2. Billie Jo McAfee says - Posted: October 10, 2012

    We have to pay more for winter gas anyway, because we are a “Mountain” resort area. There are always “reasons”
    to hike gas prices. It has always amazed me that gas prices drop with altitude.

  3. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 10, 2012

    It’s just another exercise of our “octane obsession”. . . and a “1%” control of BOTH supply & demand. . . someone screw up at the refinery ? . . . We can’t use any of our obscene profits to just fix it; let’s charge THEM – that way both the shareholders and our bonuses are safe. . .

  4. Bob says - Posted: October 10, 2012

    Why the public has to pay for the refineries problems is unknown to me. They seem to have us by the ankles.