Opinion: Big Bird is a Republican


By James Poniewozik, Time

I wasn’t surprised that during the Oct. 3 presidential debate in Denver, Mitt Romney pledged to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). For Republicans, PBS threats are as reliable as Ken Burns reruns during pledge drives. But I was surprised by how he said it: “I like PBS. I love Big Bird … [But] I’m not going to keep on spending money on things to borrow money from China to pay for.”

That’s right: Romney called Big Bird out, pulled his big yellow weave. Ordinarily it’s PBS’s defenders who bring up Big Bird — and Elmo, Arthur and Curious George–to emotionalize the debate, to make it about protecting your kids’ favorite cuddly animals. PBS cutters usually want to talk about anything but Big Bird: liberal bias, waste, coastal elites taking your money to foist their values on you. Sesame Street, they argue, will be fine, because it makes more off licensing than the Count can calculate.

By citing Big Bird — as he has before on the stump — Romney put the argument on his opponents’ favored terms. A Fired Big Bird Twitter account sprang up, and the Muppet himself responded to Romney on “Saturday Night Live”. At a rally, Barack Obama quipped that Romney would “get rid of regulations on Wall Street, but he’s going to crack down on Sesame Street.”

Maybe Romney was trying to give austerity an empathetic face. (“You can kill things and still like them,” GOPer Rick Santorum helpfully explained.) But focusing the debate on the fate of one flightless avian muddies the real issue. No, Romney’s cuts wouldn’t kill Big Bird. But they would deeply hurt a program, public TV, that in fact exemplifies his party’s values and serves his voters.

To understand why, you first have to look at how public broadcasting works–which is pretty much the opposite of how most people assume. A CNN poll in 2011 asked Americans what percentage of the federal budget the CPB gets; the median guess was 5 percent ($173 billion) a year. In the 2013 budget, it actually gets $445 million — that’s million, brought to you by the letter m — in a federal budget of nearly $4 trillion. And where does that money go? Not, mostly, to PBS headquarters. Commercial TV is top-down: NBC collects the money and programs the series. In public TV, local stations make (and buy) the shows, set their own schedules and, by law, receive most of the public money.

So “defunding PBS” wouldn’t defund PBS. It’s stations in poorer rural areas that would be devastated, maybe killed. Coastal elites like the Romneys and Obamas will still have Downton Abbey; Cookie Monster will not want for chocolate chips. But good luck finding a channel on which to watch him–and literacy programs and other services–in the low-population heartland regions that reliably turn GOP red every four years. As with interstate highways, it’s one more way the same states that vote for small government get back more in federal spending than they contribute in taxes.

There’s the irony in all this: lots of Republicans rely on Big Bird. And Big Bird is in many ways a Republican. That is, in its finances and ideals, public broadcasting is about as little-c conservative a government program as you can find.

For starters, it’s frugal. We get a national TV and radio network for the kind of money Oprah has under her couch cushions. Progressives might prefer a lavish all-public program like the BBC — the single-payer plan of TV — but PBS uses its seed money to leverage corporate and charitable dollars. If PBS were a space program or a school system, conservatives would love that. It’s also decentralized: major decisions are made locally, just as Romney would have with health care.

And for all the culture warriors against it, public TV is proudly, dorkily family-values-friendly, an Edwardian hemline in a sea of booty shorts. If liberals love PBS’s pluralism, cultural conservatives love that their kids can watch free TV without being bombed with ads and inappropriate content.

Frankly, cutting PBS funds might be better for me personally. Here in rich, evil, liberal New York City, I’d still have public TV, now free from political pressure to be safe and bland. And I could keep the buck and change in taxes that I spend to offer PBS to the heartland. Screw you, South Dakota. You’re on your own!

But public TV is for all the public, which is why it’s amazing we’re fighting over one federal program that manages to be cheap and bipartisanly popular. You may think that this election is about how to best serve “the 100 percent” or that it’s about using money wisely in tough times. Either way, PBS is the definition of educational TV.


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Comments (15)
  1. X LOCAL says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    At a cost of $ 445 million dollars a year of tax payer money,

  2. Dumbluck says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    Obvously, X Local didn’t read the story. $445 million is about 0.01 of the federal budget.

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    Now let’s see if I understand this correctly.

    Republicans want to cut out funding for PBS, a government funded entity that actually has measurable positive influence on our society at a cost that is an infinitesimal fraction of our national budget.

    Yet these same republicans seem to have absolutely no issue with subsidizing big oil with BILLIONS, an industry that bleeds almost every American for every extra penny it can get to shore up it’s already grossly inflated bottom line.

    Yet these same republicans have absolutely no issue with subsidizing the tobacco industry with BILLIONS, an industry that is single-handedly responsible for 460,000 American deaths EVERY YEAR!

    Seems to me the republicans have there financial AND moral priorities a wee bit mixed up!

  4. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    The GOP war in Iraq cost more than that Per Day! And we’ll be paying the price for that stupidity for many years to come. Vote GOP this time and add war with Iran to the fiasco in Afghanistan that will never end. But let’s demonize PBS. Keep watching fox news for all the latest info an idiot will need to form the Right opinions.

  5. Local Yokel says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    What this article skips is the Conservative opposition to NPR and public news as a whole presenting largely unbiased news with equal time for Conservative and Liberal view points (see the many reviews of air time on NPR).

    Why are these groups opposed to providing unbiased news in an age where four media conglomerates literally own the U.S. market? I’m sure that most Conservatives will cry fowl and declare NPR as yet another left wing conspiracy to which I ask show me the evidence!? Just because reporting is counter to your viewpoint does not mean it is wrong.

    This article is right in calling attempts to kill PBS as the rallying point for Conservatives. It is also a rallying cry for many parents to circle the family wagon to raise more money for PBS and write letters. All I can say is thank you to Big Bird and Seasame Street for helping make unbiased news a possibility here in the U.S. Even if that news is presented in a very raw form due to budget constraints.

    People vote with their money… PBS is still here… Fill in the blanks.

  6. Local Yokel says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    Make that NPR & PBS as both are what are being discussed.

  7. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    Son of a Gun! Illegitimate Rape, Legitimate Rape, If rape leeds to PREGNANCY IT IS SOMETHING GOD INTENDED OMG! The big news is PBS !! WAKE UP
    The Republican 47% low information voters will still vote for Romney.
    Even though Willard likes BIG BIRD he would deprive the children of his 47% the enjoyment of PBS.
    I am quite sure Donald Trump, the KOCH Brothers grand children enjoy PBS

  8. X LOCAL says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    It’s still $ 445 million Wasted

  9. Dick Fox says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    You can lead a teabagger to reality…. but you can’t make ’em think.

  10. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    It seems like a bargain to me. Of all the mindless dribble out there to watch on TV, it’s nice to have at least 1 channel, that maybe, just maybe kids and adults would watch, and learn something from, but I admit there are sometimes some good lessons in cartoons, and we do have more channels now ;)

  11. Robert Duffy says - Posted: October 27, 2012

    I believe that Romney was against borrowing monies from China to support Big Bird nnd PBS. I also understand that Big Bird has multi millions in reserve and can run quite well without loans from China .What I resent most about the news media is stating that many White voters are prejudice and could cost Obama the electon. I wonder what percentage of black voters will v0te for Romney?

  12. Dink says - Posted: October 28, 2012

    We are talking about PBS who is doing very well financially. We have millions of people out of work and many more that are on food stamps and are talking about big bird. Get yourself an education.

  13. Lisa says - Posted: October 28, 2012

    I heard a comment on why we support PBS as is produces great programming for ALL Americans. Just remember that TLC used to be the learning channel…. now it brings us Honey BooBoo and the Kardashians… enough said.

  14. Alex Campbell says - Posted: October 29, 2012

    Dick Fox ! Ya got that RIGHT !!!!!

  15. dj short flo says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    GOP wants to get rid of PBS b/c they can’t stand the idea of the poor receiving education it leads to less votes for them. Similarly they want to turn back Roe v Wade, to keep single mothers and thier children digging ditches, filling jail sells and cleaning toilets, not going to school.

    The GOP needs uninformed voters to win. Every two years they make the same case to lower middle class heartland whites:

    People on welfare are taking all you money and “living the good life” while you work hard. (Their not living the good life)

    Blacks and Latinos are getting a leg-up from Democrats and thier doing better than whites. (Blacks and Latinos are still way poorer than whites)

    We need to go to war and spare no expense on it. (This election it’s Iran)

    The GOP needs uneducated whites to get elected, there is no other demographic they can reach out to.