Letter: S. Lake Tahoe has enough on its plate


To the community,

If Mayor Claire Fortier is serious about the city honoring Marjorie Springmeyer and her Johnson brothers, then the city should build a city hall to honor them because years ago they gave 6 acres to the city for a hall that never was built.

At a council meeting the police chief reported that the school district has a problem with unexcused absences. Apparently there’s a deal between the district and city for cops to be truant officers. It’s ill advised because the city needs to focus on city affairs. The district should employ a truant officer. The city has enough on its plate.

Bill Crawford

Also, at the council meeting there was talk about recreation. The city and El Dorado County are talking about, if possible, blending city and county programs. A city committee has been created. Again, it’s ill advised because the city should focus on city problems, not distractions.

Also, the city is straining for the city recreation program to contribute to the city’s bottom line. Public recreation programs were never intended to be for profit. And where is the financial report on the private management of the ice rink?

There has been a blunder in the leasing of the city building across the street from the rec center. The city attorney was in the dark about the deal. It should be a given that all contracts should be sent to the city attorney before any contact is signed.

The city hasn’t an assistant city manger. So when the city manager isn’t available to manage, who will be in charge? There should be a city line and staff chart that shows the order of command.

Bill Crawford, South Lake Tahoe

PS: John Steinbeck wrote that a cynic is one who sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. I agree.



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Comments (16)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    ‘John Steinbeck wrote that a cynic is one who sees things as they are, not as they out to be. I agree.’

    Biggerpicture says that those that define themselves by sayings of the famous live with an over-inflated self image!

    P.S. And I’m guessing you meant ought, not out.

  2. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    Same old, same old Crawford hyperbole.

    1. Perhaps Mr. Crawford should write the check to pay for the design, environmental documents, construction, and all other associated costs for the new City Hall that he advocates.

    2. Police Chief Uhler was not advocating for the City’s police to be truant officers; that agenda item was for an ordinance amendment to enact a daytime curfew provision for juveniles subject to compulsory education. Or, as stated in the staff report: “This ordinance amendment would establish a stricter City’s posture toward truancy by holding students and/or their parents legally accountable for a minor’s whereabouts when kids should be in school.”

    3. The City and County are not talking about blending recreation programs. That agenda item was for sharing the expense of having a “Request for Qualifications” (RFQ) issued and leveraging funds for a joint RFQ to gather information for the City’s Recreation Master Plan and for the County’s future plans which are independent of one another. This would save both the City and the County money since the information each needs would be in one report rather than each paying to have a separate report prepared. Plus, that item was not approved at the meeting and is coming back to the Council with the revisions and other information they requested.

    4. What’s wrong with recreation contributing to the City’s revenues? Nothing operates for free and money is what’s needed to operate the City and to pay the legacy costs associated with former City employees along with school district retiree legacy costs. When Governor Brown ended Redevelopment he directed that the City’s RDA tax increment be paid to the “taxing entities” instead of the State paying that money, and one of those “taxing entities” is the Lake Tahoe Unified School District, so that money can now help cover the costs of your lucrative retirement package Bill, instead of being used to help leverage funds to make improvements to the City’s infrastructure and construct affordable housing.

    5. The building leased is Unity Church and the Department Head that acted beyond the bounds of his authority was fired within a week of the Council learning that he’d signed that five year agreement. What more do you want Bill? Also, weren’t you on the Council that approved the hiring of Mr. Sherer?

    6. A City line and staff chart that shows the order of command in case the City Manager isn’t available? I think there likely is an understanding of such and this criticism is a stretch even for you Bill. If you think the City should hire an Assistant City Manager perhaps your check to pay the costs for a new City Hall could include the costs for that staff person.

  3. 30yrlocal says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    4mer….very well said and I totally agree with all of your points. I tire of the people that complain over and over about the same things and blaming everyone else for problems.

    You’ve proven that there are a few people that really understand and pay attention.

    Thank you!

  4. John says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    4-Mer, sure do wish you would run in a couple years.

  5. X LOCAL says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    It is true that Marge Springmier gave the property to the City for a City Hall, but you can’t blame the current Council for not building a new City Hall. It should have been done 30 years ago. Margie was a wonderful person and very kind to the City.
    The money spent on the “Hal Cole Hole” would have been better spent on a City Hall.

  6. lou pierini says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    Biggerpicture, Your sayings will never be repeated cuz we don’t know who you are.

  7. lou pierini says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    It was 40 years ago and it was the Johnson family.

  8. cat lapper says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    Dear Mr. Crawford, I wholeheartedly agree with your comments, and the staff chart and order of command is a great idea. Also, some illumination into the dealings with the ice rink is long overdue!! Yes, WHERE IS that financial report on the private “management” of the ice rink??? Have they paid their RENT yet??? oh, and WHO pays for the electricity needed to run the place?? Some shady dealings going on, and no one is being held accountable for this debacle. A side note to “BIgger Picture” who writes “Biggerpicture says that those that define themselves by sayings of the famous live with an overinflated self image”-I say those whose speak of themselves in the first person have a self image issue, and oh, yes Bill is a retired English instructor so he can quote anyone he wants as I see it! Yay, Bill!! Always look forward to your ideas about our little town.

  9. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 2, 2012


    I’d sure like to know who the individuals were that served on the City Councils of 20, 30, and 40 years ago. Weren’t those the time periods which so many people now refer to as “the good old days”? Seems to me it was up to those long-ago City Councilmembers to have performed what the Johnson Family had designated that property for. Maybe they should have done some long-term planning for the benefit and prosperity of this community while they were at it. It’s now looking like they pretty much ignored the town’s well-being and just focused on their own well-being and what would benefit their own prosperity.

  10. pine tree says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    4-mer, I know Dale Lane, Brook Lane, Keith Kline,
    Joyce Balacksone to name a few were on the council 20 -25 years ago.

  11. lou pierini says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    It’s DEL

  12. X LOCAL says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    You are sure picky about dates & times and for your information Marge was the force behind the land deal, Knox was not in favor of it.
    Marge and Buzz were both personal friends of mine and we miss them still. They also provided the Cemetery property after there daughter passed away, details not necessary.

  13. lou pierini says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    just the facts

  14. Dick Fox says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    It’s Del Laine as a matter of fact for all you “old friends”

  15. Chief Slowroller says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    don’t forget Norm Woods

    don’t forget Terry Trup

    these guys never blundered like Hal Cole

  16. lou pierini says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    You mean Terry the convicted felon.