DiMatteo faces federal drug charges; bribery investigation involving Swanson still alive


By Kathryn Reed

Gino DiMatteo, the man accused of bribing South Lake Tahoe City Councilwoman Angela Swanson, is back behind bars. This time he faces federal drug charges.

While the state drug charges have been dropped, the federal charges are more serious if only because of the venue. Plus, the El Dorado County District Attorney’s Office in a press release said, “… the investigation into certain South Lake Tahoe city officials as to their dealings with DiMatteo is ongoing.”

Gino DiMatteo

DiMatteo was arrested Nov. 2 in Placerville where he was scheduled to appear in El Dorado County Superior Court on a hearing related to the state charges.

His criminal attorney, Rob Woelfel, told Lake Tahoe News, “I’m pleased that all of the California charges have been dropped and it is disappointing that law enforcement is trying to direct this into a federal forum to deny my client a medical marijuana defense.”

DiMatteo, who used to run the City of Angels II medical marijuana dispensary in South Lake Tahoe, was first arrested Aug. 31 on a slew of drug charges as well as bribing a public official. Now he operates Push Fitness, which Friday night still had its lights on.

In moving the case to U.S. District Court, it raises the seriousness of the allegations against Dimatteo. For one, the feds don’t recognize any form of marijuana being legal. This is in direct contrast to the state of California which allows the sale and use of medical marijuana.

The exact charges DiMatteo faces have not been released and the federal complaint is sealed.

Swanson has never been charged or detained. However, she has been questioned and her electronic devices taken as evidence. It has come out that she solicited a donation from DiMatteo for the Lake Tahoe Educational Foundation, on whose board she sits, at the same time she was voting to allow DiMatteo to move his pot club to a different location in town. She maintains her innocence. DiMatteo was known to give quite a bit to charity, so this donation would not have been out of the ordinary. And Swanson’s votes have consistently been in favor of medical marijuana, so the time of the donation and vote may look bad, but are not out of character for either individual.

Swanson did not return a phone call Friday.

A twist often not seen in cases like this is in the press release from the district attorney there are quotes from DiMatteo criticizing Long: “I – I really think that Ted Long’s only agenda is political. And I think it’s his intention to no, you know, not represent me properly and just use my – my – I don’t know how to say it. You now, what’s happening to me – to advance himself and his own agenda.”

Ted Long was not available for comment. He had been DiMatteo’s civil attorney, but had spoken out about the criminal case.




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Comments (17)
  1. Dick Fox says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    Ted Allred

  2. dumbfounded says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    Halloween is over, stop with the witch hunt.

  3. Dogula says - Posted: November 2, 2012

    LOL! Dick Fox, THAT is funny! Good one.

  4. Steve Kubby says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    Did the SLT City Council violate Federal drug laws? We could see charges against Council members including money laundering, bribery and even distribution, as the result of the involvement by the City in collecting fees and granting exclusive licenses. I warned the City Attorney, Manager and all three collectives over a year ago that they were not complying with the law and that the City could not collect fees and grant licenses. Now that the Feds are involved, anything can happen.

  5. hmmmm.... says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    tahoe south!

  6. Ted Long says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    I think you need to hear the entire tape before reacting to a portion. I only wish I had political ambition, I am know 74 years old done it all and have no interest in politics other then as an observer. Yes I have been critical of the handing of this case and will continue to be, it’s just be it’s just not right to use so much force and intimidation. I truly believe this is the District Attorneys way of saving face, he has no case so he gets friends at the federal level to carry on. He then attacks me, come on lets see some facts. He has ruined at least two people, Angela, who has done nothing wrong and Gino. Know he is after me, when a phone call in the first place would have handled the whole thing. The tax payers of this county are not going to like what they find out. Any way I had serious dental surgery on Friday and right know I need to recover. More next week. Ted

  7. Mama Bear says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    Ted should learn how to spell. The word now does not have a k in it.

  8. dryclean says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    Ted, if Angela Swanson did not do anything than why is the case against her still ongoing? I think we have a right to know what she can and can’t work on while a city councilwoman and under investigation and why. The silence surrounding this is deafening.

  9. SLT Voter says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    All State Charges were dropped. This is because they were bogus charges in the first place. This was the District Attorney and the Law Enforcements way of getting out of this case and not look like fools.

    I would also like to commend Ted Long for realizing their tactics and not falling into their trap. It is clear that there motive is to Divide and Conquer. Start turning everyone involved in this case against each other and let it be destroyed from the inside out.

    The city management and law enforcement have dealt a huge blow to our community and I hope that during our elections the people realize this and start cleaning the house! Out with the old and in with the new, lets take our community back!

  10. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    Mama Bear,

    I actually didn’t notice any difference in Mr. Long’s grammar, punctuation, spelling and syntax than from any other time he’s posted on this site. Had he not disclosed that he’d had dental surgery I would never had suspected that this prattling was any different from any previous drivel. Unfortunately for Ready Teddy, spellcheck can only do so much.

  11. White Ghost says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    Very well spoken SLT Voter. I also would like to commend Ted Long for his outstanding commitment to the truth.
    The people of this community are so afraid to stand for what is right. Hiding behind our jobs, relationships, and partnerships. It hurts to think we are raising children in the shadows of the leaders of our community.
    I think the people should realize the connection between Tim Christenson and Sherriff John A’gostini.
    Hey John “why did you personally arrest Irene dimatteo”?
    I think the people of our community should know about the Vern Pierson Campaign Fund where any individual can donate 5k to the pursuit of criminal activity of their choice. Hey Tim whom did you pursue with your donation.
    I think the people of our community should know about California Penal code 832.7 pertains personal investigations to peace officers as classified. Isn’t that right discharged Reserve Officer Timothy Paul Christenson.
    Hey Tim Targeting the Dimatteo’s for your revenge will only bring you more bad karma.
    Hey Tim when your wife that you brought over from Brazil was held for deportation, how many people did you have to roll over on to keep her in the country? How many people that were your associates in Reno know this Tim?
    Hey Tim ,”Why do you still carry a gun in that hip pack that you wear”?
    Are discharged officers allowed to carry guns?

    The “White ghost” stood up for justice cooperating with the F.B.I., United States Customs, South Tahoe Internal affairs, and Chief Uhler in the discharge of a reserve officer.

    Hey Tim you have the wrong target.

  12. Dogula says - Posted: November 3, 2012

    Wow, the ignorance of how the law works that some posters are displaying is stunning.
    The state charges were dropped because the Federal charges took precedence and the penalties are more harsh. NOT because the state charges are “bogus”.
    As I’ve said before, I think marijuana should be legal across the board. But if you’re going to mess with the Feds, be prepared to pay the price. They have a lot more power than any two-bit hood who moves into town to take advantage of the local yokels.

  13. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: November 3, 2012



  14. dj short flo says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    His store had lines out the door when it was open. It is not as if our community holds no responsibility.

    Kubby is right the City should not be collecting fees on things that are federally illegal. This ordinance could blow up in thier face. Funny thing is the two dispensories that wrote the ordinance with City Council are both closed because they couldn’t comply.

  15. Not a Gino fan says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    Hopefully this fake tough guy and his chronies get what they deserve. Too bad there hasn’t been more arrests. Maybe now there will be a real investigation, with the Feds taking over. Maybe the IRS can start seizing some properties. Forget the pot, take that out of it, and he’s still a crook.

  16. thing fish says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    dj short flo. I want to let you know that I am one of the few people who ‘gets’ your name. Nice. Old school.

  17. pine tree says - Posted: November 4, 2012

    I’m still not supporting the Ed Foundation until they give that money back they got from Gino. It sends the wrong message to kids. Shame on Angela.