Obama wins second term


President Obama

President Obama is going to be calling the White House home for another four years.

The president has won the electoral college vote, though he is trailing Mitt Romney in the popular vote.

Ohio put Obama over the top.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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This article was written by admin


Comments (16)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    There was never a question in my mind! America made THE ONLY CHOICE to move our nation forward!

  2. Gus says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    Expect more attacks on religious freedom, orthodox religion, and individual liberties and life. Sometimes things have to get really bad before they get better.

  3. thing fish says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    Gus, name one attack that has already been made on religious freedom. Orthodox religion? I’m curious about that one too. Which religion? There are many orthodox religions…. which doesn’t make any of them orthodox.
    You are cray.

  4. Dogula says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    Obamacare vs Catholic employers. Forcing them to enable an act which their faith regards as a mortal sin.

  5. thing fish says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    That’s a big stretch. Here is something stronger.
    Their tax money is used to kill dozens of innocent people a day. Directly.
    Try again?

  6. thing fish says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    I am talking about war. Also a mortal sin. Why no outrage there? Seems kind of like selective morality.
    And I think you are talking about contraception.
    What is so difficult about not forcing the consequences of your religious beliefs on others who don’t share your religion?

  7. John says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    Dogula, all the Catholic hospitals have to do is quit taking tax dollars and they are free to deny coverage for contraception. Whats the problem?

  8. Gus says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    Thing: First, name calling is poor form. Second, the Obama administration has a history of siding against churches who place children in two parent heterosexual households, forcing many churches to drop out of adoptions. It pushed new health care laws that will force lay faith organizations, religious schools and hospitals to pay for abortions against their conscience, go out of business or sell to non religious businesses (goodby St. Marys Hospital in Reno – hello Dignity Health). This space is too small to write more.

  9. thing fish says - Posted: November 6, 2012

    “religious schools and hospitals to pay for abortions”
    False. Contraception is different than abortion.

    John, that is an excellent reply.

    The Catholic position on contraception is draconian, and not even supported by all Catholics. I really think that the majority of Catholics don’t agree with the Vatican, and don’t consider it a mortal sin. Which supports the idea that the government can’t favor one religion over another. The solution is simple, keep the consequences of your theology inside your church.

    Gus, please talk more on ‘orthodox’ religion and how the government can favor one sect of one religion and force that on everyone.

    You can’t legislate morality.
    Freedom from religion.

  10. International Perspective says - Posted: November 7, 2012

    Awesome news! We can save face in front of the rest of the world, now. And hopefully we can get universal healthcare coverage including contraception.

  11. let's be a better city says - Posted: November 7, 2012

    I think it’s about the rights of the individual, and not to have institutions making choices for the individual.

  12. TeaTotal says - Posted: November 7, 2012

    When GwBush ran for re-election and somehow took Ohio’s electoral votes and was once again installed as President I knew the country was in a toilet bowl swirl to disaster. And I was correct. I think we’re on the right road to cleaning up that mess and with Pres. Obama’s resounding victory I know the middle class now at least has a chance for a comeback. If the GOP wants to be a viable political party again they will have to jettison the lunatic fringe teabaggers and talibangelicals.

  13. mks says - Posted: November 7, 2012

    Thank G– that we have 4 more years for President Obama to continue the work he has started. The Affordable Care Act will cover contraception as well as preventative care like colonoscopies. Maybe the Party of No will finally work towards helping hte country rather than focusing on what their Speaker of the House said was their main goal: to deny President Obama a second term.

    Gus: FYI Dignity Health is the former Catholic HealthCare West — still a religious organization. And the ACA does not mandate that ANY religious organization pay for abortion.

    It kills me that the tea party crazies favor getting the government out of almost everything — except women’s reproductive rights!!

  14. jeastburn says - Posted: November 10, 2012

    TeaTotal and mks: You both took the words right out of my mouth. I would add that the republican right favors limited government only when it allows them to pollute the environment, avoid fair labor practices, avoid paying taxes, and to force their chosen morality (which is anti-women’s freedoms and anti-marriage equality). The republicans went too far right this time….a moderate republican MIGHT have had a chance but the majority of Americans saw Romney, Ryan, and Santorum as the right wing, fundamentalist radicals that they are. You can’t alienate the majority of voters and have a hope of winning. FOUR MORE YEARS of FORWARD movement! Thank you, my fellow Americans!

  15. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 10, 2012

    I’m proud to take a small slice of responsibility for President Obama’s re-election, and from what I have seen throughout his first four years I have nothing but high hopes and expectations for the next four (or twelve if Hillary is elected not once, but twice) years. The ‘Hope and Change’ he promised in 2008 is alive and well! To me that hope and change was not just about the political arena, but also about the level of social awareness in our nation, and four states VOTING to legalize gay marriage is a perfect example of our nations social awareness slowly climbing out of the 20th century.

  16. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 10, 2012

    Very well stated in regards to President Obama being re-elected for another term. I voted, as always, and am happy with the results, except for the defeat of the bill requiring labeling on GMO foods
    I’m also thrilled with so many progresive/liberal men and women being elected.There is hope for this country yet! Despite the teabaggers and their billionaire money backers that threw lots of cash onto their ultra right wing conservative candidates campaigns.
    Of course there was the Citizens united ruling by the supreme court, allowing unlimited amounts of money to be handed over to politicians to pay them off for “favoralble legislation”. What a sad ruling that was.
    Koch brothers, Adelson and so many others… you guys just lost alot of money. Accept it, the middle class,women, minorities, seniors, the poor and disabled are waking up!
    The conservatives lost and the “LIBERALS” won and it’s about dammn time.
    Take Care, Old Long Skiis