Fallen Leaf Lake proceeds with board election
Even though several residents of Fallen Leaf Lake don’t believe the issue of who can vote has been resolved, there will be a board election next year.
Candidates for the two seats have until Dec. 7 to file with the El Dorado County Registrar of Voters Office.
The election will be March 5.
How can there possibly be a fair election with the USFS people being excluded from voting. Along with that a very large portion of the private land owners also will not be able to vote per the letter of the law and the correspondence that Vern Peirson release over one year ago.
There are people in the community that have been asking the CSD to address the voting problem since September of 2010, the CSD has firmly put their heads in the sand and refused to deal with it until this last CSD meeting. For the November CSD meeting there was an agenda item set up to appoint a committee/committee head to address the voting problem, the CSD would not allow any action to be taken stating the agenda item was not worded properly.
This appears to be further stall tactics in order to get the “Old Boys” back on the board. The only people that will vote in the up and coming election will be those who refuse obey the laws as written and feel they are entitled to vote at Fallen Leaf Lake no matter what the District Attorney and Secretary of State.
This election will not have fair representation of the community.