Oregon man breaks both legs in fall on Mt. Tallac
A Portland man was whisked off Mount Tallac via helicopter Saturday after he broke both legs in a 400-foot fall.
Brian Meek, 50, was on snowshoes when he lost traction on the ice. He tumbled down the west bowl area, stopping only after hitting a large rock.
With the snowy and icy conditions of the terrain on Dec. 8 and the location of the victim, technical mountaineering skills were necessary.
El Dorado County and Douglas County search and rescue teams led the effort, with Lake Valley fire, Calstar and CHP assisting. It was the California Highway Patrol helicopter that airlifted Meek to Renown Medical Center in Reno.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Brutal! He’s going to have a lot of recovery ahead of him, best wishes :)
Bryan is doing great! Having surgery a on both legs but in really good spirits. No other injuries reported! Definitely the hand of God! Prayers appreciated for his recovery process!
Tell him best wishes for a speedy recovery Rachel! For sure, God was watching out for him.
Brian is in my prayers for complete recovery! In the name of Yeshua!
Brilliant, natural selection almost took its toll…
Why has the following comment, previously posted here, disappeared?
“Definitely hand of god” — Which was the hand of god, the slip that sent him tumbling or the rock that stopped him? Maybe god can give him some crampons for the next trip.
Hope he has a full, speedy recovery.
We were doing stuff behind the scenes. This story explained that: https://www.laketahoenews.net/2012/12/ltn-making-upgrades-news-will-be-delayed/. It also said comments could be lost.
I’m sorry if yours was.
Kathryn Reed, LTN publisher
Admin, I saw that article about upgrades but forgot it said anything about comments. Thanks
If I know BAM he’ll be back in gear in no time.
If it was ‘god’ who stopped him on the rock it was also ‘god’ who caused the slip.