Letter: South Tahoe snow removal is atrocious
To the community,
The snow removal in the city is unbelievable. I was in the area Sunday and was ashamed of the snow removal that has been done, or should I say not done.
The roads are narrow and the pack on the streets is unacceptable. There were no plows out and the roads should have been blown by now to there fullest width.
I went by the city yard and the rotaries didn’t even have chains on them. I am amazed that there have been no comments in the paper yet.
When driving around the county areas I found that all of there blowers were out and all of there graders were out and the streets out there looked real good. It used to be that when it snowed the crews went to work and worked 24 hours a day until all streets were at full width and we were ready for the next storm. If the city were to get another storm right now of any size, the city would not be ready and there will be hell to pay from the citizens.
I don’t know who is calling the shots in the Public Works Department, but they had better get there head out of there pocket and wake up. Is there no one there that knows how to peel the pack off of the streets? The city has the finest equipment with the cat graders and the front plows that should be being used to push back the streets to full width and remove all the pack.
The most important function in the city is snow removal. Without it the police and fire departments can not do there duty and the citizens and above all the tourist that bring the money will have a very bad taste of the city services.
I served 28 years in the Public Works Division and 21 of those as street superintendent and never in our worst years did I ever see the area in the city this bad.
What are they going to do if they get a real storm soon?
Thomas Fay, Arizona
Mr. Fay, are you for real?
I see you live in Az. Again I ask, are you for real?
I’ve lived in other areas where they receive far less snow and still, their snow removal is shotty to say the least. Here in the Sierra’s where we receive more snow than many parts of Alaska, our snow removal is top notch when you consider what we are dealing with here.
Within hours of a major storm, the main hwy is free from built up snow and in less than 30 hours the burm in the middle is gone while side streets are being plowed. I’m not sure what you expect, but please exercise some common sense when traveling to the Sierra’s during winter months. We get snow here, and lots of it. Perhaps a vacation in Vegas might be more suitable.
Mr. Fay, I failed to mention that our Police and Emergency responders are equipped to drive in these conditions. We all are. It’s the tourists that don’t because they don’t understand what living in these conditions entails. Which accounts for so many accidents.
Aaron — I will first mention that I have heard many complaints this month about snow removal, but I will also say that EVERY year I hear complaints about the snow removal.
I would also like to point out that HWY 50 is cleared by CalTrans, not the City. Not being snarky just sayin’
I would guess that the City budget has something to do with the lack of hours spent plowing till the roads are wide…
and maybe because Fred hasn’t been plowing Gardner Mountain in decades!
Happy New Year
FYI the snow removal in the city sucks big time!! Hwy 50 is always the first and always the neatest because it is done by Caltrans! We who have lived here for many years are so used to crappy snow removal we cant even complain any more because it is pointless! So we get this guy who speaks the truth and you want to crucify him!! He speaks the truth and everyone knows it but wont admit it! Snow removal does suck in SLT!!!!
As a point of clarification, Mr. Fay was the Street Superintendent for the City of South Lake for 21 years. Given that experience, I would imagine that he has a pretty good grasp on what it takes to clear the streets in our fair city.
Last years budget Lay-offs of experenced snow removal operators. More tempory snow removal operators and a street supervisor who lacks a real Tahoe snow removal back ground. When budgets need to be trimmed all city services will suffer as a result. HNY ALL!!!
I remember plenty of years when Fay was in charge that the roads where not as good as they are now,his drivers used to love to torment people by burming in there driveways.The roads are fine,you might not be able to drive 35 in your priuses,but if you slow down there passable.
1. The lot I live on is required by city law to have a dumpster.
2. This lot is required to pay for snow removal services.
3. I sent an email to Marnell Heinz (MHeinz@CityOfSLT.us)the street superintendent in the City of South Lake Tahoe. This email sent before that last big dump thanked him for not leaving a berm on the driveway(somewhat of a rarity here). But the dumpster has been bermed in twice with around a 2 foot berm and asked about some kind of solution.
4. For my nice email, the last big storm was greeted by a complete berming in of the driveway.
5. The west end of Sussex has been bermed in again. This is a pathway used by locals to get away from the dangerous traffic, pollution, ect… of hi way 50. The berming in of Sussex has been brought to the attention of numerous people officially associated with the city of SLT. If I was into s&m I’d be in heaven for paying taxes to be abused by the city. Unfortunately, I’m not into s&m.
BTW, I never got a reply from my email to marnell heinz!
Back when we lived in town we got bermed in bad EVERY storm. But realistically, the lots are so small, there’s only so much space to move the snow.
Moved out to the county 10 years ago. This year, out here in the county, they are doing the BEST JOB EVER!
Thank you County Road plows! You’re doing a great job.
No money in the city coffers, no first rate job in plowing.
I suggest (tongue in Cheek) no more snow removal to save money… Everyone can then get slays and horses… Wouldn’t that be more fun?
The reduced snow removal schedule is a result of budget cutting. I hope none of the people complaining about the snow removal are part of our current budget cutting frenzy because, you see, while a lot of budget cuts will be sustained by those receiving food stamps, welfare, unemployment, Medicaid or SSI. Some of the budget cuts will land squarely in the laps of all of the rest of us. We will all be seeing these cuts in the form of unrepaired bridges and roads, crowded classrooms, reduced fire protection, unmaintained trails and so forth. I guess the old saying about being careful about what you ask for because you might get it applies here.
Where is our assessment of $20/residential parcel going? If budget problems are the issue, how does the County still remove their snow? This City became a City to control police/fire/snow removal. The way I see this is; the City is greasing the wheels in another department with the snow removal assessment. We should have our snow removal assessment refunded or the snow in my street removed! Thanks for the letter Tom.
‘there blowers’
Great job El Dorado County! You have done an excellent job this year. Keep up the good work.
Tom Fay is absolutely correct in his observations. This year’s snow removal in the city is the worst in decades. It is pathetic and unacceptable.
The City of SLT’s snow removal costs are 50% reimbursed to it by the State of California from dedicated funding from state gasoline taxes. The city, as with most of its endeavors, is simply incompetent and dysfunctional in its implementation. Why plows and blowers are fully operational in the county, but frozen down in the city, is likely caused by the city’s misplaced focus on Snow Globe to the detriment of the neighboroods. The city should consider contracting its snow removal out to the county for savings and better performance.
Dogula and dunbfounded:
I 100-percent agree on this year’s snow removal in the County. This is the best I’ve ever seen–with the big snows we’ve had they haven’t left one unreasonable berm on my driveway. I called their offices and left a message telling them that their work was fantastic and to thank them. Hope they keep up the great work.
I was especially pleased with the county when they plowed my street twice when no new snow had fallen and the streets were clear, and then we get 11″ overnight and I don’t seem them until the next evening. Not such great management. Yes, currently the streets are better than the city, but with the cold temps, we still have snow-packed-covered streets. When it does warm, they will be a mess.
Does anyone know what Nevada is putting on the roads over Kingsbury and Spooner Summits? Going over them yesterday, it was 20 degrees, yet water was running on the roads. What does this snow melt substance do to our vehicles and the trees? We have already killed most of the trees along the roads with salt. I think these “clear/safe looking” roads are more dangerous than snow cover because everyone thinks they can drive the speed limit or faster. You all drive like idiots. Get off of my butt!
I live in the city and am building in the county — went out to the lot today and the snow removal in the county is amazing – the road with 1 full time resident, a couple of vacation cabins and our house under construction was blown to full width, and no berm at our driveway!
At my house in town, I was snowblowing my driveway during the last storm, and the plow driver left a big berm, while I was out there! I’m one of 5 full time occupied houses on the entire street, the other 30 are vacation rentals and empty most of the time. So I agree the county is winning , hands down, this snow season!
Another case of “The older I get, the better I was.” Give it a rest Tom, the snow removal wasn’t that much better when you were in charge.
Doggoned hard to plow the streets right now while they’re packed with illegally parked cars from all the vacation rentals and the kids AND adults are sledding down the middles. Then there are the mini-vans who travel in packs and (apparently by law) MUST stay together at all times, even if one gets stuck sideways, thereby blocking all traffic on the road.
Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate our visitors. But this holiday has been a long, drawn out affair, and we are all getting tired and would like things to get back to some semblance of normalcy.
Like, maybe more than 3 or 4 heads of lettuce on the shelves and a parking space or two available at the grocery store.
Happy New Year.
We actually didn’t get bermed in this year, for a change, but the driver decided to take out the mailbox instead :(
Dogula, I noticed that too, many vacation home renters parked on the street for days. Maybe New Years is just to busy a time to enforce laws?
Im glad to see that they arent spraying that salt solution this year. Seemed like a really bad idea for plants and trees. Snow removal pretty good in my opinion. Its best to drive slow since its winter. its not like we can drive 40 mph 365 days. We live in tahoe….take it slow :)
It is not so much the Operators of the snow plows, it’s the person who is leading them who has no experience in snow removal.This guy just doesn’t know what he is doing. The reason that the City and the County plow with graders is that with a little blade pressure the pack come’s up off of the street and the roads dry out and the Ice doesn’t build up and become a problem.
If cars are blocking the streets, where are the police to write them a ticket? or is it that the City won’t enforce the “SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE” because they don’t need the money? or is it that they don’t want to have un-happy tourist?
Fire the Street Superintendent and hire some one that understands Snow Removal and will get the job done right.
Congratulation to the County on a great job, well done guy’s.
Our streets hae been better plowed, and quicker, than I can reall in years.
The county does a very good job all things considered.
The city of SLT through gross mismanagement has run out of money and takes it out on its residents through poor service and neglect.
Take some of the millions of dollars never collected from vacation rentals and put it into snow removal done correctly.
Why aren’t the cops or volunteers (perish the thought) out writing tickets for vehicles blocking snow removal. Also the fine (penalty) is rediculously low. As one San Francisco resident told me he pays more for parking than the cost of a ticket for blocking the road.
Dogula, We too have noticed the phenomena regarding mini-vans. We have had rental property in our neighborhood, years ago we came home from work to find three of them in our driveway. They were outraged when I told them to move because the house they had rented had snow in the driveway. What is the deal with the mini-vans?
Some full-time residents where I live have cars parked all over the street. The blower honked his horn repeatedly until they moved. He was awesome. Most drivers would have just called the Sheriff.
Thanks again to the El Dorado County plow crew for their excellent job this year.
Happy New Year to all!
Our street has a lot of cars parked illegally on it, so the plow cannot do it’s work. If the City prints up warning labels, I’d be willing to stick them on windshields. I’m guessing most people here don’t realize it’s causing a problem.
Thanks, David. Tom, please remember you had a bigger budget, more drivers, and better equipment in your day, and I still remember listening to lots of complaints under your watch.Can’t make everyone happy all the time.
Law enforcement in this town have always, pre and post SnowGlobe, been occupied with controlling the issues from the masses of visitors that descend on our little town over New Year’s. Same with 4th of July.
In one way or another, it is all interconnected with keeping our town operational, your favorite restaurant open, your favorite shop in business, or maintaining stability for your doctor’s office, your neighbor’s job, or the services you would like to see from public agencies.
We can all help a little in different way to keep our town as positive as possible.
“Can’t make everyone happy all the time.”
I’d say that pretty much sums it up.
It’s not just SLT. Drove to Truckee last week after a good dump the day before. CA. roads aside from 50…alll a mess. East shore 50 and 28 pretty buff…even some dry spots but mostly H2O. Afternoon sun helped. Incline, Crystal Bay..buff. Passing CalNeva back to CA. down hill to Kings Beach was a quagmire of 4-5 in. deep slush. Brockway (267)..buff for Northstar skiers/riders. Donner Pass Rd. Truckee more bumpy slush. Only logical conclusion;
Roads in small towns in Ca. suck hind tit unless it directly benefits ski industry.
BTW, I have lived in South Lake Tahoe for over 35 years. I do not recall many years that someone didn’t complain about the snow plowing. Good point, John. I never hear anyone complain about the snow removal in Las Vegas.