Praise for TRPA plan rolls in as others contemplate lawsuit
By Malia Wollan, New York Times
Deep in the Sierra Nevada, 39 trillion gallons of crystalline water straddles the border between California and Nevada.
That water, Lake Tahoe, can be as smooth as glass, but the politics of land-use planning along the lake’s 72-mile shoreline are some of the most contentious and muddled in the country.
Lawmakers from the two states tend to have very different ideas about how to manage development around the lake, to say nothing of the more than 50 federal, state and local agencies with jurisdiction in the basin.
But last month, after nearly a decade of wrangling, the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, the bistate agency that regulates development, approved a new plan that will guide building there.
“The infrastructure around the lake was built in the 1950s and ’60s, and it’s failing the communities and it’s failing the lake,” said Todd Ferrara, deputy secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency. “California and Nevada have this shared treasure, and the stakes are too high not to work together to protect it.”
The new regional plan encourages ripping down and rebuilding the area’s aging infrastructure, removing buildings from environmentally delicate areas near marshes, streams and rivers, and constructing denser urban centers. It also streamlines the permit process for construction projects in the basin, which gets three million visitors a year.
For many of basin’s 55,000 full-time residents, the fact that the agency’s governing board — made up of seven Nevadans and seven Californians — reached consensus came as a great relief.
“We’re very happy that a plan has finally been passed, because without concrete regulations, nobody wins and the lake suffers,” said Darcie Goodman Collins, executive director of the League to Save Lake Tahoe, an environmental advocacy group.
While the plan has broad support on both sides of the state line, some environmental groups say it will result in taller buildings and denser development, which could ultimately harm the ecosystem of the lake.
“This new plan is a plan for improving the tourist economy, not a plan for improving the environment,” said Laurel Ames, conservation co-chairwoman for the Tahoe Area Sierra Club, which is considering a lawsuit to halt it before it is carried out on Feb. 11.
But policymakers counter that replacing aging infrastructure would be a major step toward restoring the lake’s ecosystem and quintessential clarity.
“The idea is to get rid of this strip development that causes sediment to run off into the lake and rebuild,” said Lew Feldman, a lawyer who represents developers in the area.
Beginning in the 1950s, developers hurriedly built in preparation for the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley and to support the burgeoning gambling industry on the Nevada side.
In just a few decades, whole sections of shoreline were rapidly transformed from stands of Ponderosa pine trees and willow-filled marshes into a kind of continuous strip of low-slung motels, casinos and budget restaurants.
By the late 1960s, sewage was leaking into the lake, resulting in the growth of microscopic algae that clouded the lucent waters.
“Every little pebble was distinct, every speckled trout, every hand’s-breadth of sand,” Mark Twain wrote of his unimpeded glimpse into Lake Tahoe’s depths in “Roughing It.”
When scientists first began testing the lake’s clarity, in 1968, they could see down more than 102 feet into the water. By 2011, the most recent year with complete data, visibility was 69 feet and the summer clarity was the second worst on record.
To control the runaway development in the Lake Tahoe basin, Congress approved a bistate compact between Nevada and California in 1969, creating the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.
“The focus is on water quality restoration,” said Joanne Marchetta, the agency’s executive director. “The lake is the canary in the coal mine: if the lake is healthy, the surrounding environment and economies can be healthy.”
The agency’s last regional plan, carried out in 1987, capped development and established standards for environmental quality in the basin.
“The bistate compact was created in an effort to strangle the uncontrolled growth that was undeniably polluting the lake, and it succeeded,” said Ross Miller, Nevada’s secretary of state.
In fact, the compact restricted growth so rapidly it had the effect of freezing the lakeside communities in time. Much of the infrastructure still looks like it did when Elvis Presley spent summers there playing at the Nevada casinos in the early 1970s.
Other economic forces also hampered development. Beginning in the 1990s, the growth of Native American gambling in California sent Nevada’s casinos into a tailspin of lost revenue and empty hotel rooms.
By 2011, Nevada lawmakers became so frustrated with the agency’s strict development regulations that they passed legislation to withdraw from the compact in 2015 if a new regional plan was not approved.
“It is time for Nevada to stand alone in serving Nevadans and the valuable natural resource Lake Tahoe,” state Sen. John Jay Lee, who sponsored the bill, said at the time.
Since the agency approved the new plan on Dec. 12, some Nevada lawmakers, including Miller, say that as long as the plan does not stall in the courts, they will rescind the bill and recommit to bistate management.
“The different states and stakeholders all come with different perspectives,” Marchetta said. “But they share a passion for the lake and a desire to preserve it.”
“The agency’s last regional plan, carried out in 1987, capped development and established standards for environmental quality in the basin.”
What was missing from this article was that the Regional Plan Update (RPU) was originally called “Pathway 2007” thus this RPU is six-plus years past due. That was the reason Nevada lawmakers became so frustrated and passed SB271 to withdraw from the compact in 2015 if a new RPU was not approved, and I believe had that not occurred we’d still be without a new RPU document. I congratulate the individuals who participated on the TRPA’s RPU Committee and the staffs of the local municipalities who worked so hard to finally bring this new RPU to fruition, and I sincerely hope that its implementation will not be hindered by law suits.
Distortions, half-truths, and other assorted nonsense thoroughly occupy a great deal of this article on the god Tahoe and its minions.
Only time will tell if the new regulations will be the road to hell or actually make the basin a better place for residents and tourists. Any bets?
And without concrete (read draconian) regulations, nobody wins and the lake suffers says uberenvironmentist Collins.
Good thing her opinion is balanced.
“Beginning in the 1950s, developers hurriedly built in preparation for the 1960 Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley and to support the burgeoning gambling industry on the Nevada side. . .”
This is convenient but improper journalism – most of the motels on the CA side already existed before the Olympics, and Alex Cushing’s presentation was only in the mid-50’s (a relatively short timespan in today’s world), so it is doubtful that the South Shore Room (1959) (originally in Harrah’s Lake Club (1957) on the corner across the street from now-Harrah’s while the new one was being built) was “built in preparation for the Olympics”.
The Heavenly (Valley) tramway opened in 1962, raising another doubt as to the Olympics fostering “rampant” growth, as it obviously takes longer to plan & get approval for something like that.
At that time, motels were much closer to being “new” construction, and it is true that their presence supported the “burgeoning gambling industry” – something Bill Harrah was shrewd enough to acknowledge by NOT building his hotel for a decade after the first Harvey’s tower (1963)in support of the local lodging community (something current management doesn’t know anything about in times of dwindling occupancies). . .
It is time, however, for both transformation and a “makeover” as Tahoe has not kept up with their own image, preferring instead to “rest upon their laurels” to their continued downfall.
That’s in not knowing enough of your own history to sustain any of its’ traditional success. . .
I lived on So.Shore and went to school at Tahoe for Twentyeight Yrs the Largest problems at Tahoe have never been addressed but just bought to fund the TRPA.1. stop traffic from poluting the air 2. stop boats from mooring in the lake and poluting the waters directly 3. stop the draining of the lake every year that has a good winter. Try some of these methods instead of just having to pay more to the TRPA.
I agree with Garry Bowen – and I hope that the historical blog information is saved – maybe kept on a website — maybe at the SLT Historical Museum or at least at LTCC. Historical info about an area like (all of) Tahoe, is really important. The Bill Harrah generation were visionary(s)! Today, we have Ta_HOLE which had none & warrants more visionaries!
I welcome a City Manager who seems to think on her feet instead of suck up political clout. I hope the new Council Member appointed, will have an ethical thinking process instead of an egotistical or (Lovell) wayward non-visionary processe that feather her cap.
Parochial thinkers ask: WHO-WHAT-WHY-WHEN-WHERE-HOW. Past Council members did not ask the important questions, and created the Ta-Hole. I think more emphasis needs to be placed on education, experience, AND MEASURED ACCOMPLISHED RESULTS! “What did you do; how did you do it; and what were the measurable results”? Popularity does not make for good management.
I think TRPA is trying…. don’t flush the toilet until all the info is in. Be smart – invite your triggers in to discuss intellectually, what matters. SLT can be fantastic if the old farts open up to new air. And everyone does some serious homework!