Gun rights advocates gather in Carson City



Thousands of people gathered in state capitals across the nation Saturday to rally against stricter gun control measures.

One of these “Guns Across America” rallies happened in Carson City.

Hundreds gathered outside the capitol and Legislature buildings in Carson City around noon Saturday. They waved signs about the second amendment as passing drivers honked in support.

Participants do not agree with the gun control proposals being discussed in Washington, D.C.

“We are not criminals,” said Corey Hornemann of Carson City. “These are the faces of actual, working, adult people that own weapons and we go out shooting and we have a good time. It’s a sporting event.”

A couple of days ago, President Obama unveiled a sweeping package of gun control proposals. Those proposals come after last month’s deadly school shooting in Newtown, Conn.

“Every time we have an incident like this in our country, all of the progressives, the liberals, the elites, they think they know better,” said Bill Miller of Carson City. “Well, you know what? We the people know better. Been that way for 300 years. Not going to change.”

The crowds also say Saturday’s rallies are about protecting the Second Amendment.

“This is not a partisan issue,” said P.J. DeGross, an organizer of the event. “This is not Republican. It’s not Democrat, black, white, old, young. This is about our Constitution, and this should be important to every American citizen to preserve our rights. We can’t afford to have legislation to take away our rights.”

DeGross says the second amendment also protects Americans in their right to protect themselves.


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Comments (9)
  1. dumbfounded says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    The quote from Mr. Miller is awesome.

  2. Rick says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    Dumbfounded, not a particularly informed quote from Miller. Scalia (the conservative Supreme Court justice), noted in his opinion in 2008, that 2nd amendment rights are not limitless.

    See attached. But in a 2008 opinion that struck down Washington D.C.’s handgun ban, Justice Antonin Scalia suggested the Second Amendment shouldn’t stop the U.S. from barring certain weapons.

    Scalia, a strict interpreter of the Constitution, said there’s an “important limitation” on the right to bear arms.

    “We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of ‘dangerous and unusual weapons’,” Scalia wrote, in an opinion first cited by UPI over the weekend.

    Scalia reiterated that sentiment in July of this year when he told Fox News Sunday that the Second Amendment leaves room for federal gun control legislation.

    Read more:

    So an assault weapons ban and a ban on large capacity clips may well (and likely will) survive a review by the Supreme Court, and if it does, then the ban is considered law and constitutional. Simple as that.


  3. Alex Campbell says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    Fact over Fiction only 4 million card carring members of the NRA.

  4. John says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    Alex a lot of people are not in the NRA that will oppose unnecessary gun control.

  5. Biggerpicture says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    Hey NRA:

    I’ll give you my children’s lives when you pry (or take) them from my cold, dead hands!

  6. Harold Krammer says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    WOW biggerpricue
    Did you think this out or are you just spouting some lefft wing take my rights away theory?

  7. Dogula says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    Hey, Bigs, if you really think Obama and his party care about protecting the lives of children, how do you explain their support of 3rd trimester abortion? Did you know the heartbeat starts in 18 days of gestation?

  8. Rick says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    Dogula: Please check facts before you shoot off a factually deficient comment.

    Of the 1.6 million abortions performed in the U.S. each year, 91 percent are performed during the first trimester (12 or fewer weeks’ gestation); 9 percent are performed in the second trimester (24 or fewer weeks’ gestation); and only about 100 are performed in the third trimester (more than 24 weeks’ gestation), approximately .01 percent of all abortions performed.

    Read more:,2933,880,00.html#ixzz2IfvQR5FB

    So the procedure is extremely rare and in all cases done for the safety of the pregnant women.

    The Supreme Court has concluded that states can pass laws restricting abortions as long as they provide provisions for protecting the life of a women, 41 states have various restrictions regarding 3rd trimester abortions.

    I suspect the women who died in the Irish hospital because the Dr. would not preform the abortion to safe her life while she was miscarrying would think your idea is nutty; or the women a few years back that nutcase right-wingers sued to stop a husband from allowing a medial procedure (late-term abortion) for his comatose wife, where Drs. noted it would safe her life – he finally prevailed in court and guess what – the procedure worked.


    Check facts next time instead of firing a sadly misinformed missive.


  9. thing fish says - Posted: January 21, 2013

    Thanks Rick. Those facts are very interesting. Someone has to keep people honest.