Bartering can bring people together


By Mandy Kendall

Since the beginning of the New Year we have had, like many others, our share of trials and tribulations. I have to admit that there were many times I wanted to feel sorry for myself, but you know what put a stop to that? This wonderful community of ours.

I thought I knew how generous people could be, but I really found out when we were in need. Friends rallied round, even strangers, who are now friends, did what they could to help. I’ve being aware of how generous our community is to local organizations and charities, but the random acts of kindness we experienced was just as overwhelming. Is there anything more heartwarming than a home cooked meal brought to your door or an errand run for you because you just can’t do it yourself?

Mandy Kendall

Mandy Kendall

So now as we are on our way back to some kind of normality we are starting to return favors, which has led to an organic kind of bartering. That got me wondering what ever happened to good old-fashioned bartering? And why can’t so much more be done this way?

How about a homemade apple pie for a haircut? Monetarily it might not be of equal value, but in the barter system the true value is in the satisfaction of both parties. Why are we so hung up on money being the scale against which we measure our worth? Surely the value of a service or goods is in the eye of the beholder.

So, I am going to propose an experiment in this wonderful community of ours.

I have set up a Facebook group called Barter Tahoe and I invite anyone who would like to exchange a service or goods for another service or goods to post on the group. Maybe you make fabulous baked goods, but can’t clean out your gutters. Maybe you don’t use your pressure washer very often, but really could use a good carpet cleaner once in a while. If you don’t know what you’d like to get in exchange for your service or goods, you could just ask “what would anyone offer me in exchange for this?” You get the idea. I think we could get really creative with this, what do you think?

So, I’m going to start, we have two kettle bells and a set of kettle bell DVDs that have been sitting in our garage for ages. I’m not sure what I would take in exchange but I’m open to offers. Check out my post on the Facebook group.

Until next time.

Mandy Kendall operates Health Connective in South Lake Tahoe, which aligns wellness seekers with their ideal wellness provider. If you have questions, would like some advice, or would like to request some Qwik-e tips on any health and well-being topic, drop her an email at or keep an eye out on Lake Tahoe News for regular Qwik-e tips on how to make healthy changes one Quick and Easy step at a time.



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Comments (4)
  1. JoAnn Conner says - Posted: March 15, 2013

    I love barter, especially here in Tahoe. I do some barter with both my businesses. For example, last year at the Home and Garden Show, I bartered some firewood for most of the space fee. Sometimes I have to get some cash because I can’t barter with the fees I have to pay, but it great to find that “win-win!”

  2. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: March 15, 2013

    Barter has been the basis for people’s existence for centuries. The taxman is still trying to figure out how to get his cut of the pie.

    When I get paid with a whole pie, to whom do I send the slice which is equivalent to the sales tax?

  3. Bob says - Posted: March 15, 2013

    Sounds good. I enjoy trading things.

  4. mrs.t says - Posted: March 15, 2013

    Uncle Sam says barter is income and taxes must be paid on the value of the service– so if that haircut would be $35 and you are paid with a pie, you still have to declare $35 of income and pay taxes on it — and I don’t think our Uncle takes slices of pie!

    Of course, most people barter underground, hoping that Uncle Sam won’t find out — as a business owner I would be very, very hesitant about posting on Facebook that I accept barters, because Uncle Sam could certainly see that and come looking for his cut!