Weight loss subject of lecture in S. Tahoe
Why Weight Loss is Hard is the topic of an April 13 lecture by Paula Crenshaw.
This Barton Health sponsoreed talk is from 6-7pm at Lake Tahoe Community College board room, One College Drive, South Lake Tahoe.
The lecture includes motivational strategies to better understand your body.
· How our bodies use food for energy
· Why do energy-input imbalances occur
· What our bodies are telling us when we plateau
· Strategies for overcoming barriers to weight loss.
For goodness sakes, if you want to lose weight take in less energy than you burn. That is less food equals fat loss all other things being equal.
Dr. Crenshaw everything else in pap. Ever notice concentration camp inmates were usually skin and bones.
If you don’t eat, your body uses it store of fat and muscle to provide energy.
Losing weight requires denial which is painful. Just the facts as obvious they are. Everythinbg else is just BS.
Sam, I suggest you don’t go to the lecture then.
sam the sham,
They might explain issues like nutritional debt, minimum aerobic exercise, ect… I come from a family that gets fat very easily and had to educate myself as to why this occurs.