Snippets about Lake Tahoe


slt• Tom and Diane Miller, who owe South Lake Tahoe about $40,000 in back rent for their Flight Deck restaurant at Lake Tahoe Airport, may have their lease agreement amended April 2 when the City Council discusses it.

• Walley’s Hot Spring plans to begin work this spring on an extension of the Genoa Vista Trail behind the resort.

• Gregory Eyre has been named Barton Health’s Doctor of the Year.

• Here is the Caltrans weekly roadwork schedule for El Dorado-Tahoe.

• Lake Tahoe Wildfire Awareness Week is May 25-June 2. The flyer has more info.



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Comments (11)
  1. Digital Content says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    City slime in action… How long does it take to build up $40,000 in back rent???? What about sales taxes, are they current on that?

    I think this was a crony deal from the beginning. There was a slimy feel ever since I saw the city lawyer (Enright) whispering to the owner…

    The city wanted to keep a place going because the building is a ghost town otherwise…. the city should have never been in the building! If they were smart they would have been focused toward developing a diversified business climate around the airport. That is what they do in Truckee and other towns/counties that know how to use their most valued assets.

    Another example of how the government failed the people!

  2. A.B. says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    $40,000 in back rent???

    The City of South Lake Tahoe is absolutely BRUTAL when it comes to compliance measures, but they let some clown lapse on $40,000 in rent???

    Whoever is running the circus at the airport needs to hit the road in their clown car.

    And Digital Content, you’re spot on – the city should be encouraging a friendly business climate around the airport, encouraging growth instead of throwing up barriers to entry. The airport in Truckee is thriving, with people flying in & out of there all the time. Plus they have encouraged businesses to locate there.

  3. MTT says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    If the city does not have people lining up to take over the space, seems they should do all they can to keep a business established.

    This does not seem the time or place to cry fowl.

  4. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    I can’t see how the airport restaurant has stayed open this long. The only customers are city employees who work in the building.

  5. gloria says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    Hard times for everyone in this economy. Enjoyed the Flight Deck . Hope the city finds a way to keep it open. It is the only way to recover some of its rent. Closing the restaurant will help no one.

  6. "HangUpsFromWayBack" says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    All we do is subsidise a very old fallen dream with more dreams that cost too much and few really use.

    Every time I hear these dreams about being a Aspen or a Vail I just get sick.

    Even if this could be a successful venture, it take so much money to prove the facts after such a long history of why we really need it besides few high rollers going to the other side the STATE line to leave their fortunes, few part time locals that really have their business out the area that fly in,out.

    Maybe one day someone with money and power can finally do something with the bottomless pit that time has shown us its not worth the time, money up keep, to keep wasteing our parks,bus benches,clean bathrooms,other things we are in dire need of.

    When does someone final say enough is enough?

  7. Steve says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    The shenanigans and negligent financial oversight of this city-owned facility have been going on since the good old boys first got their keys. Including an ex-mayor who tricked the city into funding his Tenant Improvements and fixtures. Nothing but another big hole into which taxpayer dollars are poured, and non-productive recurring fantasies reinvented every year. Turn the entire facility back over to the feds.

  8. A.B. says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    Steve, couldn’t agree with you more. The airport could very well be the most mis-managed asset of South Lake Tahoe.

    In the real world, the restaurant would be tossed out with this sort of back rent owed to a landlord. Whoever let it go this far should be terminated. But then again, nobody ever gets fired from a good gummint job.

  9. MTT says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    It really does make you think. A municipal Air Port right in the Tahoe Basin.
    A world class destination. LAKE TAHOE! Boating Fishing hunting, night Life! Golf skiing. The list is endless. How did you make it so prohibitive to use that people are not in a holding pattern to land there?
    Seems its something that could be fixed. Someone should start asking people who fly private, why?
    Its not the location

  10. A.B. says - Posted: April 1, 2013

    Wow! That video is telling.