Winter athletes sound climate change alarm
Warning that “winter is in trouble,” 75 Olympic medalists and other winter sports athletes – including White House “Champion of Change” awardee and pro snowboarder Jeremy Jones of Truckee – sent a letter to President Obama urging him to take action on climate and clean energy.
Jones was in Washington on April 11 with other 11 Champions of Change to be honored as “ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things in their communities to out-innovate, out-educate, and out-build the rest of the world.” Obama created the Champions of Change program as part of his Winning the Future initiative.
Jones was being recognized Thursday for his contribution to raising awareness about the impact of climate change on the winter sports industry by creating Protect Our Winters, a foundation established in 2007 to unite and mobilize the global winter sports community against climate change.
“This nomination is an absolute honor for me and the work we’re doing at POW. But it’s now my responsibility to take this recognition and help secure a place in the climate discussions in Washington. The letter that’s been enthusiastically signed by so many amazing athletes is a strong showing of solidarity from the leaders in snow sports on climate action, so together, we have to keep that momentum going,” Jones said in a statement.
The letter to the president references a December 2012 report published by Protect Our Winters and the Natural Resources Defense Council highlighting the economic impact of inconsistent winters on the U.S. snow sports community and tourism-dependent states.
The athletes’ letter calls on Obama to follow through on the promise he made in the State of the Union address to fight climate change.
“Mr. President, it’s time to force our transition to clean energy, and we need your leadership,” the letter states. “…on behalf of 23 million of us who love winter and depend on it for our economic livelihoods, please take the action on climate change you have promised.”
Julia Mancuso of Squaw Valley and Hannah Teter of South Lake Tahoe were among those who signed the letter.
“Without a doubt, winter is in trouble,” the letter states. “… at risk are the economies of tourist-dependent states where winter tourism generates $12.2 billion in revenue annually, supports 212,000 jobs and $7 billion in salaries. Those are the jobs and businesses owned by our friends and families, generators of billions in federal and state income.”
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Too bad this Kids didn’t get the memo! Global warming is a Geo political scam, ‘Climate change’ is ‘their mantra’ to make weather sound scary now. The weather changes all the time. Faux scientists that have used computer modeling to reinforce their mantra followed the garbage-in, garbage-out formula to produce the results they want to convince the ignorant. Since our “public education” system is only about indoctrination of young minds now, this drum beat will be hard to undue. Real education and science methods will have to start being taught again. What a mess.
These talented athletes should be using their celebrity to promote turning this Titanic around!! Here is some ‘old fashioned’ info to ponder
Being environmentally conscious and conservative is always commendable but to create a boogeyman is reprehensible!!
Those in power that created this fraud should be imprisoned for crimes against humanity!! People around the world are being taxed and impugned over this issue, while millions are enslaved working under cruel and dangers conditions and a blind eye is turned to them in promoting the ‘Green’ agenda.
“Those in power that created this fraud should be imprisoned for crimes against humanity!!”
Absolutely !
Marlene you are spot on!
I really don’t think Obama can do anything about the Sun. He could do something about those jets spraying trails across our skies though. You have to be blind not to see them destroy our clear blue skies. And please, anyone over 35 yrs old should know they are not contrails.
So, you two think climate change is a fraud. Moreover, you think it is a government plot to control the masses for their own nefarious gains. Obama is a Muslim socialist, the Newtown massacre was staged, we never made it to the moon, marijuana has no medicinal values, cronyism is the only reason your business fails, everything on the Internet is true, change is bad and we should all live our lives the way you do.
That about sum it up?
I find it baffling that people seem to be suck in the now, and believe that we can somehow stop climate change. Its commendable that people are willing to change habits to make the Now more comfortable for humans, but at the end of the day we need viable solutions to how we deal with inevitable climate change. History is the true driver of reality.
Lets focus on how we will survive and thrive in the future. What we do to adapt will benefit those less fortunate than we in the USA.
Climate change, its time to move past the Why its changing and get on with the how we deal with it.
(It is what it is) deal with it.
With a science education I am a strong believer in research. That includes the climate.
I think that many of the scientists today have sold out to grant funding objectives and compromised their integrity for the bucks.
I also think the client change/global warming zealots are the worst kind of followers. Intellectual midgets that put faith in lies of elitists and prove themselves to be fools.
Unsurprisingly, it seems that most of the deniers here don’t know the difference between weather and climate.
And even some mention of chemtrails (no Bob, you have never seen a chemtrail).
Nothing intelligent happening here. Lots of personal attack an unsupported accusations.
thing fish, I have three questions
Do you think We can stop climate change?
If yes within what time frame?
Are you calling me Stupid? Not sure as I do not put myself in the Climate change Denier Category.
Funny how the “Controllers” have to label people rather than have an INTELLIGENT discussion!! Deniers is such a poor ploy!! The TRUTH will not be “Shut-up”. As MTT states “History is the true driver of reality. Back in the 70’s the panic was global cooling “the coming Ice Age”. Laketoohigh — your argument doused with the rest of your leftist whinning points, totally discredits your mental state.
Start reading history, your eyes might open – a bit!
Are you all kidding me? 99% of the most prolific scientists concur that climate change is real. Do you really think that they are all on the take for grant money? GIve me a break. Be part of the solution or climb back into your hole and think more about how the earth is flat. Losers.
There’s no shortage of gullible suckers and greedy “scientists” and the snake oil salesman like rush limbaugh, glenn beck and alex jones and their cyberworld fellow shysters like WorldNutDaily that get rich playing the yokels for fools.
I’m afraid the time for intelligent discussion with this fringe group of duped dolts has passed. The time to deal with this problem is way beyond Now.
For real information with real science I suggest starting with Bill McKibbon’s site, and go from there into the reality of global climate change solutions.
Digital…. I am curious what your degree is in?
Marlene, what argument? I made no argument. I asked a question. No wonder you are confused. Your grasp of history is probably as great as your grasp of science and English. Yes, the Earth’s climate has been in a constant change since it’s beginning. That’s part of the reason we are here. You do not, however, need a degree in physics to understand that our manipulations of basic chemistry have altered the molecular structure of so many aspects of our natural environment that it is mathematically improbable that this would have no impact on our atmosphere. (I.E. the ozone layer, no fiction there just history.)
And leave the kids out of this. They are the only ones smart enough to fix this. They are not “Indoctrinated” with the same biased history we were. There is now a new age of information, where one does not have to just swallow the rhetoric that is handed to them. You are simply a product of your environment. “Climate change” is a symptom of the pollution inflicted on the Earth by mankind. We did not do it out of malice but ignorance. We now have the technology and scientific studies to be informed enough to do our part to stem this plague of ignorance and move forward knowing enough not to damage the only environment we know we can survive in. Why would anyone be against that? I look forward to your INTELLIGENT reply. You own words please, not quotes or links to sites.
I apologize for the confusion MIT, I used to words ‘some’ and ‘deniers’ so that no one was singled out. If you aren’t a denier, and understand the difference between weather and climate, I have no problem.
Luckily the scientific community has moved on. And everyone will benefit. I sometimes wish the benefits of science could be withheld from the people who tried stop progress.
LOL, why talk about science, and data, and statistical analysis when we can talk about history…
give me a break lady.