Scientist to talk about lakes and global warming


Renowned limnologist Charles Goldman will be talking about climate change and global warming effects on lakes of the world on June 7.

UC Davis research at Lake Tahoe began with Goldman. In 1959, Goldman formed the Tahoe Research Group and began regularly monitoring Lake Tahoe.

Goldman retired from UC Davis where he had been a professor since 1958. He developed the first courses in limnology (the study of fresh waters) and oceanography at UC Davis.

At 5:30pm the no-host bar opens, with the presentation at 6pm at the Tahoe Center for Environmental Sciences, 291 Country Club Drive, Incline Village (on the campus of Sierra Nevada College).

A $5 donation is suggested.


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This article was written by admin


Comments (10)
  1. muir says - Posted: May 29, 2013

    all lakes eventually turn to meadows..

  2. thing fish says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    “all lakes eventually turn to meadows..”

    that statement is so dumb it can’t even be ridiculed. well done.

  3. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    thing fish.Wow! You managed to insult 5 LTN readers in under 12 minutes. A new record! You’re on a roll!
    I know you are a big Frank Zappa devotee, as am I. May I suggest you have a Zappa-thon at your house and maybe, just maybe, it will soften your cynicism of our fellow LTN readers who take the time to make a comment.
    I’ve got lots of old Frank dvd’s, records,cd’s, tapes…you name it. I’ll gladly loan you some of these if you don’t already have them and if you think it will help with your attitude towards others. Hopefully some Zappa therapy will be beneficial to you. Just tryin’ to help.
    Take care, Old Long Skiis

  4. lou pierini says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    Fish, Lakes do turn into sinks though. Have you found a more important cause of decline in lake clarity than the dam in Tahoe City? I’ve done my homework have You? Just answers no insults.

  5. Bijou Bill says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    Old Long Skiis,
    Frank Zappa made a career of ridiculing the willfully ignorant, even many of his own fans in some tunes. He would have had a field day with the climate change science deniers and anti-environmentalists. I don’t think actually listening to a Zappathon would result in any decrease in cynicism or tolerance for fools.
    This presentation by Prof. Goldman is a chance to hear the conclusions of a real scientist who has studied Lake Tahoe for over 50 years, I’m sure it will be filled with facts for those interested in reality.

  6. lou pierini says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    Prof Goldman also represented developers on the west shore when they dredged the lake with no permit from anyone. He followed the $$$$$ in that instance.

  7. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    Bijou Bill, Yeah, I suggested the Zappathon for thing fish with tongue planted firmly in cheek. I know sarcasm dosen’t translate well into the printed word but I thought I’d give it a go anyway.
    I’m just tryin’ to quell the insults and name calling that pop up around here from time to time ,even though it was a pretty lame attempt at humor / criticsm on my behalf.

  8. thing fish says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    Lou, who you jivin with that cosmic debris?
    You’ve said that before and offered nothing as evidence. I think you are telling lies.

    OLS: Thanks. I have the entire discography. I do need more live recordings though.

  9. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    thing fish,
    Yes I do have some old audio cassetes of FZ. Taped live at radio station KPFA,(Pacifica?, Berkley?). Mostly interviews with some music mixed in. The tapes are dated 1994 but there are some things on there that date back to 1968 and even older stuff that Frank brought into the studio.
    A friend recorded these tapes for me years ago and each cassete box has a full written out title for each piece that my Frankophile friend meticulously wrote out on the inside liner. Pretty cool stuff!
    If you want a listen you either come here or I go with the tapes to a safe place with a working cassete player, (I’m not sure mine is in working order). I’m not about to let “my precious tapes” out of my sight.
    Help I’m a rock. (Freak Out), OLS

  10. Dogula says - Posted: May 30, 2013

    And they had a swimming pool. . .

    See? We all have SOMETHING in common.