Grego starts El Dorado supervisor campaign


By Kathryn Reed

Gerri Grego has all the paperwork filled out with the state and is ready to start campaigning for a race voters won’t go to the polls for until a year from now.

The South Lake Tahoe resident wants to be the next El Dorado County supervisor who represents the basin in Placerville.

“While I enjoy and look for consensus, I don’t have to have it. I am pretty independent,” Grego told Lake Tahoe News. “If it’s possible for me to accomplish something, I will go for it. There is more than one way to accomplish things.”

The 60-year-old served on the city’s Planning Commission from March 2007 to February 2011. During that time the commission tackled the city’s General Plan and medical marijuana ordinance before the City Council took up those issues.

Gerri Grego is vying to be an El Dorado County supervisor. Photo/Provided

Gerri Grego is vying to be an El Dorado County supervisor. Photo/Provided

Grego worked on the General Plan before being appointed to the commission. It was her work on the 56-acre project – which in part is now Lakeview Commons – that launched her civic involvement.

“I am one of those trouble-shooting people,” she said. “ I will come up with things that need to be accomplished and come up with different ways to accomplish that goal and work until I get it done.”

Being an analytical thinker is one of the strong traits she would bring to the full-time job, Grego said. “I have the ability to cut through the junk.”

Supervisor Norma Santiago is being termed out after eight years. The election will be in June 2014, with a run-off between the top two vote getters that November if no one receives more than 50 percent of the vote. Sue Novasel is the other declared candidate.

Grego is also part of the Lake Tahoe Sustainability Collaborative that was formed by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.

“I certainly see the advantage to a sustainable community. It is where the economy, environment and people work in harmony to the benefit of all,” Grego said, adding that she would like to bring that philosophy to the county level.

She is the city’s appointee to the El Dorado County Commission on Aging.

The senior center is an area she wants to keep working on. Grego was instrumental in getting the commission to write a letter to the county saying it’s time for mental health to find a place other than at the senior center to call home.

“I would like to explore the idea of the seniors being given the deed of the property or the city. That would certainly show support for seniors and the program,” she said.

Grego, who is married to former Councilman Bruce Grego, has been the resort manager of the Beachcomber Inn for the last 15 years. Her boss knows if she is elected, a new manager will need to be found.


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Comments (7)
  1. Bob says - Posted: June 19, 2013

    I will be glad when Santiago is gone. Her assistant, Judi does all of her work and should probably run for office herself.

  2. observer says - Posted: June 19, 2013

    I totally agree. Good riddance to her.
    I do not know if Judi does any of the work or just runs interference, but I do know that multiple attempts to contact Norma for a personal conversation on behalf of my employer over a planning development of significant economic importance to El Dorado county were never successful.
    It got done despite Norma it seems.
    Emails received from Judi were platitudes on how Norma was aware of the situation and was working hard on it.
    Totally disappointing.
    I worked hard on the Democratic effort to get her elected in he first place, and it was obviously a worthless effort the way it has turned out.

  3. I Agree says - Posted: June 19, 2013

    All Norma ever wanted to do was get her picture taken, I too tried to get meetings with her often, always some reason she could not. Judi helped me more than my supervisor ever did. I too got the message that Norma was working on it but nothing ever happened.

  4. Ted Long says - Posted: June 20, 2013

    Well, she did give us Red Hawk ! With the new district boundaries we will in all probability have no representation which is consistent with the past 8 years.

  5. orale says - Posted: June 20, 2013

    Sour grapes much Ted?

  6. Bijou Bill says - Posted: June 20, 2013

    I think Norma Santiago accomplished as much as she could considering the relentless obstruction and corruption by the teabag geniuses like Nutting and little ronnie Briggs.
    Good luck to anyone that wants to accomplish anything for the Lake as long as the board maintains this crazy balance of power in favor of the “ranchers”.

  7. nature bats last says - Posted: June 20, 2013

    thank god that Ted dong never got elected to the job. That would have been a total fiasco and YES, sour grapes TED??? Ted couldnt even balance his financial sheet to turn into the FPPC. That was a Fact!!!