Out of town cops raid empty Tahoe house


Citrus Heights cops raided an empty house on the South Shore earlier this month.

Western Highland Mortgage owns the house on Guadalupe Street. An employee with the company said the house is vacant and for sale, and that “it was obviously a mistake” by the cops. He didn’t want to comment further.

Jeff Catchings, with the South Lake El Dorado Narcotics Enforcement Team, said the Citrus Heights officers were following up on a case that involved a drug lab explosion. He told Lake Tahoe News one of the suspects in that case used to live in the El Dorado County house.

The lead detective from Citrus Heights Police Department was not available for comment.

El Dorado County sheriff’s deputies were on scene when this went down. Lt. Pete Van Arnum said it’s a courtesy among agencies to let another one know when a search warrant will be executed.

When a search warrant is executed officers surround the house to secure the perimeter, if no one answers, then forced entry is allowed – as was the case June 19 at the Guadalupe house.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report



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Comments (11)
  1. john says - Posted: June 27, 2013

    Talk about an immediate response. Thank you.

  2. john says - Posted: June 27, 2013

    A very good example of the police acting like destroying someone else’s property is ok. The worst thing about this one is that the home didn’t even belong to the suspect and never did. Another good display of reckless authority being exercised on our fellow citizens by criminals with badges.

  3. MTT says - Posted: June 27, 2013

    I would expect that the Police paid a contractor to make the house whole? Fix the bashed in doors and broken windows, air it out remove any evidence of flash bangs and tear gas? that would seem fair?

    As to drugs being a reason for Police in military tactical gear and Automatics weapons to smash down your door / shoot your dog and traumatize your kids?

    I guess everyone is entitled to what they are comfortable with the government doing?

    Have you noticed that they NEVER do that when they know there is a good chance the people inside are ready and prepared to repel there attack?

  4. john says - Posted: June 27, 2013

    Some very good points made.. of course Citrus Heights PD is not returning any calls and the home remains damaged, during a prime season to show it to buyers

  5. copper says - Posted: June 27, 2013

    Not to make too big an issue of it, but Guadalupe Street is in El Dorado County under El Dorado County Sheriff’s jurisdiction. So those are county deputies, not police officers, in charge, likely, as usual, being directed by state, or federal or both task force folks. LAPD and NYPD are in charge of what happens in their jurisdictions. Local folks not so much.

  6. Robert Stiles says - Posted: June 27, 2013

    All they had to do was call a realtor for access (LOL).

  7. Louis says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Sorry MTT, from what I know (and I could be wrong) if they have a search warrant they don’t have to fix anything at all. Now if they had the wrong house, or if there were some impropriety or error when presented to the judge when the warrant was issued that would be a different case.

  8. Dan Murray says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Don’t think the police will be required to repair any damage. A few years back, my in-law’s neighbor had a fire in his fenced-off backyard. His gate was locked so the fire department came through my in-law’s yard, tore down their fence to get to the fire. When my in-law’s called the City to see about getting the fence repaired, they were told the fire department had no liability. My in-law’s were stuck with a $600 repair bill. No recourse for repayment from the neighbor as he went to jail for some criminal violation.

  9. observer says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    I have seen where they used the big 2 man lock breaker and broke the door, door frame etc, when they could have knocked out a little 10×10 inch door window pane and reached the inside lock. Boys love their toys and it is a rush to break something you have no legal responsibility for. Bet it makes good bar stories.

  10. GMAB says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    I agree that certain parts of government are suspect. However, how would you feel if that lab and explosion was next door to you? Endangering you and your family by breathing the lab, the explosion/fire and the haz mat left next door to you? If the cops didn’t find it prior to all of this, would you be talking smack on local cops for not finding it first who are just trying to protect the community, earn a living and go home safely to their families at the end of the day? GMAB,,,

  11. john says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    The mysterious drug lab explosion that there is no mention of anywhere in any news. Lol. A drug lab explosion in the city that nobody except for Catchings seems to know about. Interesting. An explosion in the city. Seems like a good reason for a raid on a vacant mountain home. Alot of holes in law enforcement’s story and actions here. The only thing for certain is that Citrus Heights PD made a mistake while our local enforcement watched on, and Western Highland Mortgage gets the short end of the stick. This kind of BS is exactly what needs to stop in our community.