Glenbrook contending with unwanted bears


By Kathryn Reed

A bear was captured in Glenbrook on Monday by the Nevada Department of Wildlife and released the next day near Mount Rose.

According to Linda Bradley, manager of the Glenbrook Homeowners Association, the last time the state was asked to trap a bear in their neighborhood was in 2008.

She told Lake Tahoe News this particular yearling was not scared off by loud noises as other bears are. She also didn’t want to run the risk of it entering a home, when then the consequences for the bear could be fatal.

Bears in Tahoe neighborhoods is a fairly common thing. Photo/LTN file

Bears in Tahoe neighborhoods is a fairly common thing. Photo/LTN file

Bradley said she spoke with the BEAR League this week about policies at Glenbrook and invited the animal organization to speak at a community event to make people more bear-aware.

Two to three other bears consider these 750 acres home, Bradley said.

Chris Healy with NDOW said there are two traps in the general Glenbrook area still.

“They have bears that are doing some property damage,” Healy told Lake Tahoe News. “People have concerns the bears are not afraid enough of humans.”

Glenbrook has community bear-proof dumpsters for people to leave their trash in, which is encouraged if they are vacation renters or leaving before trash day.

The rumor that the homeowners are trying to get rid of beavers is not true, according to Healy. He said the last time Glenbrook HOA asked for a depredation permit was in 2008.

However, two active beaver permits have been issued to Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course. And there is an ongoing permit for Incline Creek.

With beavers being large rodents, they cannot be trapped and relocated. This is true for all regions of the country.

“Is the life of that one animal worth all the damage that is happening?” – that is one criteria of whether a permit will be issued, Healy explained.

With the controversial permit for Incline that was first issued last year, the beavers were impacting a sewer line, which could lead to a messy spill that would have the potential of reaching Lake Tahoe.

Healy said beavers are an on again, off again issue in the basin.


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Comments (25)
  1. kathy says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Just leave the bears alone, Why is that so difficult ?

  2. John says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    The headline should read, “Bears contending with unwanted Glenbrook humans.”

  3. Carolyn says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Chris Healey says there are still traps because bears are causing property damage. Translation: those bears will more than likely be killed. The property damage he is talking about is a bear knocking over a garbage can at the post office and a bear crawling in open cars that have food in them. There are pictures that are on the Glenbrook website so now NDoW can identify those bears causing so much property damage. Yes, those are executable offenses in the state of Nevada.

  4. Sharon says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Chris Healey says there are still traps because bears are causing property damage. Translation: when a bear causes property damage, it usually ends up dead. What kind of property damage? Knocking over garbage cans and getting into unlocked cars that had food in them. These are executable offenses in NV. Since there are pictures on Glenbrook’s website, NDoW knows what bears they are looking for. That is why the yearling was released. Important to note, the traps are not on HOA property. They are on private property not associated with the HOA..

  5. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Bear behavior has changed a lot over time. It used to be with some loud noises like clapping your hands or beating on a pan and shouting, the bear would amble away. Not so anymore. Now the bears walk right up to the person who’s trying to scare it away, take a sniff around the source of noise and then go back to the garbage. Bears are no longer afraid of people or dogs.
    A few tips. Secure your trash. If that means holding kitchen trash inside your house, garage or fenced backyard until your trash pick up day, well then, so be it.
    Scotty’s hardware sells bear resistant garbarge cans which work pretty good but they’re not 100 percent safe from a bear tearing into the lid and spreading trash all over the neighborhood. They are a deterent but not fully “bear proof”.
    A steel bear proof box installed on your property is pretty good but they are expensive and have their faults as well.
    If you live in an apartment, condo or own a business with a dumpster, South Tahoe Refuse has bear proof dumpsters that work pretty well at keepin’ the bruins at bay.
    Let’s not trap or kill anymore bears! Can we co-exist with bears, coyotes, raccoons and all of these other wonderful creatures? We have for a very long time and there’s no need to change now because some feel threatened by a bear in their yard or sniffin’ around their loose trash.
    Don’t trap, kill or poison any animal. Just my thoughts as I’ve been around bears and garbage for a really long time. As always, Take Care, Old Long Skiis

  6. kathryn says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Studies at all the national parks show that habituated bears are no more dangerous than those who show fear of humans. This myth, like the one that sows with cubs are more dangerous, needs to stop being promoted. The real question should be is it just to kill a bear for causing property damage brought on by a human who improperly managed attractants? I think the bears deserve fair treatment and respect. Only through ordinances requiring mandatory bear proof trash receptacles can we turn the tide. Let’s all demand that of our county commissioners and support them for doing so.

  7. margaret says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    Historically the comments for press release that are put out by the Nevada Department of Wildlife are for the most part untrue as to the ultimate fate of the trapped bears. The mortality rate of bears handled in just the Incline Village area is over 80%. This new development in Glenbrook is just another reason for the representatives of NDOW, particularly Mr. Healy, to spread fear and hysteria about bears being aggressive and dangerous. If trash is stored properly and garage and home doors are secured, the bears usually will not act aggressively near humans. They are only in search of an easy meal, and with the fear mongering from a public agency that should be educating not creating hysteria, the bears are now in focused jeopardy from NDOW. The Bear League has great success in helping communities manage bears while preserving their life and their ability to co-exist in the Tahoe basin as it was and continues to be their natural habitat.

  8. Sherry Guzzi says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    Regarding beavers: There are simple and proven methods to prevent any damage to trees or flooding from beavers. Beaver ponds provide habitat for all wildlife and filter the water going into Lake Tahoe. In fact, beavers are being relocated in Washington, Utah, Colorado and many other states, in order to restore watersheds and promote salmon restoration. For info, see our facebook at Sierra Wildlife Coalition, or go to Worth a Dam’s website at

  9. John says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    Sherry, what is the simple idea that prevents flooding to existing homes?

  10. Jason says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    “Is the life of one animal worth all the damage that it is doing.”. Wow Healy glad you are playing GOD!!!! What a great mentality… You Mr Healy are like the politicians in our government. OLD and out of touch with the way the new generations feel. You should retire!!!!

  11. John says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    Jason when you grow up, save your money and purchase a house your attitude will change. Flood damage is not covered by insurance and you are not going to stand idly by and watch the primary asset be destroyed by a rodent.

  12. Sharon says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    John, do you work for NDoW? Look first for lethal solutions? There are “beaver deceivers”. It’s tubes that run through the damns allowing water to pass through, preventing the back up that you say. Jason is spot on.

  13. Carolyn says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    Let’s hope the Glenbrook bears of 2013 don’t share the same fate of the 2008 Glenbrook bears. In 2008, NDoW trapped four bears in Glenbrook, ; three of them were killed by NDoW – 75% dead. When I spoke to the HOA this week, they said the bears didn’t do the damage like NDoW said they did. They believe the bears will be met with non-lethal deterrents. Let’s hope so. As more homes are built in their habitat, we all should respect these gentle giants of the Sierra and learn more about them and learn to co-exist. The CA Fish and Game and US Forest Service and Placer County sheriffs all enlist the help of the BEAR League, why can’t NDoW?

  14. John says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    Sharon that’s great for about a week. Then the beavers figure out they don’t have water and build a dam downstream. But hey, its a glorious week. Beavers have to have water to survive, you are no going to trick them into thinking they have water.

  15. Sharon says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    John, you are clearly just reacting and not doing research about this. Sherry above gave you information on where to find info about this. Sadly, it’s people like you that want a quick fix of lethal means. As Sherry says, 21st century science describes the benefits to streams, watersheds and wildlife from the beavers. The deceivers work but again, you dont believe in co-existing with wildlife. Do you live here in Tahoe? Or, are you one if those 2nd homeowners that freaks out when you see our wildlife?

  16. Dogula says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    I like the bears. I like the beavers. I like the crawdads. . . Seems a bit contradictory which ‘non native’ critters the locals and the enviros think should stay and which should be erradicated. I can’t really see much rhyme or reason to it. Just depends on which is cute and fuzzy?

  17. John says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    Sharon, whether beavers are good or bad is irrelevant. If beavers are building dams right behind the college then there are about 5 houses that flood. Now in your mind a couple beavers are more important than the houses. I disagree and I note you and your groups are not trying to buy out the homeonwers. The dam deceivers don’t work Sharon, or at least don’t work where you cant have dams.

  18. margaret says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    We would not be having this forum of discussion if NDOW would stop lying to the public in order to have an excuse to kill our bears and other wildlife. And if NDOW would co-operate with the local agency that is dedicated to non-lethal methods of dealing with the bears and other wildlife and educating the public and homeowners on how to peacefully co-exist with native Tahoe wildlife. I have to wonder why the California Fish and Game, the Placer County Sheriffs office, and the US Forest service enlist the help of the Bear League and Nevada Department of Wildlife and Washoe County Sheriffs department do not?? Ego issue? Revenge issues? “Because we can (kill bears)….” hmmmm

  19. TeaTotal says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    John-Which one of your obscenely expensive weapon collection with the seductively long, shiny barrels do you use for beavers? Is it the same big man gun you use when you shoot bears?

  20. Sharon says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    John, like I said you want the quick and dead solution instead of co-existing. We build in their neighborhoods and you decide they have to die. People like you belong in the cement jungle.

  21. Dogula says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    I think people were in Tahoe before the beavers were. . .

  22. Sharon says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    Nope, research is showing that beavers are native to Tahoe

  23. Jason ALtman says - Posted: June 30, 2013

    John: Thanks you for the insult.. When you can learn to cohabitate with others including animals and do not have to be a schmuck to others then talk to me. Healy talks of animals as if they have no feelings and they are just something that is expendable.. Well you know their is a religion out there that feels the same way as Healy only the attitude they have that towards are people…

  24. Mike says - Posted: July 1, 2013

    NDOW is an absolute joke and they should not be trusted at all with our wildlife.

  25. John A says - Posted: July 2, 2013

    I believe home owners (including gated communities) should be fined for carelessly inviting bears with sloppy trash containment. We need an ordinance to make all Tahoe home owners responsible for attracting the most common bear problems we have been experiencing.
    Furthermore, NDOW and Calif Fish and Game shouldn’t be deviating from their mandated bear handling proceedures for angry or influential home owners.