2 arrested, 1 hospitalized in S. Tahoe fight


A house party Thursday night in South Tahoe ended with a fight a couple miles away that sent one person to the hospital and two people to jail.

Police were called to the house on Juniper Street before midnight June 27 because of loud music. On the second visit a citation was issued. (Police are still trying to identify the owner of the house.) The third visit was because of a report of a battery, which no one wanted charges filed on.

About 12:30am Friday police responded to a fight on James and 12th streets where a carload of men got out to beat up another group of men, according to police.

Lt. Brian Williams told Lake Tahoe News some of the participants of the fight were at the party. But what triggered the fight is still unknown.

Manny Ayala and Valente Uribe, both 18-year-olds from South Lake Tahoe, were arrested on three felonies – assault with a deadly weapon, battery with serious bodily injury and conspiracy to commit a crime.

Two people were injured, though neither of their names is being released. Both are adult males from South Lake Tahoe. One was knocked unconscious and taken by Calstar to Renown Medical Center in Reno. The other was the person who called the cops about the fight; he refused medical treatment.

Williams said so far there is no gang connection. The investigation is ongoing.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (6)
  1. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    Reports like this help residents understand what type of activity requiring police action is ocurring in their neighborhood.
    In another local (not Tahoe) paper which I read there is a weekly report published which lists by number each police action required, briefly what it was, where it was, and shows the numbers on a map of the town.
    This really lets the residents see how busy their police are and if there are problem areas where a neighborhood watch program might help.
    Any chance that the SLT Police Department could provide LTN with something like this?

  2. LeslieTimmerman says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    This is truly tragic, the young man taken by care flight is my friends son who is now fighting for his life. I hope and pray he pulls through. The 2 18 years should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.It is my understanding he was left basically for dead, his friends found him.

  3. tahoe mom says - Posted: June 28, 2013

    So sad, what makes someone do this to another. The (2) boys that sit in jail, I hope are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and that a civil case is brought against them, so that they may learn from this horrific event and become productive and kind citizens in the future. Instead of taking up space in this world and being hateful. And to all those others who were involved, think about this …. right now a young man lays in a coma in the hospital fighting for his life because a bunch of stupid, drunk kids don’t have anything better to do with their time then harrass others. It is shameful, and all of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Grow up, be productive. And hope and pray that this young man lives through this horrible event.

  4. Jonathan Moore says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    Here’s what I want to know:

    Is there a spike in crime, particularly alcohol related crimes, on Thursday nights after the “Live at Lakeview” concerts?

  5. GRUNT'S says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    The “powers that be” in our town don’t want to publish that stuff – they don’t want our visitors to know what go’s on here.

    It can also be explicitly stated that they also do not want the local resident to know the scope of crime in our city. This would reflect very poorly on their lack of commitment to adequate funding of our police department.

    There were only 3 city police officers on duty today during the day shift – the weekend leading to the 4th of July holiday – solely because of our disfunctional good ‘ol boy network of “repeat” leaders that have p***** away $$$ over the past 3 decades with complete disregard to what is really important to the citizens of this city.

    And properly funding out city police department is just ONE of those things.


  6. A.B. says - Posted: June 29, 2013

    Criminal activity in South Tahoe has always been an issue. Alcohol & drugs only exacerbate the problem.

    But in more recent years, a gang element has developed.

    Additionally, jobs are scarce, people are struggling, and the community is suffering from decay. It’s very sad.