Disagreement over how to manage wild horses
By John M. Glionna, Las Vegas Sun
ANTELOPE VALLEY — Just after dawn, a dozen mustangs stampede across the high desert, harassed by a white helicopter that dips and swoops like a relentless insect. Frightened stallions lead a tightknit family band, including two wild-eyed foals that struggle to keep up.

Wild mustangs in Nevada have long pitted animal groups against the government. Photo/Rick Loomis/Los Angeles Times
Three animal activists watch through long-range camera lenses as wranglers hired by the federal Bureau of Land Management help drive the animals into a camouflaged corral. The private-contract pilot is paid $500 for each captured horse, dead or alive.
After a 10-mile run, one band of horses storms past the corral, prolonging the chase. While most of the horses enter the trap, a few break for open territory, the chopper in pursuit.
Few escape. The roundup corrals 180 mustangs, often employing a tactic that sets the species up to betray itself: A wrangler holds the reins of a tame horse at the mouth of the trap. As the mustangs draw close, the worker releases the animal — known as a Judas horse — which dashes into the corral, followed instinctively by the others.
I have been following this somewhat and it appears the BLM is just like other Fed Agencies – using false overgrazing studies to sell our symbol of the west to cattle ranchers interests and uranium miners. BLM top officials are being paid-off by big mining and cattle business behind the scenes – and nobody can stop it.
Our Congressmen are right there as well being paid-off to turn their heads.
The sad truth is too many of these captured horses are winding up in the slaughter houses ….. it sickens me that we pay taxes for a Fed Gov Agency that’s purposely killing these beautiful animals that once roamed free
I agree…. folks should call their Member of Congress and complain. REGISTER the complaint so that the numbers are counted. I love the wild horses running in the not-so-wild West. How lucky we are to have them…. On the other hand, we should look into getting rid of the BLM. What does that stand for???? Bowels Loose Movement?