Nevada officials need help tracking invasive moth
The Nevada Division of Forestry wants help determining how widespread and severe the White Satin Moth, Leucoma salicis, infestation is in Northern Nevada.
The non-native insect is capable of defoliating aspen, cottonwoods and willows.
The moth can be found flying in the upper canopy of any poplar species and laying eggs or mating on trunks, leaves or branches. Eggs laid in July and August will hatch in a few weeks, and larvae will skeletonize leaves on aspen, cottonwoods and willows before moving to bark fissures and spinning protective coverings to winter in.
White Satin Moths appear all white except for the body which looks like it has black bands and are about 1½-inches wide at full wing span. New larvae will be small, furry, brown and black caterpillars. Late stage caterpillars mature at about 1¾-inches long.
To report a sighting of the moth, email Gail Durham at the Nevada Division of Forestry at or call (775) 849.2500.