Artist’s troubles grow as he tries to rebuild


By Kathryn Reed

South Lake Tahoe would like Peter Darvas to start with a new canvas. Darvas would rather work with the outline he has.

In September 2012, Darvas’ sprawling house on Pioneer Trail and April Drive was destroyed by fire. Flames also engulfed the house next door on April.

Today the neighbors have a foundation poured. This new construction is in stark contrast to the destruction left by the fire that is so evident at the Darvas site.

Darvas told Lake Tahoe News that on Tuesday he was going to submit plans to the city for how he wants to resurrect his home and studio.

A 6-foot cyclone fence surrounds the remains of Peter Darvas' house that was destroyed by fire in September 2012. Photo/LTN

A 6-foot cyclone fence surrounds the remains of Peter Darvas’ house that was destroyed by fire in September 2012. Photo/LTN

“I believe a large percentage of the structure can be salvaged,” Darvas said.

He has been slowly taking down some of the structure. Another dumpster was dropped off Tuesday afternoon.

The city has sent him letters wanting more to come down faster.

The South Lake Tahoe artist was before the City Council on July 16 asking for leniency in regards to his delinquent South Tahoe Refuse bill. He owes $2,700.

Mayor Tom Davis begged his colleagues to give the man 45 more days. When they voted against him, Davis called it “sad.” Councilman Hal Cole abstained because he lives across the street from Darvas. Councilwomen Angela Swanson, JoAnn Conner and Brooke Laine voted to proceed with the filing with the county tax office that the Planning Commission had already approved on a 4-0 vote.

The money isn’t just from the past 10 months. As STR President Jeff Tillman told the council July 16, this total is the accumulation of years of unpaid garbage bills. That is why the majority on the council could not grant an exception or extension to Darvas.

Darvas told Lake Tahoe News, “I’m not the most timely or responsible person when it comes to crossing T’s and dotting I’s. I operate in a different reality.”

Darvas told the council he has retained an attorney to go after his insurance company to get cash. Until that happens, he said he has no money to pay his debts. He thought 30 days would be enough time to get the insurance issue worked out.

He has not created enough new art at the studio near Nepheles to pay his bills.

Darvas and the city have had run-ins for years regarding the clutter at his place. In January 2012, he was sparring with the council regarding an abatement fine.

With the vote by the council, the county can place a lien against his property so STR gets what it is owed.


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Comments (16)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    Rebuild that mess? WOW! Cut and run Mr. Darvas.

  2. Dogula says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    Mr Darvas may ‘operate in a different reality’ but that reality is smack dab in the middle of the town’s reality. It’s dangerous and it’s an eyesore. Not sure why the hazard has been allowed to stand this long. I know Mr. Darvas is held in high regard, but it’s time to move on. It will never be what it was, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. . . Best bet? Sell it while the market’s heating up and do something new!

  3. C.dub says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    Mr. Darvis, We sometimes all either do or want to “operate in a different reality”. Man, your dump is another eye sore on another main thoroughfare in SLT, which lends further to the poor image our town maintains with many visitors.
    What’s up with the insurance company? My guess is you might be delinquent with them also?
    How about sell the whole lot and move on to a “new canvas” elsewhere?
    I hope you can get your act together and very soon at that.
    Thank you.

  4. Mel says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    My guess is the insurance company won’t pay since obviously large amounts of flammable liquids were stored on site likely in violation of his homeowner’s policy.

    Bulldoze and start fresh, from the road the frame does not look salvageable and it has been a year now. It is a very noticeable eyesore.

    And not paying your refuse bill? Sorry, being an “artiste” is no excuse.

  5. tony colombo says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    So that is the problem with the rest of us. We need to operate in an alternate reality. I’ll start with my property taxes….

  6. john says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    To use the fire as a shield against years of not paying your bill is shameful. Pay your damn bill.

  7. Kevin says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    I’m wondering why the City building department isn’t on them. This is no different than an active building site. There is no orange warning fence, no erosion control measures. Not anything. This guy is getting a major pass to do anything he wants to do. It looks to me that it could fall over at anytime. If it does the city should be liable for not dealing with this obvious hazard.

  8. MTT says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    I guess he is trying to hang on to his dream. Quite obvious he does not have the bribe money to make his dream a reality. I can see what he is doing he want to restore his home using his own hands, saving costs. the world just does not work like that anymore. Tahoe does not work like that.

    I hpe someone can convince him to let it go, and leverage the resources he has left to get the most for the property. Like so many before him he has been priced out of Tahoe. Get as much as you can sir as you walk away from a lifestyle that is GONE. They will just take it from you if you keep trying to do it old school

  9. Lisa says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    Geez, your opinions seem very cruel and insensitive to someone who lost everything. I thought our community had more compassion. I must be missing something. Even if you have these opinions maybe they could be stated in a kinder way considering the tragic circumstances.

  10. Biggerpicture says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    Lisa, maybe he should have been more sensitive to the fact that storing copious amounts of flammable materials in a not so safe environment might have dire consequences to a neighbor’s house. And it did.

  11. Dogula says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    Cruel and insensitive? I thought most of the posts were pretty mild, considering that it’s been nearly a year. The people in the Angora Fire area didn’t get this long to clear their lots. And I remember that night. It’s AMAZING the whole neighborhood didn’t go up in flames. That was bad. Yes, it’s very sad that he lost his life’s work. But he’s had lots of time to work through it now. We all have our burdens and after awhile, you’ve just got to pick yours up and move on without burdening everybody else. It’s time.

  12. TeaTotal says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    Peter should take the advice…being as there are some experts on “different reality” that comment here… constantly.

  13. John says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    We have two separate issues going on here. One that building will most likely will not take any type of heavy snow load during a heavy winter so it is a big hazard to all around him besides being a eyesore. The second is being that he is that far behind in his trash bill and for me there is not a free pass on that issue. Thanks to most of the city council members for doing the right thing. The truth is his trash bill being that far behind has nothing to do with his Insurance claim.

  14. John A says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    I find myself not willing to ridicule someone I have no knowledge of personally. His misfortune and conflicts are really not my business to comment on.
    I will say that I find it quite admirable when a local governing agency shows a heart and bends the rules for someone truly in need – but within reason.

  15. Bob says - Posted: July 18, 2013

    If that home had been in the burn area, Norma Santiago would of had it torn down within 30 days of the burn. I can’t believe the city is begging for a lawsuit. Some kid gets hurt over there and we’ll all be paying for it.

  16. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: July 27, 2013

    I recently watched the July 16th City Council meeting where this matter was discussed and decided. Tom Davis was adamant that Mr. Darvas be given a break from appearing on the delinquent fee report list that would go to El Dorado County for a lien for payment on more than three years of payment arrears totaling slightly more than $2,700.

    What I don’t understand is why Davis did not just offer to give/loan Darvas this money instead of expecting the other City Council members to bend the rules for him, and then admonish them for not going along with what he wanted. I don’t imagine it would be too awfully hard for Davis to come up with $2,700 to help his friend.