Study: Sex ed reduces teen birth rate


By Rebecca Klein, Huffington Post

California’s teen birth rate has dropped nearly 60 percent as a result of expanded sex education programs, according to a report released by the California Department of Public Health last week.

The report –- which was based on data collected until 2011 — revealed that the California teen birth rate reached a 20-year low that year. While in 1991, there were 70.9 births for every 1,000 teens aged 15-19, in 2011 this number decreased to 28 births per 1,000 teens.

Teen birth rates fell across all ethnic groups, according to the report. The Hispanic teen birth rate dropped from 73.6 in 2001 to 42.7 in 2011 –- although Hispanics continue to be the group with the highest teen birth rate. Teen birth rates for African-Americans, Whites and Asian-Americans also decreased significantly.

Several factors contributed to the falling birth rates, the department said in a press release. One factor was the state’s school sex education program, which law requires to be comprehensive and medically accurate. The report also credits community-based education programs that provide sexual health information to teens and their parents.

“We do believe that our programs are behind these numbers,” Karen Ramstrom, the chief of the program standards branch at the California Department of Public Health’s maternal child and adolescent health division, told the Los Angeles Times.

“California’s innovative strategies and community partnerships aimed at lowering teen pregnancy are helping young women and men make responsible choices,” Dr. Ron Chapman, director of the CDPH, said in a press release. “We must not be complacent; we must continue to promote teen pregnancy prevention programs and strategies in all communities.”

As Think Progress noted, California’s teen birth rate decreases are part of a national trend. The national teen birth rate dropped nearly 50 percent between 1991 and 2011, NBC’s Today Health reported.

The nation’s southern states continue to have some of the highest teen birth rates, Think Progress pointed out — partially due to a lack of comprehensive sex education programs in many of those states.


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Comments (7)
  1. cosa pescado says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    And the queen of abstinence only education, Sarah Palin, is a grandmother.
    This article confirms what all reasonable people have known for a very long time.

  2. Dogula says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    So, Fish, because one of the proponents of abstinence teaching had a child who became a teen mother, that proves that teaching abstinence is a waste of time? Is that your theory?
    If that were true, I could take the story I read today about the 13 year old girl in Texas who was raped by more than a dozen illegals and make the case that all illegals are rapists.
    But that wouldn’t be true either, would it?

  3. halftruthsrule says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    I may have missed it but there were no numbers regarding pregnancies or abortions. Therefore the article lacks veracity and accuracy. Without the whole truth it is a lie as it would be in any courtroom.
    How much of this reduction was due to the use of pregnancy prevention devices or less sexual activity?
    Maybe Ms. Ramstrom could enlighten us.

  4. cosa pescado says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    “So, Fish, because one of the proponents of abstinence teaching had a child who became a teen mother, that proves that teaching abstinence is a waste of time? Is that your theory?”

    Typical, put words in my mouth, beat that straw man. Your reading comprehension skills are shockingly underdeveloped. Were those two sentences too abstract?

    The words: “This article confirms”
    What confirms what I have known? The article does. Sarah Palin was mentioned in an earlier sentence, the two ideas are separated.

    “This article confirms what all reasonable people have known for a very long time.”
    The operative words are: ‘very long time’.
    Which is not 5 years, to any person. Even to someone who believes that the earth is a few thousand years old.
    Ironic how you seem to be against most forms of education.

  5. Dogula says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    Who is putting words into whose mouth?

  6. cosa pescado says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    That is complete BS Dog.
    In my mind it is worse to attribute stupid ideas/thoughts/actions to someone than it is to call someone stupid.

    ‘You’re stupid’. That’s an opinion.

    Me expressing the stupid idea you accused me of earlier, is not an opinion. I either did, or didn’t. The evidence is there for everyone to see.
    What you did there is childish, lazy, illogical and dishonest.
    I’m glad everyone can see it.

  7. hmmm... says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    careful fish….that drinker of dog blood has rabies.