Tolliver gets in fistfight after winning celeb golf tourney


“Apparently tempers flared, but it was a personal matter that was quickly resolved.”

That is how Phil Weidinger, the public relations honcho for the American Century Championship golf tourney, described the fight between tournament champion Billy Joe Tolliver and another guy.

Billy Joe Tolliver

Billy Joe Tolliver

Douglas County sheriff’s Sgt. Pat Brooks told Lake Tahoe News, “I don’t have any details yet.”

Sheriff’s deputies regularly patrol the grounds of Edgewood Tahoe during the tournament. But golf was long over when the confrontation occurred.

Sources have told Lake Tahoe News that about 8:30pm July 21 Tolliver got into a fistfight with someone regarding his son.

During a post-tournament interview, Tolliver said, “I’ve got five kids. But only Bubba was here. Bubba got reprimanded by the marshals in the playoff. Hey, kid get off the golf course. Hey, that’s my kid. Relax, yell at me. I told him to stand over there.”

The extent of the injuries to both men is unknown. It took sheriff’s deputies to separate them.

 — Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (20)
  1. Parker says - Posted: July 22, 2013

    If punches were thrown, charges should be pressed!! That this involves a quasi-celebrity, should, in theory, make no difference!

    But I’m not optimistic that justice is blind here, when the DC Sheriff says they don’t have the details yet. Didn’t the involved deputies file a report?

  2. MTT says - Posted: July 22, 2013

    Yea I alluded to this in another post, I hear he really lit the other guy up. I figured this was not going to stay out of the public eye as there were many people around. Same kinda questions why police did not arrest? allegations victim feared loss of future employment ect. Waiting for the real story? there were allot of camera phones around

  3. Steve says - Posted: July 22, 2013

    “Come to the Wild Side”

    Remember to duck after the first punch is thrown.

  4. copper says - Posted: July 22, 2013

    It doesn’t seem to take much to be a celebrity these days.

  5. john says - Posted: July 22, 2013

    If it was a local he would be looking at felonies. Some ol bs

  6. CE says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    Maybe were lucky there were no arrests, because the way the Sherrifs dept re acted, they would have taken in the wrong guy and still let the QB go free.

  7. observer says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    Billy Joe and Bubba. Red neck cowboys

    I hope he falls off the invitation list for future events despite the win.

    I agree with all comments re the poor handling and how different it is if a local is involved. When will they ever learn.

    If it took deputies to break them up, was this verbal or did the deputy have to get physical? Wouldn’t this be assault on a peace officer for anyone else?

  8. WQ says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    Tolliver? I had to look him up. Celebrity? not with that career. Just ’cause you played in the NFL (and ended your career in the CFL) doesn’t make you a celebrity. He probably has lower name recognition than C-list reality tv “celebs”. Seems the bum gets invited because he can golf.

  9. Alex Campbell says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    How old is BUBBA ?

  10. Yeah! says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    USFS should have used the dog to break them up.

  11. dan wilvers says - Posted: July 23, 2013


    now that’s funny.

  12. dryclean says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    I’m hearing the other person was an Edgewood employee who was off duty. Apparently he was pretty busted up by Billy Joe after a bunch of fists to the face. Booze was the cause of all of it. Lets see if charges are pressed by him.

  13. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: July 23, 2013

    How about not inviting people the following year, if they get into a fistfight, or other unsportsmanlike behavior? Isn’t this suppose to be a classy event, and golf itself is suppose to be a gentlemens sport. There’s plenty of sports that he would fit in with much better, like celebrity cage fighting.

  14. nooneinparticular says - Posted: July 24, 2013

    the deputies didn’t break it up. they stood and watched the whole thing go down. there is no investigation because, as mentioned, they were there and watched the whole thing go down. from less than ten feet away. several other guys (not the sherrifs, they did nothing) tried to break it up, but Tolliver is a big guy and was in a rage (steroids maybe?), so he threw them off and went back to punching the guy on the ground.
    He should not be allowed back!

  15. Steve says - Posted: July 24, 2013

    Prediction: Billy and Bubba will not get invited back. Nobody likes sudden celebrities who behave like that. Low class.

  16. sunriser2 says - Posted: July 24, 2013

    Sounds like there are plenty of witness’s maybe civil charges are in order.

  17. ryan says - Posted: July 24, 2013

    Saw bubba at the tourney, he is a minor. Sounds like protecting your child like anyone else would do.

  18. Hey Now says - Posted: July 24, 2013

    Ryan, they were horsing around in the water and he aggravated a previous injury. So, the question is, did it warrant pounding a guy’s face repeatedly that isn’t fighting back? I’d say that goes a bit beyond protecting a child, wouldn’t you?

  19. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: July 24, 2013

    Who was assaulted? Will criminal charges be filed or is Edgewood handling it?

  20. reza says - Posted: July 25, 2013

    A Brooks Bar off duty bartender was assaulted. Charges, maybe not. Payoff, maybe yes. Lawsuit to be avoided at all costs.