Standoff ends with S. Tahoe woman going to jail


A South Lake Tahoe woman who was holed up in a neighbor’s apartment where she had access to a rifle and ammunition was eventually arrested this morning without anyone but her boyfriend being hurt.

Kimberly Ann Leard, 33, was arrested July 25 on felony charges of domestic violence and a misdemeanor charge of resisting, delaying and obstructing police in the performance of their duty.

The incident at the St. Francis Apartments on Emerald Bay Road started about 1:30am with officers called to a unit because a woman was screaming. The argument turned into a physical altercation.

Leard’s 37-year-old boyfriend was bleeding from the head, hand and foot when officers arrived. He refused medical treatment.

To avoid the police, Leard went onto the third story balcony, climbed onto the neighbor’s balcony and entered that apartment. The neighbor was in the bathroom when Leard came into his apartment. He fled and Leard retreated into her neighbor’s bedroom.

The neighbor told officers he keeps a .30-caliber lever action rifle stored in his bedroom in plain view, with ammo right next to it.

“Officers strongly suggested residents in neighboring units leave until the matter was concluded because of the potential for rifle bullets to penetrate walls,” Lt. Brian Williams told Lake Tahoe News.

The officers tried to talk Leard into surrendering, but she refused. Officers entered the apartment about 2:40am, where they found Leard hiding in the bedroom closet.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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Comments (8)
  1. nature bats last says - Posted: July 25, 2013

    OMG another totally whacked out person with access to guns. Great! way too close to my neighborhood. Please destroy the gun she had, and the ammo too. She sounds like someone that would just shoot willy nilly into the street and hurt anyone that got in her way. thank you to the cops that took her away.

  2. tahoeforgiveness says - Posted: July 25, 2013

    Sometimes we all need a little forgiveness. I hope these people find a non-violent solution to their problems. I hope the police know how much we all appreciate their risk in stepping in to stop a situation like this. And I am sorry that people like “nature bats last” believe in cynical pot-shots. Rather, I am going to be donating to our town’s Live Violence Free foundation this week. I want to improve my town.

  3. BX2 says - Posted: July 25, 2013

    Hey nature bats last

    She didn’t have access to a firearm. She illegally entered someone else’s residence who owns a rifle, which sounds like it was unloaded. But yeah lets take their rifle and ammo away!! Makes perfect sense…

  4. John S says - Posted: July 25, 2013

    nature bats last — I think your reading comprehension is not working….She entered the neighbors apartment and he told police that there was a firearm in there with her. We don’t know whether or not she took possession of it.

  5. Reloman says - Posted: July 25, 2013

    Hey everyone Lets give Nature bats last a break, we all know that when every fire arms are mention nature goes a little batty and shots from the hip.

  6. gunman says - Posted: July 27, 2013

    Yes I know all parties involved in this. The neibor knew this person and so did his dog. The dog didn’t even bark. Had it been a burgler he would have gone to his gun to protect him self. That is why we need guns! She had no idea there was a gun there and if she did she would not have used it. This story was blown way outa proportion! She was drunk and just climed over a railing to a place she has been in many times and knows the person. There was no threat to the public. Why do people freek out when they hear about guns?

  7. Nature bats first says - Posted: August 4, 2013

    it sounds like some one got drunk and black out, I’m sure the cops would like to make you think they were in danger all while a poor girl whom was crying in a closet had no idea what was going on. Also i’m sure she defended her self and her boyfriend is the real piece of you know what in this situation.

  8. GRUNT'S says - Posted: August 5, 2013

    Nature – with all due respect – Law enforcement IS a dangerous profession – our officers put their lives on the line every time they put that uniform on and go to work.

    I suggest that you arrange for a “ride along” with the local PD so that you can better understand reality a bit more…