Sex offender trying to interact with kids in S. Tahoe

Police are warning people about sex offender Wesley Goetz. Photos/Provided

Police are warning people about sex offender Wesley Goetz. Photos/Provided

Updated July 27 6:45am:

South Lake Tahoe police are recanting some of the information released about registered sex offender Wesley Goetz.

Goetz is on lifetime supervision, but he is not on active parole in Nevada. He is permitted to travel into California.

Police say Goetz’s desire to obtain a business license in South Lake Tahoe do not amount a parole violation or any other criminal violation.

Goetz must still adhere to several special conditions including staying away from areas or businesses which children frequent, and not accessing the Internet without permission.

Goetz is not wanted by law enforcement officials. Goetz is currently in compliance the terms of his supervision.

A registered sex offender from Nevada has been trying to start a business in South Lake Tahoe that involves children.

Wesley Goetz, 55, lives in Incline Village is a Tier II sex offender out of Nevada. He was convicted in 1998 for felony lewdness with a child under 14, and is on lifetime supervision for his crimes.

Coming into the city limits is a violation of his parole.

South Lake Tahoe officials said Goetz applied – and was denied – a license for an Internet-based business. He also tried to obtain a business license to be a photographer at children’s birthday parties, a handyman and a traveling salesman. He was also denied licenses for those businesses.

Part of Goetz’s parole conditions is that he must stay away from areas and businesses which children frequent, and not access the Internet without permission.

South Lake Tahoe police detectives say Goetz has falsely claimed that he has permission to be near children, and that he has permission to leave Nevada. Authorities say he has also lied to El Dorado and Placer counties deputies.

Goetz has a valid Nevada driver’s license and two vehicles registered in his name; a 1991 Ford Aerostar van bearing NV/805WXK and a 1995 Honda motorcycle bearing NV/177782.

Anyone seeing Goetz near children or in California should call authorities. He is a white male, brown hair, blue eyes, 5-feet-4-inches, and 140 pounds.

Officers have provided the following information:

• Registered sex offenders in California are listed online.

• Registered sex offenders in Nevada are online.

• The offender registry includes only people who have been required by law to register and who are in compliance with the offender registration laws.

• The information contained in the registry is provided as a public service and may not be current or accurate.

• Persons should not rely solely on the offender registry as a safeguard against offenses in their communities.

• The crime for which a person is convicted may not accurately reflect the level of risk.

• Anyone who uses information contained in the registry to harass registrants or commit any crime may be subject to criminal prosecution.

— Lake Tahoe News staff report


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This article was written by admin


Comments (13)
  1. copper says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    So when will the California and Nevada parole violation warrants be issued? Or is it up to the parents to catch the guy committing another crime before the protection of law enforcement kicks in?

    Ain’t personnel cutbacks grand?

  2. hmmm... says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    5’04”, 140 lbs? Should be relatively easy to spot. I wish our judicial system did not allow such criminals on the street. While I am not proposing “vigilante’ism” I do know of a rather severe method(that is 100% effective) for protecting our children from convicted predators. I hope he gets apprehended before we one of our children becomes a ‘statistic.’

  3. MTT says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    In this article it appears that he has attempted to do things that are a violation of his parole?

    Just because he was stopped to date, seems he has violated parole. Can’t we send him back to prison now?

  4. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    Be sure to click on the “online” link which for California will take to you

    Enter your address and see who your neighbors are.

  5. john says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    So many parole violations. Why isn’t his parole officer doing their JOB!!

  6. john says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    If another kid is harmed by this pervert I would think the agency that is supposed to be monitoring him (or not) would be to blame

  7. Amanda Adams says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    Hopefully they lock him up for parole violations ASAP. Thankfully our town doesn’t have to many sexual predators (when compared to big cities), should make it easier for our police to monitor the few that are here.

  8. Careaboutthecommunity says - Posted: July 26, 2013

    I think his trying to gain access to children should get him a permanent room at the crossbar hotel, or should we wait for him to follow through with his desires, and ruin another life.

  9. john says - Posted: July 27, 2013

    Admin. Wish you would’ve got your facts straight and did an update on the lengthy story you wrote about me. As like this article. The first statement from the police were grossly inaccurate. So much that is just seemed like a boldface lie. Putting the TRUTH out there is what will seperate a respected jounalist from newspaper writer

  10. Alex Campbell says - Posted: July 27, 2013

    Hi KAE WhodatJohnsays ? for John Why isn’t his parole officer doing their or HIS JOB.

  11. hikerchick says - Posted: July 27, 2013

    In 1998 when he was 15 years old, did he have sex with his 14 year old girlfriend or did he rape someone? Big difference. Lots of teens much younger than that get carried away; so was it consensual teen sex or was it something forced on her? The two things are vastly different and should affect his life differently depending upon what he did in 1998. Whatever it was, let’s be fair. Something horrific is one thing. Consensual sex is another.

  12. BX2 says - Posted: July 27, 2013


    Not sure how you calculated his age but this man is 55 years old, which makes him 40 years old in 1998 when the lewdness with an under 14 year old took place. Under no circumstances is this ok!

  13. Mush Kight says - Posted: July 28, 2013

    This p.o.s. has come into where I work in south lake tahoe on several occasions … Can’t wait to see him again… It won’t be pretty ill tell you that much