S. Tahoe gas station attendant shot to death
Updated 1:50pm
A 27-year-old clerk working at a gas station in South Lake Tahoe was shot to death Tuesday night.
Video of the suspect shows that he walked into the USA gas station on the corner of Highway 50 and Lodi Avenue at 10:40pm Aug. 6. Ten minutes later a patron walked in, saw the clerk on the floor in a pile of blood and called 911. The clerk, whose name is not being released pending notification of family, was pronounced dead at the scene.

This man is wanted in the Aug. 6 shooting of a South Lake Tahoe gas station attendant. Photo/Provided
The assailant as of Wednesday afternoon was still at-large. He is a male between the ages of 20 and 40, between 5-feet-8 and 5-feet-10, wearing a dark hoodie and dark mask over his face, his skin tone is light but exact race unknown.
“During a very brief encounter with the clerk, the suspect raised a handgun and shot the clerk. The clerk fell to the floor immediately as the suspect fled from the store,” police said in a statement.
Police Chief Brian Uhler told Lake Tahoe News at this point they are not calling the incident a robbery. But they also are not saying if the suspect and victim knew each other.
Reports are that only one shot was fired, but the type of gun involved has not been released.
Anyone with information regarding this homicide should call the police department at (530) 542.6100 or Secret Witness at (530) 541.6800.
— Lake Tahoe News staff report
Please post updates when available.
This is tragic to our community.
Why is the description being withheld? The public should have this info for their safety and to aid in the capture of this killer.
This is crazy. I cannot believe that this occurred again in our community. That gas station was pretty shady and I always had a feeling that something else was going on there when I went in. I have had several instances at that gas station where some “interesting” people would be in there talking to the guy and would just stop talking as soon as I entered and step aside to let me go ahead of them and get out of there. They wouldn’t say a word while I was in there. Im just speculating here but I would guess that it was drug related. I hope this gunman gets caught and this can get resolved.
Too bad the employee wasn’t armed and shot first! Was this another Moonbeam AB109 early release crime wave special? Instead of opening new prisons or bussing them out of state, he thought it a great idea to early release thousands. Everyone should take note that this violent crime wave is going to get far worse before it gets better. The state has gone from three strikes and throw away the key to open the gates and empty the prisons and good luck citizens. These early release inmates should all be bussed to the judges houses that ordered this for them to deal with. Any wonder why gun sales are at record levels?
The police ae in the initial stages of the investigation. They don’t release information immediately because it can affect their ability to follow up leads, contact anyone who might have information or tip off any potential suspects causing them to go in the wind. If/when they feel they need any assistance from the public they will make that information available to the media/public.
will the police release part of the video of the suspect, even though he wore a mask?
thanks for the photo…. wish it was clearer though.
This gas station was robbed at gunpoint 2 years ago.
That kid was the “sweetest” ever. He worked days and happened to have to work last night !!! I ‘m just sick !!!
The *^+•*%# that did it will pay!!!!
Rest assured, our SLT Police WILL solve this crime, just as they always solve serious crimes. Whomever is responsible for this heinous and cowardly act picked the wrong town, because our police have an extraordinary track record of tracking down violent criminals and bringing them to justice.
The “Leaders” of Tahoe South are attracting this type of culture to our beautiful alpine community. They are corrupt and draw this criminal and violent element. It’s why North Shore looks down at “Tahoe South”. Sick and disturbed leadership…….wake up SLT
What is it with people I was looking at the picture and he is not wearing cleaves the cops can get a fearger prints off the door
His Hands look really young,.im betting its something personal between the two. I hope he gets caught,.tahoe used to be a good place to raise kids. Now days they just reach teen years and go bad,bored,drink,all that. It’s sad tahoe has been failing its youth for years as well as trash moving in from other city’s corrupting it.
Ex-Tahoe, what you speak of A) isn’t new here, or ANYWHERE for that matter to some degree, shape or form. And B) it’s not “Tahoe’s” job to raise kids, it’s their parents job. And C) trash is an inherent part of the human condition, Tahoe or anywhere.
Wonder if this is related to the lady that was found unresponsive with bruising all over.
In 1980 Richard Swanson was murdered while working in a gas station at the “Y.” South Lake Tahoe Police did a thorough investigation and continued to work it as a “cold case” until a suspect, Andrew Swanson, was arrested and is currently standing trial for the murder.
There’ve been lots of homicides between then and now, most of which have been solved by SLTPD investigators and the remainder of which remain open and under investigation as cold cases.
Go ahead and hate your public employees – it’s your right, and it’s your right to accept the reduced service you’re receiving as a result of the budget cuts and staffing reductions you’ve insisted on, but don’t doubt that these crimes are being as throughly investigated as resources permit. And will be forever, or until they’re solved.
Thank you Copper.
Nimby, libel is against the law.
Incredibly tragic.
Ex Tahoe I take great offense to your blanket statement of our youth here. I have raised four sons in this community and they are all incredible. So are their friends. This was an amazing place to be blessed enough to raise children in. Do we know this person is even from Tahoe?
My heart goes out to the family of the attendant that lost his life. I wish surveillance videos were far advanced from what they are right now.
Very sad. My condolences to the young victim’s family and friends.
And I echo Lisa, well said (though I raised 3 sons, 1 daughter, all great).
I have no doubt the SLTPD will do all that they can to find this person. It may take a while, it may not. Its crazy how serious crimes have increased in our quaint little town. Suicides, drug epidemics, murders, & domestic violence incidents are a daily occurrence now. People come here to get away from the city life, but they bring their city drama with them. It’s a pretty sad situation.
It never ceases to amaze me that some people will seize any opportunity to deliver negative comments about South Lake Tahoe. Thank goodness Ex tahoe is an “Ex”, and judging by NIMBY Green’s remarks they are already a North Shore resident or a North Shore “wanna-be” resident who should just live in that community.
This young person being murdered is a tragedy and I extend my sincerest condolences to his family and loved ones on their loss.
This is terrible. Breet (please excuse my spelling) was kind, friendly, and always cheerful when anybody entered the store. He was new to our country, looking for opportunity and friendship, and this is what happened. This is a tremendous tragedy. Justice must be served. Our town owes it to Breet and his family. Breet your jolly smile and welcoming demeanor will be greatly missed.
I’m hoping and praying that this was not suki, I knew this entire family while I lived in Tahoe, and the young man I always knew to work that station was nothing but friendly, outgoing, & courteous to me and my entire family, my condolences to the rest of the family as I know they are hurting right now, this may be their baby brother :'(
They may as well bring in the FBI. This man is going to kill again.You can clearly see he is white and the victim was not american. He probally has a hate toward non americans and will strike again at various locations. This was a thrill kill. Mark my word…. They must persue this man. By the way, Does that look like a tatoo on suspects left hand? My condolences to the victims family.
I grew up in Tahoe )A DUH,… And B) it wasn’t like this until TRASH from other city’s moved in. I don’t care what any of you say or how many kids you raised here I watched it happen . From good to rotten now is al, I was saying you don’t like it? Oh we’ll I guess the truth hurts.
And kids that belong to low income families end up on drugs and in trouble. Don’t be mad about it because its true. I didn’t say ALL kids but enough to well,….look at it now compared to 1979.
Ex Tahoe, since it’s inception this town, by virtue of being a resort town, has had a regular revolving transient population. And to infer that bad things didn’t happen whilst you were growing up here is ludicrous.
Ex Tahoe,
Yeah, I grew up here to. No problems in 1962 other than the drunken brawls at beer can beach at Ski Run with hundreds of collge kids beating each other up. Drug use at the Funhouse in 67’& 68′?, naw, that never happened, it was all just in my imagination. Violent crime? Nope things were clean as a whistle(smirking, yuk yuk). Oh there was that little incident where Harveys got blown up. Casino bosses threatened by organised crime? Never happened. Chartrands car (owner of Barneys)exploded all on its own.
Lots more out there, thats just the tip of the iceberg.
So Ex Tahoe this stuff has been going on for a LOOONG time. Not from low income families or trash moving in from other places. We are quite capable of making a mess of paradise the old fashioned way. We do it LOCALLY!! Take Care, Old Long Skiis
OLS: We should refer people to Frank Zappa’s masterpiece (debut) album, ‘Freak Out’. It’s all relative. Elvis used to be perceived as a sexual deviant. Drugs have been around for ever. The freaks of yesterday think the youth of today are freaks. In reality they are no better or worse.
Personally, I think the people who choose to live in a suburban bubble are the real freaks. Wasting their time and money living in places where they feel compelled to spend their time and money to leave their homes for places like Tahoe.