Feds not leaving medical marijuana alone
By Liz Halloran, NPR
When the Obama administration recently announced it wouldn’t challenge the decision by Colorado and Washington voters to fully legalize marijuana, criticism rained down.
The administration’s position, complained one Colorado congressman, was tantamount to allowing states to opt out of the federal law banning pot possession, cultivation and sale.
Other anti-legalization activists predicted that the administration was waving the white flag in the war on drugs.
The first claim is essentially true: The states will be creating their own regulatory regimes.
As for the idea of a surrender in the war on drugs, the reality is a little more complicated.
Professor Kleiman would have us believe that the memo from the DOJ actually has legal standing, which it most certainly does NOT. Kleiman also admonishes us to crack down with heavy regulations and the feds will be nice and stop raiding us. Worst of all people believe this nonsense. Now is not the time to panic and enforce new laws to please the feds. Instead, it is time to end this insane war on people and plants by repealing existing bad laws, not making up new bad laws. See my show on POT TV for details: http://www.pot.tv/video/2013/09/12/KUBBY-TV-1-Vivian-McPeak-Interview
I am not as concerned with legalization as I am with the ridiculousness of drug testing. There has to be a way to determine if someone got high last night, or were getting high at work.
Employers use marijuana as an excuse. As do insurance companies.
There is no logical, cause and effect reason why you can’t smoke pot on your own time.
I doubt legalization will do much to really expand freedom.
I agree with you Steve ,100 percent , wake up people, How long will it be that people are never going to quit doing this,? Will never get rid of it,Loud and clear, done and over, sign, sealed, delivered,closed case on this,
You can test to see if someone is under the influence. It is just more expensive than testing for metabolites. Under the law in Washington, five nano grams per milliliter means you are under the influence. Any daily user is going to test at those levels. Whether you are actually under the influence or not at the time. Where are the studies that show how many deaths occur each year by legal drugs supplied by big pharmacutical companies. They are so afraid of low cost alternatives that they are more than willing to spend whatever it takes to keep people confused about the truth of medical cannabis. This includes money to
politicians to keep it illegal.
The more corrupt a government, the more laws they have.
TO DO THIS, STEVE, we have to change federal law. You are right, state laws get nowhere. Everyone here should read the 21st Amendment . You’ll see that doing away with a federal substance law has been done. ” The 18th article of amendment is hereby repealed.” Look it up. That’s how it was done in the past. The question now is ” Can we do it again ?”
In this deficit ridden environment, our country could certainly benefit from the tax revenues, but I don’t hear our beloved representatives shouting that benefit….
Do some math people….
It seems that the Federal Government is going after the most reputable purveyors of Medical Cannabis. I was shocked to recently find out that both Harborside Health and Berkley Patients Group are both facing their collectives and the buildings they operate in to be seized. These two collectives both operate at an extremely high standard to patients and community (as does TWC in our town).