Time to sign up for health insurance


By Barton Health

Ready to change your health care coverage? If so, the time to do it is rapidly approaching.

Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace, often called the health insurance exchange, starts Oct. 1. The marketplace is designed to help you find health coverage that fits your budget and meets your needs. Coverage starts Jan. 1.

What’s in it for me?

When you use the Health Insurance Marketplace, you’ll fill out an application and find out what your monthly premiums will be for various levels of insurance coverage. You’ll also find out whether you qualify for subsidized lower out-of-pocket costs.

In addition, the marketplace will tell you whether you qualify for free or low-cost coverage available through Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

How is it different from before?

Insurance plans in the marketplace are offered by private companies, and they all cover the same core set of benefits, called essential health benefits. These essential health benefits include at least the following items and services: ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and newborn care, mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment, prescription drugs, rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices, laboratory services, preventative wellness services and chronic disease management, and pediatric services.

No plan can turn you away or charge you more because you have an illness or medical condition. And plans can’t charge women more than men.

How do I find my exchange?

If you live in California, visit California’s Health Insurance Marketplace, called Covered California, online. Nevada residents can visit Nevada’s Marketplace.

Yeah, but will it really help me?

The marketplace simplifies your search for health coverage by gathering the options available in your area in one place. With one application, you can compare plans based on price, benefits, quality, and other features important to you—before you make a choice. You can also get help online or by phone.

We can help you

Remember, enrollment starts Oct. 1. Go to Barton’s website to access to local health care reform information, future educational events, website links, and the latest news affecting area residents.



About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (4)
  1. Kerry says - Posted: September 26, 2013

    Please ad me to your list for information regarding steps to take to receive Obama Care come Jan 2014.

  2. MTT says - Posted: September 26, 2013

    This is where the rubber hits the road.
    Everyone by law must buy health insurance.

    Money that some chose to spend on other thing, will be spending it on health insurance.

    In this area where we have young healthy adults who are working a subsistence job after collage or HS while they play and enjoy the Outdoors, are in for a big surprise.

  3. Rick says - Posted: September 27, 2013

    MTT says: you are sadly uniformed. Those living a subsistence life will have access to government subsidies to assist in paying for health insurance. Those of us doing quite well and have health insurance will benefit as we will no longer pay for those without going to the most expensive outlet (the emergency room) for normal health care. Plus these individuals will now have access to engage in dr. visits that are predominantly preventive in nature (including prenatal care) thereby minimizing future more expensive visits.

    Works pretty well in Mass (Romneycare is nearly identical to Obamacare) and was an idea that was originally devised by the Heritage Foundation after Hillary tried to push for a single payer health care program in 1993. Republicans loved it until Obama embraced it and then they attacked their plan as being socialist. Got to love the Republicans hutzpah. Oh and that is right, other then trying to repeal it 42 times they have not offered one scintilla of an alternative.


  4. cosa pescado says - Posted: September 28, 2013

    My collage degree was accompanied by a minor in papier mache.
    The degree in dioramas was simply too hard.