Editorial: Republicans are failing Americans


Publisher’s note: This editorial is from the Oct. 1, 2013, Washington Post.

Americans’ respect for their Congress has, sad to say, diminished in recent years. But citizens still expect a minimal level of competence and responsibility: Pay the bills and try not to embarrass us in front of the world.

By those minimal standards, this Congress is failing. More specifically, the Republican leaders of the House of Representatives are failing. They should fulfill their basic duties to the American people or make way for legislators who will.

Congress should fulfill its basic duties or make way for legislators who will.

We don’t come to that view as rabid partisans. On many of the issues stalemating Washington, we find plenty of blame to go around. We’ve criticized President Obama’s reluctance to pursue entitlement reform. The last time the country reached the debt ceiling, we urged both sides to compromise on revenue and spending in the interest of long-term fiscal soundness.

This time, fiscal responsibility isn’t even a topic. Instead, Republicans have shut much of the government in what they had to know was a doomed effort to derail the Affordable Care Act. That law, in case you’ve forgotten in the torrent of propaganda, is hardly revolutionary. It is an effort to extend health insurance to some of the 40 million or so people in this country who have none. It acts through the existing private-insurance market. Republicans tried to block its passage and failed; they hoped to have it declared unconstitutional and failed; and they did their best to toss Obama out of the White House after one term in order to strangle it in its cradle, and they failed again.

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This article was written by admin


Comments (16)
  1. MTT says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    You are dead on the Republican Party has failed Americans for past decade.
    That is why I have become VERY ACTIVE in the Tea Party movement the past few years.

    And My Northern Nevada Representatives are holding the line, doing what I ask, doing what they promised.

    Doing everything they can to STOP the Runaway overreaching Federal Government.

    Cut spending EVERYWHERE
    Stop over-regulation, Stop over taxing

    That is what I asked for that is what they are doing.

    All the other Washington DC lifers who do whats best for Washington DC

    Your days are numbered

  2. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    Hey MTT, you’re against an awful lot of liberals. What you want is gonna be an uphill battle. They teach the kids in high school and college to be liberals. I guess you know that. Then there’s the media. I’m afraid that to win your war you’ll have to wait until their policies become complete failures. It ain’t gonna be pretty. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.

  3. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    MTT, don’t look now, but the primary problem with the GOP is THE TEA PARTY. Tea Party lawmakers are willing to lie, cheat, and steal to achieve their fascist agenda. ANY Tea Partier using the smoke screen of pseudo patriotism is an affront to American freedom and the constitution.

  4. Irish Wahini says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    Fire Congress — all of em.

  5. Old Timer says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    You seem to forget that of the 14 Republican Budget proposals sent to the Senate, Harry Reid has not let one of them be brought to the floor for a VOTE, Harry Reid Should be replaced,

  6. Atomic says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    ..Your days are numbered huh?, That is laughable. The Right has some points to be made, but they have lost their way and the American public will deal them pay back for this constant nonsense.

    Elections have consequences: Any questions?

    The Republicans have forgotten that they need to survive to win another day, whenever that may be.

  7. Justice says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    Lets see, in five years the amount of people on welfare has doubled and out of the 300 million employed, nearly 100 million have given up working and went to living off of others through entitlements like SSI/SSDI and section 8, at the same time the debt has reached sixteen trillion from four and a budget hasn’t been offered by the Dems for four years, this is your “progress.” if it continues there will simply be a collapse as the country will run out of tax payers to take from to support any of this govt. redistribution Bummer care. This article is false and blames the wrong party as a majority of people reject Govt. healthcare and it is from a Wash DC paper, where the problem is.

  8. BijouBil says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    Who would you propose to lead the Tea Party in presenting party policies for the upcoming mid-term elections and the next Presidential election in 2016? Would it be well known politicians like Ted Cruz, Jim DeMint, Louie Gohmert, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann? Or maybe some of the hate radio all stars like Rush Limpaugh, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones or Michael Weiner? Or you could take your pick of any of the religio-psychotics in your party such as Tony Perkins, Rick Joyner, Bryan Fischer and Scott Lively to name just a very few of that group. I agree with one of the previous posts that it will be an uphill battle to sell this enormous load of excrement to anything approaching a majority of cognizant voters.
    I suggest that if the political party you are VERY ACTIVE in exposes this cabal of wackadoodles to the scrutiny candidates for national offices invariably get, it will be the Teabaggers whose days are numbered.

  9. hmmm... says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    A democracy(or for that matter a Constitutional Republic) cannot survive without a flourishing middle class. It is not possible. Corporate profits are at a record high. Something is wrong when the only ‘business’ that is investing in America is the government. Republicans(and most Democrats) should be publicly shamed for their abandonment of the American people in favor of big business. Trickle down theory has resulted in the American worker, the American family, the American child being trickled ON…if you get my drift. Obama is a sellout in so many ways, but his version of selling out is far more acceptable to me than the Re-th-ugly-can”t version that wages war on America.

  10. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    MTT-When you say you are very active teabagger does that mean you help tie the little teabags on the tricorner hats for the tens of people at rallies in Nevada?-or do you help with the misspelled signs they carry with the pics of Pres. Obama as hitler or a monkey?- I’m sure that must be very satisfying political work for such a loyal member of the party such as yourself

  11. dan Wilvers says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    Name calling isn’t conducive to civil discourse, adds nothing to the conversation, why do some of you use it?

  12. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    Gee Dan W.- I don’t know why I respond to some people with derision-Maybe because I don’t believe some invisible cloud being requires me to take the bible literally you could say- ‘The Devil made me do it’ :)

  13. dan Wilvers says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    Lets be clear it’s anonymous derision, the bravest of all.

  14. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    ” They teach the kids in high school and college to be liberals.”

    That can also be read as ‘people are are more educated (smarter, more informed, etc) don’t decide to be conservatives’

    Look at how many conservatives deny evolution.
    I rest my case.

  15. John A says - Posted: October 3, 2013

    A typical tea-toddler will shoot off both feet and other appendages in effort to be heard. And apparently Republicans too……

  16. John A says - Posted: October 4, 2013

    Republicans are like Herpes, they occasionally surface, always at the wrong time……….and serve no purpose other than being an annoyance……….