Adults in U.S. not as smart as those in other countries


By Richard Perez-Pena, New York Times

American adults lag well behind their counterparts in most other developed countries in the mathematical and technical skills needed for a modern workplace, according to a study released Tuesday.

The study, perhaps the most detailed of its kind, shows that the well-documented pattern of several other countries surging past the United States in students’ test scores and young people’s college graduation rates corresponds to a skills gap, extending far beyond school. In the United States, young adults in particular fare poorly compared with their international competitors of the same ages — not just in math and technology, but also in literacy.

More surprisingly, even middle-aged Americans — who, on paper, are among the best-educated people of their generation anywhere in the world — are barely better than middle of the pack in skills.

Arne Duncan, the education secretary, released a statement saying that the findings “show our education system hasn’t done enough to help Americans compete — or position our country to lead — in a global economy that demands increasingly higher skills.”

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Comments (10)
  1. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    The House GOP caucus bears out this article.

  2. copper says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    My goodness, what a surprise.

    (In today’s world, Biggerpicture and I are now having a dialog.)

  3. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    As predicted would happen for decades.

    Obvious result from the liberal decay in the education system.

    The goal … the dumbing down of America.

  4. Raina H. says - Posted: October 10, 2013

    Idiocracy. We are on the path to Idiocracy (great movie btw). It isn’t just math and technology. Spelling, reading in general, history, the people are becoming increasingly ignorant over time. If we continue to lower the standards and provide academic crutches what more can we expect than a society of dummies. Politics are not the only thing at play here. It’s on us, all of us, to teach these kids better. Stop lowering the bar. Strive for better. About a year ago I was told by a cashier at a local clothing store that she couldn’t ring up my purchase because her register wasn’t ringing things up properly and since the shirt was 15% off she wouldn’t know how much to charge me. How does one graduate High School not knowing how to find 15%? I could have left and bought a shirt elsewhere but it was more important to make sure this never happened to her again. So I stood there band taught her how to find 15%. Sad :(

  5. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    It is easy to find 15%. Here at SLT they live in areas where houses are over $300K, autos without dents, they go to Protestant churches. The real? is, what will the 85% do when they wake up and realize the constitution is the worst joke in their existence.

  6. dan Wilvers says - Posted: October 11, 2013

    let’s see 4 slams and a single comment about the article. That puts us at 20%.

    Whew, I was worried for a moment the article was about the LTN readers.

  7. hmmm... says - Posted: October 17, 2013

    Well CJ they certainly succeeded in dumbing down your ability to think clearly. I guess when a person “KNOWS” that EVERYTHING is a Liberal plot to destroy true Americanism they don’t have to employ critical thinking skills. “If the only tool you have is hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”-Abraham Maslow.

  8. Justice says - Posted: October 17, 2013

    Could be the doubling of those on welfare in five years, the look-for work requirement eliminated to be on welfare, about a hundred million out of the work force on SSI/SSDI along with the open borders, the border security act of 2006 defunded, and millions in the country illegally on free govt. entitlements and in the public schools requiring ESL classes is a disaster as is the liberal media covering it up.

  9. Orale says - Posted: October 17, 2013

    stop making stupid people famous.


    kill your television

  10. Raina H. says - Posted: October 17, 2013

    Filter the fluoride out of your water. It makes the kids dumb.