Opinion: Tahoe inspires planning professionals


By Joanne Marchetta

As planning professionals from 13 states converge on Lake Tahoe this week for the annual Western States American Planning Association Conference, Tahoe’s record of environmental protection and land use planning are taking the regional stage. A few of the attendees on Monday shared with me their excitement over having the conference in Lake Tahoe this year. Besides the spectacular fall weather and incredible surroundings, Tahoe is full of hidden interest about what makes this a special and challenging place for what planners call “place-making”.

Professional and citizen planners from around the nation and the globe look to our mountain home as a leader in environmental management and trendsetting policies, and Tahoe offers lessons to those who want to carry away its wisdom. The Lake Tahoe Regional Plan, Transportation Plan, and Environmental Improvement Program are headliner topics this week for the three-day conference in which attendees study innovations in the topics of growth, redevelopment, and environmental improvement.

Joanne Marchetta

Joanne Marchetta

So, what makes Tahoe the place that it is? The 11th deepest lake on the planet? The second largest at this elevation? The 39 trillion gallons of water it holds? Yes, but Tahoe was also one of the first places in the nation that started looking at planning at a regional, landscape scale. There are over 200 multi-state compact agencies nationwide, but TRPA is unique by being the only regional agency with the authority to implement land use and environmental regulations. We also started earlier here, more than 40 years ago, to protect the lake first against nutrient pollution, banning septic systems and requiring that all treated sewage be exported outside the watershed. We’ve continued that epic charge with water quality best management practices, pollutant reduction targets, and stream restoration among other measures.

Our small, permanent population of 55,000 contrasts with a huge influx of between 3 million and 5 million visitors each year. On Tahoe’s mostly small, two-lane roadway system, we have to manage spikes of 300,000 people or more on peak holiday weekends. Of particular interest to planners coming from other areas is the fact that we have one of the strongest growth control systems in the nation that prohibits new subdivisions and stopped new development on sensitive lands. These are the characteristics that generate so much interest from planners around the nation who are facing the dual challenges of dwindling natural resources and population growth.

The award-winning updates to the Lake Tahoe Regional Plan are taking center stage in many of the conference’s 30 workshop sessions. The new Regional Plan for Tahoe embodies a growing trend in planning: to collaborate more broadly across sectors and across jurisdictions and move more toward regional-scale work. Many new alliances and partnerships are being spawned across the country recognizing the need to scale up planning to this landscape, ecosystem level in order to become more effective at addressing emerging land use, transportation, and conservation problems.

TRPA recognizes that regulation alone is not enough to restore Lake Tahoe and the restoration effort called the Environmental Improvement Program is an equally important part of the conference events. The EIP is one of the most comprehensive, large-scale investments in environmental restoration in the nation, on the scale of the conservation work at other great water bodies like Chesapeake Bay, Everglades, Puget Sound, and Great Lakes.

The conference this week highlights the role that Lake Tahoe has on the national and international stage of environmental conservation and development planning, but what we can all be proud of is the positive results that are beginning to show from our combined efforts. The loss of lake clarity has flattened and more than 60 percent of TRPA’s environmental standards are in attainment or improving. Tahoe’s land and water is special to us, but the knowledge and experience we have to offer others may be more meaningful than we imagine.

Joanne Marchetta is executive director of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency.



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Comments (4)
  1. Garry Bowen says - Posted: October 16, 2013

    As a participant in the conference of the Western Mountain Region American Institute of Architects a few years ago, in which a Sustainable Design Assessment Team project (through the AIA’s Center for Communities by Design), done for a 7-county Northern Nevada Region, was a featured part of the agenda for those attending (from presumably the same 10-13 states) was shared at Incline Village’s Hyatt. . .

    It would be interesting to know how many APA members are aware that a global sustainability framework (that I’ve used for years) was “adopted & ratified” by the APA nationally, in both New York City and Washington, D.C. in the year 2000 – that would be tremendous guidance in their everyday but long-term work, if only ‘status quo’ behavior allowed them more latitude in vision. . .

    Given the increasingly stubborn infrastructural problems “everywhere” has, I’m glad that they may be getting inspiration from work done here, especially if it inspires becoming more effective at effectuating planning that is “problem-soluble” without being so “path-dependent”. . .

    Sustainability (therefore sustainable design) is mostly about guidance of human behavior and it’s impacts, so to the degree we affect human behavior, we will affect its’ impact – but that work is not to be done in a vacuum. . . which still leaves results to be determined by the laws of unintended consequences, as they mostly still are. . .

  2. Observer says - Posted: October 16, 2013

    TRPA does not represent the pinnacle of the planning process by ant stretch. Wouldn’t it be nice to see that spotlighted at this convention? They have had a never ending supply of young but inexperienced planners because they could only afford the new grads, who had only book learning for knowledge, notoriously out of touch with the realities of getting something done.

    How many acronym programs have we gone through to get where we are? “Path dependent” certainly describes what I have seen of TRPA programs since 1982 when I began to follow it after becoming a home owner.
    The bigger joke of them all was the “Triple Bottom Line”

    No solutions outside the Pathway seemed to ever get attention.

    Now the goal is less algae and clearer water at any price, at any cost. Hardly a sustainable program in my opinion as all the facilities require maintenance, which costs money and there is a dwindling supply of that to pursue it. How long will it be before we see “TRPA assessment” appearing on our tax statements like the fire levies do?

  3. John Adamski says - Posted: October 17, 2013

    ‘Professional and citizen planners from around the nation and the globe look to our mountain home as a leader in environmental management and trendsetting policies, and Tahoe offers lessons to those who want to carry away its wisdom’.
    I think people from the outside will realize we have a Fed Agency “dictatorship” sponsored by funding that should have been pulled with the gov shutdown.
    What a shame that we have an agency that was originally created to protect the lake turn into a self serving administration who is bought and paid for by outside corporate development.
    Follow the money – the money that pays them big fees for Stateline development. End of story.

  4. dumbfounded says - Posted: October 26, 2013

    That picture is worth a thousand words… I see arrogance personificated.