Opinion: What did we learn from the shutdown?


By Patrick Stelmach

Government is simply a word for the things we decide to do together. And if there is one lesson that the recent 16-day government shutdown taught us, it is this: there are a lot of things we Americans have decided to do, together, and people were angry when these things were taken away.

Michelle Langbehn and hundreds of other cancer patients were heartbroken when they were denied potentially life-saving treatment protocols after the shuttering of the National Institutes of Health. World War II veterans rebelled when they couldn’t visit the monuments in Washington. Wildland firefighters were justifiably upset when they were forced to work, putting their lives in harm’s way, without pay. And it all had a ripple effect – when Yosemite National Park was closed, when spending by government agencies ground to a halt, when thousands of federal workers in Rep. Tom McClintock’s district were, in effect, furloughed, it drained $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, according to the S&P index.

This all supposedly was a fight over Obamacare, but actually it was about much, much more. The conflict centered on a fundamental question: What is the rightful place of government in our lives? During the shutdown, several competing philosophies emerged.

One philosophy, embraced by Rep. McClintock and the Tea Party faction of the GOP, held that government has no role in our lives, save for the bare essentials (and even those were threatened by the shutdown). And they were willing to sacrifice our economy to get their way. It is a shame that Rep. McClintock voted no on the measure to end the government shutdown and to avoid default, after seeing weeks of demonstrations outside his office calling for a budget deal.

The day before the vote, Oct. 15, Michelle Langbehn and California Fair Share delivered the petition signed by over 140,000 Americans urging Congress to end the shutdown and help her fight cancer. Michelle shared her inspirational story and said, “I stand here as a voting American whose voice is being ignored. We, the citizens, are the losers. We voted for politicians, like Tom McClintock, who shut down the government and put American lives at risk. We deserve better.”

The second philosophy, and one that we at California Fair Share believe in, along with most Americans, is pretty different: Let’s do all we can for an economy that works for all of us, and that gives the most people a chance at a fair shot at a good life. And a shutdown that nearly destroys all progress toward this goal is almost antithetical to this philosophy.

Is there any question that this second approach is embraced by the majority of Rep. McClintock’s constituents? Consider that after the rise of Sen. Ted Cruz and after the Tea Party overran Republican leadership in the House, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that only 24 percent of respondents held a positive view of the GOP -– the lowest such finding in the poll’s history.

And now, government is up and running again, much to the relief of Californians who want to take their families camping in Yosemite and small-business owners, from Truckee to Oakhurst, who rely on the outdoor recreation community for their livelihoods.

But the budget fights are not over. Government is only funded until January, and the issue of the debt ceiling will return a month later. Now is a good time for all of us to reflect on the proper role of government in our lives and our priorities as a nation, and, most importantly, how we might align these two things.

Patrick Stelmach is the state organizer for California Fair Share.


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Comments (32)
  1. tahoe Pizza Eater says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    This is all about government spending too much money. They do it to get re-elected and it’s not stopping. As we get closer to a debt disaster, an unavoidable default, the more often these votes are required to extend the debt. limit. Some people saw what was happening months ago and argued, “”let’s default now””, before the situation gets far worse. Well, now it’s getting worse, just like those people predicted months ago. They settled a budget dispute a week ago and already the same situation is predicted, this time only 3 months away. Unlike Greece, we’re too big, with too much debt, for any one to figure out a solution. BEEM ME UP SCOTTY ! ! !

  2. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    The shutdown was a side show. the national debt is the issue. Once again working Americans got the shaft from progressive liberals.

    Under Obama, Reid and Pelosi America will continue to decline.

  3. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    ‘Let’s default now’ is the new teabagger mantra?-austerity policies are ignorant enough and a worldwide failure but default is too stupid to even debate-These fringe hate guvmint wackos are nuts-Why should we give in to the demands of those that brought us economic disaster in the 1st place and were voted out-twice-bring it on with your hero ticket for the next election-Cruz/Palin 2016-You can change the motto on your snake flag from ‘don’t tread on me’ to ‘don’t laugh at me’

  4. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    A country built on federal documents that were never literally enforced,……….

  5. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Working Americans should stop!

    Bring the government leaches to their knees and show them who is the power in this country, The Doers and Makers. Show the leaches who is boss.

    This cronified progressive liberal government is enslaving us and if you don’t want to be a slave…STOP WORKING and demand this house be put back in fiscal order.

    In November, there is a meeting on the Government employee pension crisis in South Lake Tahoe.

    I don’t think they are showing us the real numbers yet, our government lies to us about so much that it’s like pealing back an onion. Just the same, you tax payers will flip out, and then when the true retirement debt numbers come out you surfs are going to need smellin’ salts to get you off the floor.

  6. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Come on Patrick,

    “And they were willing to sacrifice our economy to get their way.”

    What a bunch of “sky is falling” hype… just like the sequester.. OMG the sky will fall.

    Use your brain better than that, start recognizing the lies and deceit.

    Most of all recognize that the Problem is the debt we are running up – it is the problem! This theatrics that you fall for is the side-show. Hang your head in shame for being fooled again.

  7. dumbfounded says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Hey CJ, I’ll gladly remind you that it wasn’t progressive liberals that wasted well over a trillion dollars in just a couple of years. We agree that there is entirely too much spending going on, but to try to blame “progressive liberals” is absurd.

  8. Tahoedad says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    The budget and debt were not the issues in the government shutdown and near default. It was a futile obsession by McClintock and company to hold the country hostage to stop a law from proceeding they don’t like. And whatever you think about the health care law, you can only support the damage the shutdown did if you’d also support Democrats using the same manuever to sabotage a law passed by Rrpublicans. I wouldn’t, would you?

    As to the debt — the largest drivers over the last 13 years have been 2 worthless wars (costing trillions), massive increases in military and intelligence budgets, combined with tax cuts for the rich, and deregulation of wall street that led to the bailout & financial meltdown. Where was the righteous anger against those budget-busting moves when they were being foisted upon us by George Bush and Dick “deficits don’t matter” Cheney?

    Now that the bills are coming due for all that, it’s not exactly a justifiable position for those who supported wars financed by bond sales to take a stand against repayment.

    The deficit has actually come down this year, a fact not often reported on Fox News. Still, there’s a long way to go and some real choices to be made on how to get there — do we need to spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined? Do we need to allow continuing massive loopholes for corporations and hedge fund managers?

    Those type of conversations about how we spend our money and balance our budget should happen in the budget process, not held at gun point by a faction of one party insisting on getting their way at all costs.

    If you like what just happened, including the hit to small businesses and the economy caused by McClintock and fellow tea partiers, vote him back in. If not, toss him out.

  9. suspiciousmind says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Politics at its worst. Veterans who took bullets their way were not allowed to visit their memorial, while illegal aliens were given carte blanche to rally on the closed mall. Some country, eh?

  10. Old Timer says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    This is what I learned

    Government Shutdown Takes Preparation….

    Did anyone besides me wonder how they got all those signs distributed far and wide, including to all the national parks, and cemeteries overseas only eight to ten hours after the government shut down?

    I have worked in the government on and off for 40 years. During that time I became quite familiar with requisitions, bidding, awarding contracts etc. It is a time consuming process with bean-counters and pencil-necked bureaucrats every inch of the way. The simplest request takes months not days or hours.

    In less than 8 hours of the shutdown, miraculously, professionally printed 3X4 foot signs appeared all over the country in the tens of thousands saying-“this [park, facility, etc. with custom logos] closed due to government shutdown. There has not been a government shutdown in 17 years. These signs were designed, specifications were determined, signs were then requisitioned, bids were posted and vetted, government contracts were awarded. The materials were then ordered and the signs manufactured then distributed

    This shutdown was orchestrated and planned well in advance at least 6-8 months ago. Millions of tax dollars were appropriated and spent. There is a paper trail a mile long, if anyone bothers to look, leading directly to the White House.

  11. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    CJ McCoy:

    “In November, there is a meeting on the Government employee pension crisis in South Lake Tahoe.”

    Would you please provide more information about the above November meeting to which you referred. Is this meeting a City Meeting? If yes, from where did you get the above information? The City Council agenda packet for the November 5th City Council meeting has not been publicly released yet and is not on the City’s website.

    Thank you.

  12. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    old timer-Thanks for those bizarro world non facts repeated directly from non fact central for dummies- worldnutdaily -and thanks for moving to Arizona so nobody in the City has to listen to your non stop hate in person anymore

  13. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    I think anyone bothering to look for a trail would see that all roads lead to the Koch brothers.

  14. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    4-mer whatever…

    Coming from a party with the likes of George Soros you are a mockery of logic.

  15. Marlene at Tahoe says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Primarily that “We the People” have no adult leadership in Washington – supposedly the Capital of our country.

    That the controlled media sets the narrative and the ignorant and “Gutless Wonders” that have been elected, slink off at the mere challange by the gangsters that are orchestrating this demise of our county, while “We the TAXPAYERS” get the shaft $$$!

    It might be wise to pay attention to what else is being stewed up during each one of these “Rule by Crisis” events is going on.

    We have had 5 years of NO BUDGETS with this administration, which by the way is ILLEGAL. But no one is enforing this??


    An agenda is being promoted by continuing resolution and EXECUTIVE ORDERS — most of which are in violation of the CONSTITUTION!!
    and this pack of baboons fumbles.


    #1. Why are we giving $1.5 Billion to Pakistan in aid??? Our sworn enemy.

  16. Arod says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Please let’s vote out McClintock. He and his teabagger constituents are a traitorous bunch.

  17. k9woods says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Thanks for writing this…how soon we forget that the real targets are. We started down this path when the Republicans rebuffed the President’s offer of $10 in cuts for every $1 in new revenue. The cuts would have preserved our earned benefits programs and put us firmly on a path toward balancing the budget over 10 years. But, nooooooooo, that wasn’t good enough because Ryan, channeling Ayn Rand, determined and convinced his party that only the elderly, poor and those who can’t afford to line his pocket with gold should pay the price. So we ended up with the Simpson-Bowles “sequestration” cuts that underfunds everyone.

    I have never voted for Tom McClintock, I never will vote for Tom McClintock or anyone of is ilk. I have told him so before in writing and calls to his office. Republicans are now pointing at the Tea Party and blaming them for this….well, party crashers don’t have o be welcomed with open arms and given the voice these mean-spirited, selfish, hate-filled poor excuses for human beings represent.

    Where are the Eisenhower Republicans?

  18. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    CJ McCoy:

    You never answered my question but instead resorted to name calling. I’ll ask it again and shall await whether you will answer. Likely you won’t.

    “In November, there is a meeting on the Government employee pension crisis in South Lake Tahoe.”

    Would you please provide more information about the above November meeting to which you referred. Is this meeting a City Meeting? If yes, from where did you get the above information? The City Council agenda packet for the November 5th City Council meeting has not been publicly released yet and is not on the City’s website.

  19. 4-mer-usmc says - Posted: October 20, 2013


    “Where are the Eisenhower Republicans?”

    All those civilized and respected Republicans who actually cared about this country, cared about its people, and who worked hard with the opposing political party to make things better for everyone are long gone. They have since been replaced with rude, loud-mouthed, self-serving liars whose only real concern is their self and what they can get.

  20. Louis says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    All of you are wrong. Those blaming Republicans are wrong. Those blaming Democrats are wrong.

    Both sides don’t care about you. Both sides know that creating controversy means they can go back to their voters and say, oh this side is wrong and I am fighting them for YOU.

    Really both sides of the aisle agree on a great many things, that’s how billions get sent to countries like Pakistan. They answer to those who can get them votes and money (thus power).

    Oh there are historical problems, like years ago when the Republican legislature (led by Gingrich) worked with Clinton to create balanced budgets. Clinton got the credit for that so there is no way Republicans will let a Democrat get away with that ever again.

    But it all boils down to this, they are so far removed from everyday people’s problems and struggles and dealing with so many more macro issues they just don’t have time to care. You can scream all you want that they work for us, but in reality, we are a Republic, we elect a few to go forth and deal with these problems. They are so busy playing the game to even care.

  21. Biggerpicture says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Marlene, since when has Pakistan been our sworn enemy? You seem to be making things up just like your hero Sarah “The Quitter” Palin.

  22. CJ McCoy says - Posted: October 20, 2013


    I looked all over and could not find anything here.




  23. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Yeah Bill, stop being racest.

    There is no way they can play that off as a typo, they wrote ‘racest’ twice.
    Earlier, dawg was being ‘sexest’ about Hillary. Why don’t you call her out for ‘sexesm’ CJ?

    Another A+ comment from the local conservatives.
    hahahaha what a bunch of clowns.

  24. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    CJ PubworksTV-‘and this pack of baboons fumbles’ in Marlenes post above-gee wrong again?

  25. Dogula says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    Did none of you know that a group of baboons is called a ‘congress’?

    The most racist people I see on these pages are the leftists. They imagine and accuse racism everywhere. When in reality, it’s in THEIR hearts. It’s the thief who always assumes someone is trying to steal from him, it’s the dishonest man who see dishonesty in everyone else.
    Look at your own hearts, you who are so quick to accuse.

  26. TeaTotal says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    dogula- thats wrong again-imagine my surprise!-a group of baboons is called a troop by real world scientific types-a group of teabaggers however is rightfully called a ‘baboon’

  27. Dogula says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    This site has become nothing but a nasty, childish bunch of people insulting each other. Nobody is listening to anything anybody says, it’s just one-upsmanship and rudeness.
    Enjoy your bigotry while you slap each other on the backs for being superior to those who see things differently.

  28. cosa pescado says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    I don’t think someone who is bigoted towards 23% of the worlds population should be calling anyone a bigot. Maybe it takes one to know one? You should really excuse yourself from any discussion on prejudice.

    Aaaaand once again..

    You were so sure of that one weren’t you? Getting all condescending but then those pesky facts got in the way of an almost certain victory. Oh man that is funny. Better than ‘racest’. I didn’t think anyone would beat the one for at least a week.

    You should really start verifying your sources. You are constantly embarrassed by them.

  29. oldtimer says - Posted: October 20, 2013

    your wrong about Oldtimer, he lives in Gardnerville, and never has lived in the City,ever. but I’ll bet that I know you and you don’t have a clue who I am. but you are an interesting person. What is more, known as a low information voter.

  30. Tahoedad says - Posted: October 21, 2013

    Lost in this thread is the main point of the article — what did we learn from the shutdown?

    Two questions for those who supported McClintock’s decision to shut the government down and threaten default to stop a law he couldn’t stop through the normal legislative, electoral and legal process:

    1. Were the economic and other costs of the shutdown and near default worth the benefits (were there any?)?

    2. Would you support Democrats using the same tactics to sabotage a law passed by Republicans (an anti-environmental or labor law, for example)?

  31. sandsconnect says - Posted: October 24, 2013

    The shutdown was about a small fringe faction of the GOP wanting to stop government in its tracks to stop Obabmacare, don’t turn this into some heroic act. Furthermore this is all about money in government b/c there would be no Tea Party if it weren’t for a few filthy rich people funding these guys. The Tea Party came around same time as Citizens United, not a coincidence. We are all getting royally screwed by a few Rich Racists Haters (ruining the GOP) that want things exactly thier way. Truth bombed…