Round Hill Pines Beach under new management


By Kathryn Reed

Round Hill Pines Beach will have new operators for the first time since 1968.

While Frank and Susan Forvilly wanted to keep operating the Nevada beach, the U.S. Forest Service said no. Instead, it was revealed Nov. 15 that Bob and Tammy Hassett will take over the operations starting with the 2014 season.

Four bids from potential concessionaires were submitted to the Forest Service. Per federal law the Forest Service does not have to disclose who the bidders were.

Round Hill Pines beach will have a new concessionaire for the first time in 46 years. Photo/LTN file

Round Hill Pines beach will have a new concessionaire for the first time in 46 years. Photo/LTN file

Douglas County had long been after the Forest Service to make changes to the popular beach area. Bid documents were finally released last December. Deadline extensions and the government shutdown delayed the process.

Steve Mokrohisky, Douglas County manager, was not available for comment.

Bob Hassett, per his MO, did not return phone calls. Hassett also operates the marinas at Camp Richardson, Timber Cove and Lakeside, as well as owns the Beacon Restaurant. (Earlier this year he sold the Fresh Ketch restaurant.)

Since 1984 the Forest Service has owned this half-mile of beach that includes a food area, pool and marina.

“Improvements could occur within 12-18 months, dependent on the completion of the (National Environmental Policy Act) process. The NEPA process will include public involvement. We want the community to have a voice in the redevelopment of the property, with the goal of ensuring that Round Hill Pines remains a family-oriented resort,” Cheva Heck, USFS spokeswoman, told Lake Tahoe News.

In the past this area had overnight accommodations. The Hassetts want to bring that back. New cabins will likely be built where the boarded up cabins sit at the top of the road before people descend to the beach. Yurt-like structures, which are all the rage, may also be built. Expect tent camping, too.

The current facilities are run down. The Hassetts want to change all of that. Rehabbing the historic lodge and adding food service are possible. Restrooms and showers are coming. The Forest Service said the Hassetts want to build a new day lodge to replace the restaurants that exist now. This would include room for special events and a camp store. The pool will also get a face-lift.

They also want to improve the entrance off the highway. Coming from the west the left turn to the beach area is a bit precarious because of how fast traffic is going in both directions.

Improved parking for vehicles and bikes are in the plans. More cyclists are expected to access the beach now that a trail goes to it from Stateline.

The beach is idyllic, with Mount Tallac a distinct fixture across the lake. This is a popular place for weddings because of the natural environment. A special event pavilion has been proposed.

The Hassetts have a 30-year lease to operate the facility. Financial details have not been released. But what the Hassetts pay the Forest Service will fluctuate based on the investment they make into the property.

It is not yet known if the entrance fee will increase. The Hassetts will propose a rate to the Forest Service, and the feds have ultimate say over that fee.


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Comments (41)
  1. Dogula says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Sounds like lots of interesting plans. . . no mention though, of improving the access to the beach from the highway. That’s got to be one of the most dangerous spots on 50!
    A turn lane is the FIRST thing they need to do up there. It’s ridiculous, people trying to make a left turn into that beach on a curve from the fast lane are taking their lives in their hands. Not to mention all the other folks rippin’ by at 45 mph.
    How ’bout they fix that before fixing everything else and increasing traffic into the facility?

  2. Biggerpicture says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Dog, you nailed it!

    I call it the “left turn of death”.

  3. TeaTotal says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    That is a white knuckle turn and it isn’t mentioned in the article as a problem-except where its mentioned in the article as a problem

  4. Liz says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Frank and Suzan kept RHP one of the few family friendly beaches. Hope it stays that way! We don’t need more Zephyr Cove or Camp Richardson beaches! And yes – putting in a turning lane from Highway 50 is a must.

  5. Old Long Skiis says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    I agree with Dogula, Bigger, Tea and Liz. A turning lane should be a top prority! Scary sittin’ there on the Hiway as cars come flyin’ over the crest of that hill leaving Round Hill, waiting for a break in traffic from oncoming cars going in the other direction. C’mon NDOT, it’s long overdue. Other than that the plans sound great. A great old resort that could just use a little fixing up. Good luck Hassetts!!! Old Long Skiis

  6. Dogula says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Sorry, I missed the ONE sentence referencing the highway issue. But I really think it deserves more than one sentence. It’s a death trap. Far more important than all the new buildings they plan.

  7. worldcycle says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Oh yea Dog, one more typo…… “rippin’ by at 45 mph”. Tongue in cheek I am sure.

  8. Dogula says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Well, that’s the posted speed limit. Most are going considerably faster, and in that particular spot, when drivers are not expecting someone to be stopped in the fast lane, even THAT is a hazardous speed.
    Not sure why that’s an issue for you? Or have you decided to join the crew that waits for my slightest error to pounce?

  9. observer says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Hey Dog….
    Instead of making excuses and whining about your perceived abuse from “the crew”, maybe you need to read an article twice and put your brain in gear before you grab your keyboard.

    This would perhaps eliminate half of the thread of comments on this…(yes, including mine).

    There are good things, and progress on a lot of points, and we need to recognize them

  10. Matt Lincoln says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Another terrible move for Tahoe. This is one of the last few family operations that have stayed true to Lake Tahoe. The last thing we need is another Camp Rich, Lakeside, or Timber Cove.

  11. copper says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Y’all need to realize that NDOT mostly makes decisions based on statistics. Get a few folks killed, they might consider changing things. Any volunteers?

    I’m a former California resident(for over 50 years), living in Nevada for close to 20 years. You guys complaining about CALTRANS should see the screwball stuff NDOT does. Or ignores.

  12. Perry R. Obray says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Looks to be that private public cooperation on desired progress that has been verbalized about on south shore is working.

  13. kelley says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Congrats to the Hassetts for taking on this challenge and im sure great things will come to RHP. Camp Richardson is such a success, im sure that will be the case with RHP.

  14. worldcycle says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    No Dog, not your slightest error. “tongue in cheek” Maybe a smilie face as well to show that I recognized your subliminal sarcasm when you stated “rippin’ by at 45” If Douglas County ever really needs to boost their income, any part of Highway 50 makes the perfect speed trap.

  15. worldcycle says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    I agree with Kelly. Whats wrong with Camp Rich? Maintaining a business involves a constant infusion of money (overhead) to keep it nice. Have you really been down there lately? It is obvious that some of the “profit” should of been used as “overhead”

    Incidentally, this is in Nevada and the verbalized public cooperation for progress still has yet to make any major headway in South Lake Tahoe. Undoubtedly Reaganomics will be at work here as we receive the trickle down result of people going to Nevada to spend their money.

    Sigh….. Maybe I should just admit my way of thinking is wrong and belly up to the bar with the rest of the folks who believe in retail rather than recreation as our towns future.

  16. Parker says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    Round Hill Pines is in an awesome setting!! I don’t know who disagrees with the sentiment that the facilities there are subpar for such a location. And in fact have been deteriorating over time!

    Who’s to blame may be up for debate? Some may say the Forest Service didn’t give clear enough direction to the soon-to-be past concessionaires on what they expected from their mgt. of the location?

    But the ones our elected officials put in place to decide who gets to manage Round Hill Pines for the next 30 yrs., clearly weren’t happy the current operators! There were at least 3 other bidders besides The Forvillys and Hassetts. (And originally 4, as Aramark pulled out of the bidding.)

    They all wouldn’t have put in bids if there hadn’t been a signal from the Forest Service that they were looking for a change! Even the Forvillys felt the need to get a new partner to give their operation a semi-new face.

    Ultimately, The Forest Service liked what they saw in how Camp Rich. has been run, and gave that entity the Round Hill concession.

    Let’s hope all the improvements materialize! And that Round Hill Pines will soon have the facilities and amenities to match its location!

  17. Toogee says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    From renting jet skis on the beach to where they are now, I would say that the Hassett’s have the Midas touch, and all achieved by hard work. Congrats on the being awarded the concession! The USFS and the South Shore as a whole will be well served by this change.

  18. Sasha says - Posted: November 16, 2013

    This change has long been overdue.
    The Forvillys ran this resort for their own profit, and thought it would never change hands. They had over 40 years to show improvements, and that did not happen! Except a new bar on the beach and a small facelift to the snack bar area.

    Change is good!!!!

    Congratulations to the new owners!


  19. Gaspen Aspen says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    “The last thing we need is another Camp Rich, Lakeside, or Timber Cove”. Couldn’t agree more Matt.

    Nothing wrong with Camp Rich/Beacon if you want to be around constantly over served drunken idiots.

  20. Parker says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    Last time I was at Round Hill, there were a lot of over served individuals! And interestingly, a lot of them were enjoying the drink that Round Hill got from the Beacon, The Rum Runner.

    And I bet what the USFS liked about the Camp Rich. operation is that it spends way more than Round Hill has on bonded security!

    Yet, I will reiterate what some others have said. Round Hill has always had a nice casual atmosphere that I hope is maintained!

  21. George W. says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    Our Friend lived in the house by gate in the 50’s its been gone for years. That is the only change. In the 70’s we went there only once a year for the Sahara party. Lately it gets heavy summer use. The cabins need restoration and the beach needs many more toilets, there should be a limited capacity at gate or parking lot. Lets keep things the way the they were. Leave the people in our community a spot to sit on the beach. Even now it is hard sometimes,

  22. Shayne Warnick says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    Parker, did you really just insinuate that RHP got the ‘rum runner’ from camp rich? How can you claim the rum runner drink is a camp rich exclusive/created drink? I’m pretty sure the Rum Runner originated in the Florida Keys.

    Regardless of where/who created the run runner drink it is in no way exclusive to any place. That would be like making the same corrolation to the martini and say NYC…

    When you make ridiculous comments, it takes credibility away.

    It is VERY sad to see the Forvillys go from RHP. The beach and the family is close to our family. The family atmosphere will be greatly missed. I can’t see that it will remain. As for our family, we will be enjoying the beach and lakeshore elsewhere.

  23. Dana says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    Indeed, very sad to hear, I had hoped the Forvilly’s would get to maintain the place that my family has been coming to for years. I cant imagine visiting the place without them there.

  24. Parker says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    Where did I say Camp Rich. invented it? Where? They were though serving it in Tahoe long before Round Hill was! And did market and promote the name long before Round Hill did!

    A slurpee with a lot of rum is certainly nothing new. But it’s just interesting that Round Hill didn’t even come up with an original name for it. Such as a ‘Wet Woody’! But rather after it became known at The Beacon, Round Hill used the concept and same name. Nothing ridiculous or inaccurate there! Just the fact!!

    So if you’re disappointed in the USFS decision, no need to put words in someone’s mouth and falsely go after them personally. Write your Congressman!

    But it is unfortunate when anyone is displaced! A common complaint about Lake Tahoe is how restricted the access and recreational opportunities are to this jewel of a Lake! Instead of making each concession so coveted, maybe there should be more recreational/access outlets made available?

  25. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    “Where did I say Camp Rich. invented it? Where?”

    “the drink that Round Hill got from the Beacon, The Rum Runner. ”

    “Parker, did you really just insinuate that RHP got the ‘rum runner’ from camp rich? ”


  26. tahoeadvocate says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    Bob Hassett runs first class operations.
    Round Hill will see improvements.

  27. Shayne Warnick says - Posted: November 17, 2013

    We ordered a martini the other night. Martinis were obviously made in bigger cities before this certain restaurant here in Tahoe did and was even in operation. I am outraged they didn’t come up with they’re own name for the drink.

    See how ridiculous that sounds…?

    What’s more ridiculous is that a specific drink being served is even part of this dialogue. This issue has nothing to do with anything of the sort.

    Regardless, we live in a beautiful place with so many ways and places to enjoy what we have. This beach will continue to be busy and popular. It is absolutely a beautiful spot. One of our favorites since we were children, and now taking our kids there was awesome. The new guy will have success there. Hard not to. My family will just be enjoying our summers elsewhere. That’s all. Hopefully the rest of the convo in comments made here can remain so in a mature manner and a constructive dialogue can continue.

  28. Parker says - Posted: November 18, 2013

    Cosa, your obsession with me is flattering!

    Shayne, someone, I forget whom, made a point of saying that the Camp Rich. operators shouldn’t take over Round Hill because out at Camp Rich. there’s all these over served individuals there. Alcohol, plus a beach setting, creates over served individuals at Camp Rich., Zephyr, and many other places, such as Round Hill. I’ve seen it first hand!! Except at Camp Rich. I’ve seen way more security!

    That that was a critique of Camp Rich. was ridiculous! Especially considering that Round Hill attempted to go after some of that same market by copying the promotion of the Camp Rich. signature drink! People out at Round Hill don’t even deny that!

    That doesn’t mean the USFS was right or wrong in their decision. Heck, maybe they should’ve picked one of the 3 other bidders? But if there’s a rationale for critiquing the choice, it shouldn’t be about the scene at The Beacon during the Summer! As Round Hill clearly tried its best to duplicate and capture it!

  29. Beach lover says - Posted: November 18, 2013

    Those guys at the Beacon are “Staff”, not Security. I noticed their t-shirts. I heard they can’t (and won’t) have Security because there are laws the state mandates and CR didn’t want to follow it. So they have Security under the guise of Staff. Go figure. Sooner or later ABC will happen to be there is my guess. Hopefully not because I like going there and having a tasty rum runner on the beach.

  30. Shayne W says - Posted: November 18, 2013

    Yes. I’d be willing to bet at almost any ‘beach’ in the world you will find over served individuals. There’s no getting around it. It’s just part of it all for some. I’m just saying thelat RHP was the most family friendly public beach, atleast on our side of the lake. I’m confident that great improvements will be made to the property and it will continue to be successful; maybe just to a slightly different crowd.

    Tahoe summers is why we live here. Beautiful anywhere you go!

  31. Beach lover says - Posted: November 18, 2013

    Yes Shayne, with the beach comes drunken fools. I have noticed CR and Beacon have gone from family oriented to tatted thugs and anything but family. If you want to get over served, the Beacon is the place. Yes, I agree it’s not the only over serving place here. Wasn’t it the Beacon that was shut down years ago for selling drugs out of the kitchen?

  32. tahoenian says - Posted: November 18, 2013

    Ya, beaches have bars…nice argument…

    Parking is adequate for the size of the beach, so no problem there. Hopefully Hasset will take RHP back to a membership beach, and keep the tourists out. Although I’m sure the fee wouldn’t be $250 a summer like it was back in 82. Sigh.

    Cleaner bathrooms would be my only complaint. Sorry Forv, thanks for the memories!

    Lets hope this side of the lake doesn’t look like that side of the lake in 5 years. A tourist nightmare.


  33. Zoolu says - Posted: November 19, 2013

    A THREE DECADE lease?

  34. reloman says - Posted: November 19, 2013

    30 years is pretty standard for Forest Service contracts.

  35. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 19, 2013

    “Cosa, your obsession with me is flattering! ”

    I support the spread of good information, which means squashing bad information.
    You seem to be on the bad information side a lot.
    You also over use exclamation points. Are you constantly yelling and talking exuberantly? That must be really annoying.

  36. Parker says - Posted: November 19, 2013

    Gee, you don’t have anything to add to the discussion, but you want to go after me? Falsely! It’s not the first time, but then again it’s not just with me so maybe you’re obsessed with a lot of people?

    Did I say invent? Where? I was around when Camp Rich. was promoting the drink and the name, The Rum Runner, when no one else was. A slurpee, with alcohol, be it rum, or whatever, as I said, they did not invent!

    But back in the 90’s they were using the name on their advertising. And no one else in So. Shore was! Hopefully it’s now explained simply enough for you to understand?!

  37. Shayne W says - Posted: November 19, 2013

    Ok, ok, ok. “Camp Rich should be the only establishment in South Shore to market and sell the ‘Rum Runner’. They were the first.”

    Does this help in any way? Can you drop your rum runner mission now? It really has no weight in this conversation nor does it have anything to do with this article.

    Btw, Harvey’s was the first casino in town and had Blackjack tables. I can’t believe the other casinos in town also have blackjack! They even call it ‘Blackjack!’

    -Yep. Same premise. Still sounds ridiculous.

    This topic does not warrant anymore discussion.

  38. Parker says - Posted: November 20, 2013

    Shayne W.,

    You grossly distort and don’t understand what I say! You should focus on comprehending, instead of name calling. Then you just might understand?!

  39. Shayne W says - Posted: November 20, 2013

    I don’t, nor did I ‘name call’. Like I said before, this topic does not warrant anymore conversation. I had no intention on hurting yours or anyone else’s feelings. I hope you can move passed this. Life is too short to be angry about something that doesn’t matter. I will not respond again. If you really need the last word, here’s your chance! Good luck!

  40. cosa pescado says - Posted: November 20, 2013

    Parker, you never said invent, and no one ever said that you said invent. Typical logical fallacy you are pulling here. ‘putting words in peoples mouth’ about ‘people putting words in your mouth’.
    That is you making a semantics mess out of this argument, because you have nothing to stand on.

    You: “Where did I say Camp Rich. invented it? Where?”

    You: “the drink that Round Hill got from the Beacon, The Rum Runner. ”

    Them: “Parker, did you really just insinuate that RHP got the ‘rum runner’ from camp rich?”

    You didn’t insinuate that that they ‘got the rum rummer’, you actually said ‘got from the Beacon’.

    Question for you: Where did they say that you said ‘invent’?

    How many weathers in a climate?
    Can’t win the discussion, muddle it. Immature.

  41. Parker says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    Cosa, you should be happy someone played your game and has twice answered your question. A question that has nothing to do with the RHP concession changing hands, and thus is the point of this story! But rather than add to the discussion, you still obsess with me! Interesting.

    And Shayne, your repeated desire to put words in my mouth, not comprehend what I’m saying, and make completely inaccurate statements is unfortunate! I guess this whole RHP thing has gotten to you?

    But Yes, let’s move forward and hope the planned RHP improvements materialize. Our community will be the benefactor!