Giving is something to be thankful for


By Mandy Kendall

It makes sense that Thanksgiving is the perfect time to focus more intensely on giving, but sometimes it can end up being just about friends and family. Don’t get me wrong, there’s is nothing wrong with that at all, but there are many people out there not as fortunate. Thanksgiving could be a time to spread the love a little further.

No matter how big or small there are so many ways in which to give.

Here are a few Qwik-e tips to help your Thanksgiving be all about the giving.


Mandy Kendall

Mandy Kendall

Your time — There are so many places to donate your time. Organizations in your community will always be grateful for extra sets of hands, especially during the holidays. Food distribution centers or soup kitchens are usually very shorthanded at this time of year. Animal shelters are always looking for help, plus you get to spend time with really adorable animals that will love you unconditionally. Everyone is so busy I’m sure there is someone you know who would really appreciate the offer of some help, perhaps with babysitting or with a cumbersome chore. Senior centers always welcome volunteers, even if it’s just to sit and chat. You get to meet some very interesting people and often get to hear some amazing stories. This is a great website to investigate opportunities to donate your time locally in ways that you might not have thought about before.

Money — This may not be possible for everyone, but you could consider redirecting money you may be planning to spend on yourself to someone more in need. A friend puts aside money she would have spent on her daily coffee for the month of November and donates that to her favorite charity. Double your donation. Many grocery stores will offer to match a donation when you buy a bag of groceries to donate. So $10 donated will turn into $20 worth of groceries that go to a family in need.

Gifts — Finding it hard to find the perfect gift for someone? How about donating some money to a worthy cause on their behalf.

De-clutter — Are your closets full of things you never use? Clearing out and reorganizing before the holidays might just unearth some items that are suitable to donate to a local organization that will forward them to someone who could use them. If you’re making a trip to deliver items, you could ask your friends, neighbors or work colleagues if they want to donate too, saving everyone a little time and energy.


Local churches are a great source for knowing where help is needed.

Skills — Most of us have skills that we could share with others. If it’s a flair for decorating, maybe a neighbor needs a hand. Perhaps you’re an expert at computers. There will be plenty of people who need a hand getting connected.

Equipment — Many of us have expensive equipment and tools that sit in our garages mostly un-used. Offering your time and equipment to the community in need is a great way of sharing, and as a bonus you get to meet people you may have otherwise never met.

Random Act of Kindness (things you do just because.) — There are an infinite number of ways to be kind to someone, even a total stranger. Perhaps pay for someone’s meal at a diner, tip someone who wouldn’t normally get tipped or deliver a home cooked meal to a neighbor’s house. RAOKs don’t have to cost anything. Shoveling someone’s driveway or raking up his or her leaves is cost free and you get a good workout at the same time. Be anonymous if you like, that feels good too.

Happy HolidaysI

Until next time.

Mandy Kendall operates Health Connective in South Lake Tahoe, which aligns wellness seekers with their ideal wellness provider. If you have questions, would like some advice, or would like to request some Qwik-e tips on any health and well-being topic, drop her an email at or keep an eye out on Lake Tahoe News for regular Qwik-e tips on how to make healthy changes one Quick and Easy step at a time.






About author

This article was written by admin


Comments (4)
  1. Irish Wahini says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Thank you for the timely reminder of how we can share at Thanksgiving and all year long. I saw a neighborhood sign today that I love… It read:


    It might have been reversed, but it does not matter. This sign is on the gated entry of an Atherton drive…. This family always decorates their gate with a kind message relative to the season. But this message is “timeless”…..

  2. Bob Sweatt says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Thanks Mandy, volunteering is a great way to get connected to the community. Jenny and I have met so many great people by getting involved- you included. It is a lifestyle for us now!

  3. WOODY says - Posted: November 22, 2013

    Another wise, thoughtful piece. Gratitude and Generosity, together, nearly cover all the bases for me. Thank you! Happy holiday.

  4. Mandy Kendall says - Posted: November 24, 2013

    Thank you everyone!! Wishing you all a Healthy and Happy Holiday! warmest, Mandy